New Bone Trailer!!

HeatherleeHeatherlee Telltale Alumni
edited July 2005 in Bone
Take a look at the Bone Trailer. It is fabu-tastic.


  • edited July 2005

    I love all the character models! I always imagined the Bones' voices slightly differently, but now I think about it, I can't quite tell how I imagined them. Maybe slightly higher and less American. But whatever, I love it!

    Now I'm crying super hard that I can't play them... unless I win the PC contest ;)

    Edit: Is there somewhere we can download the trailer?
  • edited July 2005
    It looks amazing! I'm particularly impressed with the animation and excellent realization of the environments. The style of the comic is palpable. If this preview is anything to go by, we have a lot to look forward to come September.

    By the way, who will be doing the music for the game?
  • edited July 2005
    Ace. Unfortunately it does nothing to show off any of the gameplay (assuming theres anything above ye olde point and click) but I definitely like how the characters and the world are shaping up.

    Bring it on!
  • edited July 2005
    The Flash video stream is acting very slow. Is there any chance of a direct link for download?
  • edited July 2005
    ^ I second that. On (my) dialup connection, it stops every 5 seconds for about a 20 second pause. :(

    Or will it be posted to adventuregamers, gamespot & the other usual sites in due course in a different file format (Quicktime, hopefully)?
  • edited July 2005
  • edited July 2005
    Yes, yes, its really nice, BUT I couldnt enjoy this trailer because of this teribble Flash stream. It got stuck every 5 seconds with a very good computer and a very fast connection (2mb) (:| !
    Could I download the file, or at least see it in a Quicktime or Media Player?

    But besides from that it looks pretty nice! Great job... B-)
  • edited July 2005
    Hi All,

    Sorry for the inconvenience the streaming flash has caused some of you. You really do have to see this trailer, as Heather said, it's fabu-tastic! :D

    So, you can get a quicktime (25MB) here.

    The flash splash screen for the Bone section of the site has also been modified to provide a handy little link.

  • edited July 2005
    Man, you guys are unbelievably efficient at responding to feedback! I'll set up my download manager to grab it overnight & take a proper look in the morning. :D
  • edited July 2005
    I hate the Rat Creatures voices.
    The way the voice actor did the "Stupid Stupid Rat Creatures" line was horrible.

    But it's still too early to judge the whole thing.
  • edited July 2005
    Until now, I was somehow interested in this game (being partly from the ex Sam and Max 2 team and all), but the screenshots didn't really convince me, they always looked kind of empty to me.

    The trailer however makes me really enthousiastic. To see it all in motion, with music and voices shows that this game really seems to have a lot of style. Wow!

  • edited July 2005
    Hi All,

    Sorry for the inconvenience the streaming flash has caused some of you. You really do have to see this trailer, as Heather said, it's fabu-tastic! :D

    So, you can get a quicktime (25MB) here.



    You rox!
  • edited July 2005
    Ehi TTG boys don't care about this complaining! The voices are PERFECT (beatiful the introduction with singing Smiley), the graphics SUPERB and all the original feeling is in the game.
    Maybe the only flaw is the music but I suppose in this short trailer we have just had a little bite of the final game.
    So contiunue on this way!

    P.S. Will Bone have subtitles?
  • edited July 2005
    This was great! no... Perfect!

    Too bad i can't play it yet :((
  • edited July 2005
    The way the voice actor did the "Stupid Stupid Rat Creatures" line was horrible.

    I think the line just sounds horrible when it's by itself. I'm sure it plays quite better (and funnier) in the whole sequence.
  • edited July 2005
    Thought the entire seqeunce would be funnier. I think some of the voice acting doesn't seem good for that exact reason, they hardly want to spoil some of the best seqeunces, so instead they just give us a little peek at them.
  • edited July 2005
    In my opinion, Smiley, Phoney, Ted, and the Rat Creatures sound very good, Ben sounds OK (Hard to tell; her speaking is in the background while the narrator speaks), and Fone Bone....Well, not so great. He sounds way too deep and not the innocent guy I imagined.

    On the other hand, let me give an early "well done" to whoever is playing the dragon. He seriously sounds exactly like I always imagined the character to.

