Woohoo!! I got mine!!



  • edited September 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    you shouldn't put it next to the pizza. if it get's greasy you have to order a new one..:rolleyes:

    I couldn't decide what I liked more yesterday: the DVD or the pizza! I mean - cheese, onion, mushrooms, ham, salami, asparaguses, capers, olives ...! :p
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Laserschwert, please send an email to support@telltalegames.com - list out what was damaged and we'll get you replacements.
    My DVD and casefile is ready for collection at my local UK post office. Right after I pay the £51.95 customs charge!! This CANNOT be correct for a $15 shipment can it??

    No, it can't. We had another customer today who had a high customs charge because there was an incorrect amount written on the customs form. We are looking into it right now.

    If possible, please check what the value is on the customs form (it should only be about $10), and also ask the customs people to open it and look for the invoice. Just in case it doesn't contain one, I'm going to email you an invoice that has the item amounts on it that you can show the customs officers. Worst case, refuse the package and we'll get it straightened out on a different shipment. If you pay the incorrect customs fee, it's going to be harder for us to get you your money back later.

    EDIT: I sent you an email but was having trouble sending it. Please let me know if you received it or not.
  • edited September 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Laserschwert, please send an email to support@telltalegames.com - list out what was damaged and we'll get you replacement.

    Yeah, I will... I'll include photos.
  • edited September 2007
    Woohoo!! I didn't get mine!!
    Does the DVD take longer then the rest of the stuff? I got my soundtrack, sketchbook and print in two weeks, and it's been 3 weeks and counting with the DVD and casefile.

    Another cold...lonely weekend... lol
  • edited September 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Woohoo!! I didn't get mine!!
    Does the DVD take longer then the rest of the stuff? I got my soundtrack, sketchbook and print in two weeks, and it's been 3 weeks and counting with the DVD and casefile.

    Another cold...lonely weekend... lol

    Do you not get the post on a Saturday?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Woohoo!! I didn't get mine!!
    Does the DVD take longer then the rest of the stuff?

    There's no reason that it should, but stranger things have happened.

    I hope you get it soon.
  • edited September 2007
    Does anyone have a gauge of how long it took their stuff to get to Australia? Mine shipped on August 17 and it hasn't arrived yet.
  • edited September 2007
    Mine (DVD & Case File) shipped 17 August, arrived 27th-ish, can't remember the exact date.

    Yours may be lost in transition or something. Then again, Marty in Sydney said his took ages to arrive, but it eventually did. Held up in customs or something cos the declaration just says "Software".
  • edited September 2007
    Do you not get the post on a Saturday?

    I live in Canada and the mail doesn't run on Saturday or Sunday. Mailmen need time off too!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Azza, we've had some international customers report 4-5 week shipping times. If you haven't received it by mid-September, send an email to support@telltalegames.com to let us know.

    Regarding the customs forms just saying "software" even if your package doesn't contain software - months ago I tried to bring this up with our fulfillment house and was told it wasn't an issue. Since people are reporting it again, I brought it up again today and hopefully we can get it resolved his time.
  • edited September 2007
    Yay, my DVD and Casefile arrived on tuesday :D this is the first chance ive had to post about it :) all very cool stuff :D
    Unfortunately the Reality 2.0 goggles got a bit damaged by the back of the pin but im not too worried :) They both have a special place in my collection :D
  • edited September 2007
    They are hypno glasses from Episode One
  • edited September 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    They are hypno glasses from Episode One

    I stand corrected :p either way they still have a special place in my collection :)
  • edited September 2007
    Must admit I'm starting to get a bit worried now. Almost four weeks now, but then, the danish customs never worked very fast. Would've probably helped a lot if you had the price along with software on the customs form or whatnot.
  • edited September 2007
    Just wondering how long will the DVD and Game take to get to the UK? I am probably going to order it today.
  • edited September 2007
    evilguy12 wrote: »
    Just wondering how long will the DVD and Game take to get to the UK? I am probably going to order it today.

    2-4 weeks.
  • edited September 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Azza, we've had some international customers report 4-5 week shipping times. If you haven't received it by mid-September, send an email to support@telltalegames.com to let us know.

    Disc and case file came today, at long last. Case file is fantastic, I wish more game companies would do stuff like that, it adds heaps to the game itself. Once again Telltale, you have shown that fancy graphics are not the only thing that makes a game great.

    P.S. I'm wondering if
    Theodore Dudebrough
    is going to show up in season two? Maybe as part of a card game of some sort?
  • edited September 2007
    He's still missing :(
  • edited September 2007
    I'm feeling pretty good about today! Most packages for me come on mondays!
  • edited September 2007
    azza29 wrote: »
    Disc and case file came today, at long last. Case file is fantastic, I wish more game companies would do stuff like that, it adds heaps to the game itself. Once again Telltale, you have shown that fancy graphics are not the only thing that makes a game great.

    Mine came today too :D I'm assuming that Australian post could have been held up by extra customs inspections for APEC or something? Bit of a coincidence that they came through the day after it finishes :p

    My thanks to Telltale for going to the extra effort required to put the package together. It would have been much easier to simply get someone else to publish it (i.e. just have the retail version), but the whole thing (Disc, Case File) is fantastic. Kudos for going the extra mile to please your fans :)

    Now to wait for Season Two :D
  • edited September 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I'm feeling pretty good about today! Most packages for me come on mondays!

