problems with video/content pop-up window

hi. your website works fine on my vista pc, but on my XP SP2 notebook, i have the following problem:

when i try to view pictures or videos that load in the little telltale pop-up window (you know, when the rest of the screen goes dark), it only shows me the upper left part of the homepage instead of the video player. firefox's error console says: "urchinTracker not defined"

i'm using the newest version of firefox and the flash plug-in on both computers. thats why it strikes me as so odd.

thanks guys. byebye for now.


  • edited August 2007
    Does it work fine in IE/another browser?
  • edited August 2007
    well, ya know. yeah, i guess it would work in IE, if i had the flash plug-in up to date. but i really dont like using IE, so i'd prefer to get it to work in 'fox. :)

    the thing is, i thought maybe it's a code bug and i'd just let telltale know. cause not everyone who can't access the content might come to the forum to tell. meep meep.

    btw, if that info helps, i've got javascript enabled on both pc's. i really don't know what the difference might be.
  • edited August 2007
    Oh, I wasn't suggesting you switched browsers. I was just wondering if it was a Firefox problem or a problem somewhere in your computer -- or even a problem on Telltale's end.
  • edited August 2007
    We develop in Firefox on XP, so I think odds are good it's an extension or a quirk of your install that's causing problems. What video are you trying to play?
  • edited August 2007
    ok, i see. hm. i'll try to do a clean reinstall of firefox this week and let you know. toodles.

    oh yeah, this happens on all "pop-up" videos, since i can't even get access to the player. videos that are embedded in the pages work fine though.
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