    It might be a wild guess, but it's possible Thorn was only shown running briefly because her model's still being fine-tuned. Any fan knows that she has to be very expressive, so they're still working kinks out.
  • edited July 2005
    the voice acting was the highlight for me.. the environments i guess with 3d you dont get as much detail and stuff as 2d but im sure i'll get used to it.. hopefully the next trailer shows off a little of the gameplay
  • edited July 2005
    It might be a wild guess, but it's possible Thorn was only shown running briefly because her model's still being fine-tuned. Any fan knows that she has to be very expressive, so they're still working kinks out.
    Yeah. :D She runs like the liquid metal Terminator.
  • edited July 2005
    to be honest: its awsome,cant wait to play this
  • edited July 2005
    Holy Cow, I can't wait to play this game now!

    The trailer is sooo nice. The characters, the backgrounds, the voices. All good. Maybe the ratcreatures could be a little less growling, but it works that as well. Smileys singing was priceless. Can't wait to see more.

    Keep up the good work, folks!
  • edited July 2005
    I probably don't need to say this since everyone else has already, but very nice job with the trailer, Telltale!

    The graphics are simply breathtaking. The animation, the landscapes, the characters - it's all amazing. Like nothing I've ever seen in realtime 3D. The characters look very good now that I see them in-game (On a side note, does anyone else get reminded of Sam the dog when Smiley smiles near the beginning of the trailer?) My only VERY minor complaint is that some of the characters have some noticably rough polygon edges (like on the rat creatures and Granma Ben), but I'm sure this is being worked out.

    The voice acting is really good all around. I wasn't expecting Fone to be so low, but on the other hand, a high and squeaky Mickey Mouse voice probably would've been annoying. I'll probably grow to like Fone's voice over time (like I did with Max in Hit the Road when I was expecting a higher voice but ended up loving the voice he has).

    Anyway, again - extremely nice job! I'm eagerly anticipating the release this September. :D
  • edited July 2005
    Something I just realized - don't know if it has been mentioned in another thread. When Fone Bone has the line "stupid, stupid, rat creatures" and they all fall down in the gorge: That is a scene from Bone Vol 2 The Great Cow Race!

    Does this mean that our first game will include stuff from both of the first two bone books?
  • edited July 2005
    Interesting point. There are four games and nine books, so some overlap is inevitable. However, since there is no Fairgrounds (for the race/fair in the second book) in the world map, I'm guessing there is very little overlap for the first game.
  • edited July 2005
    Err, the scene is from Out from Boneville. Check it out.

    Also, as far as I know there will still presumably be nine games. There's been nothing yet to confirm that article...the new Idle Thumbs preview certainly contradicts it.

    EDIT: Ah, there is a similar scene from volume 2. That must have been what you were thinking of.
  • edited July 2005
    There was a preview (not the Idle Thumbs one) that stated there would only be four games.
  • edited July 2005 claimed 4 episodes, but no-one's sure if they got the story right...
  • edited July 2005
    I hope it's four. I'd rather pay $80 than $180 :)
  • edited July 2005
    The 1-up preview was what I was referring to by "that article."
  • edited July 2005
    Err, the scene is from Out from Boneville. Check it out.

    EDIT: Ah, there is a similar scene from volume 2. That must have been what you were thinking of.

    ahh **grins embarressingly** you are right. I was just a little over-excited as I just re-read Vol 2 in color! (It just came out this month)
  • edited July 2005
    Does the color add much? I have the one-volume black & white book...
  • edited July 2005
    Does the color add much? I have the one-volume black & white book...
    Judge by yourself. I've just read the black and white comic, so I can't express my opinion on that.

    Here's page 2 in black and white:

    and in color:

    (It's being colored as we speak, afaik)
  • edited July 2005
    That's pretty cool... and of course the (few) moments when blood isn't black it will be a wonderful shade of red, we can hope.

  • edited July 2005
    Having seen the comic (or any comic) in black and white, I always think it looks weird when color is added to it. As if the drawings actually lost detail (or something else crucial) rather than gained it. On the other hand, if my first introduction to the material was when it was already colored, I'd be all "WTF, mate?" if someone gave me the b&w version.

    Weird, huh?
  • edited July 2005
    The problem with coloring material that was already black and white is that it does seem to lose detail, as black & white is all about contrast, but ends up with half of the comic already being black and therefore uncolorable.

    As a general rule, I prefer black and white. It can be far more stylized (look at the Sin City comics, but only if you're old enough [:P]) and also drawn by a very small (one-man) team with a low budget. I can't really think of any independents who could do the Marvel Ultimate level of coloring.
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