    Isn't monday the most probable day for a package to arrive anyway?
  • edited September 2007
    I don't know! Maybe!

    Edit: maybe not :(
  • edited September 2007
    Got my Bonus Disk + Case File yesterday. They shipped on September 13th. A couple of notes:

    1. Yes, you put some real extra effort in it, and we do appreciate this. From the cool packaging and disk artwork to the nifty dvd/cd menus (those delicious colorful animations are truly top quality), the bonus disk shows all your dedication and love, that "something" that makes TTGames so special to us. The Case File is also awesome ("One Rabbit - One Law" pin especially).

    2. But... even if overwhelmed by joy and gratitude for what I got for free, I can't be satisfied with what I've paid for: the shipping took almost a month, and it certainly wasn't cheap. Have you considered changing the company which works for you?

    3. By the way, I live in Italy, as many others Sam & Max fans who post here. I've read elsewhere (well, here) that
    At some point in the future we [TTG] may add translated versions to our store

    Having already bought the whole season (and I also mean to buy the next one, and enjoy each single episode as it becomes available...), I (and my 10 years old brother, a young and promising Sam & Max addicted) would find this special feature particularly appealing.

    Ok, that's all. Thank you for your attention, and keep up with the great work!

  • edited September 2007
    Just when I thought all hope was lost mine came today. I put the disc in a new dvd case since the one it came in was squished in. Something sturdier works better.
    One dissapointment though, was on the dvd. Some of the videos are really bright compared to others. For example, the cutscene videos compared to the trailers. It kind of ruins the atmosphere and details of the enviroments and characters. Is it just me?
    It's not as bad on my laptop since I can adjust the brightness just by what level my head is looking at the screen.
  • edited September 2007
    Received mine today :D Slight dent on the sketchbooks in the bottom right corner unfortunately however everything else is pretty much in mint condition


  • edited September 2007
    Well I assume my order (Disc, signed poster, sketch book, case file) is in the country, but unfortunately i've been sent a £12 customs charge.

    I sent a support email and hopefully there's something can be done, but if not it's no big loss, buying stuff from the store is a steal with the current strength (Or lack thereof) of the dollar against the pound.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    But... even if overwhelmed by joy and gratitude for what I got for free, I can't be satisfied with what I've paid for: the shipping took almost a month, and it certainly wasn't cheap. Have you considered changing the company which works for you?

  • edited September 2007
    well also.. ive dealt alot with merch. And Italy is one of thee single longest places to ship to on the side of some remote place. Took me a month to get a few shirts and posters from there, go next door to spain.. get west coast usa shipping in 1 week ! I asked my friend from foggia what gives?! He says the post is horrible... hmm he most not know canada.. but he is right. (Italian people... it can take 1 month to get stuff to and from canada eh.. horrid mail)

    I do agree with the dents and such in shipping.. mine sorta came the same way as the above effigy mound only not to that degree and all sides(seems the book was sliding around hitting the edges as it went on its way.

    Any official comments be made about losses from this shipping company or care not to comment lol?..
    Hope you didnt lose to much! We want you all here!

    And no im not a reporter
  • edited September 2007
    Just got all my stuff. Poster is bashed up which I'm not best pleased about (considering the postage and customs I paid - and the cost of the poster in the first place), so I'm currently flattening it out with books to see if the creases vanish. It's bigger than I expected though, which is cool. Everything else is good condition.

    Update - I've taken the print to a framing shop and I have chosen a matte black frame with non-reflective glass which was £37. The guy said the creases would hopefully smooth out along with a "ooh... nice" when he unrolled the poster. ;) It'll be ready next week - can't wait!

    The postcard and magnet are now on my fridge. I used the napkin for lunch (joking). I am wearing the Max pin on my S&M shirt. Yet to decide what to do with the newspaper.

    The DVD is great. :D I especially liked the
    pirate and puppet easter eggs
    . I am going to listen to all the commentaries tomorrow.

    I am listening through the soundtrack as I type. I had to start it off with World of Max though, that's such an awesome song! The packaging is very well designed, but one of the little plastic holders have fallen off on the first CD. It still holds the CD in place, so everything is hunky dory... besides, all the tracks have been burned onto my computer anyway, so I'll only be using the soundtrack CD to admire the casing. ;)

    Sketchbooks look like they are going to be a nice read, so I can't wait to tuck into them.

    80% [||||||||--]
  • edited September 2007
    DarkMatt wrote: »
    Mine came today too :D I'm assuming that Australian post could have been held up by extra customs inspections for APEC or something? Bit of a coincidence that they came through the day after it finishes :p

    Is your package the bomb? Maybe that would explain THEM delaying it...
  • edited September 2007
    Molokov wrote: »
    Is your package the bomb?

    Now THAT's a pickup line :P

    I don't know, realistically, it could have just been a combination of slow post from US plus slow Australia Post, but it's possible it got held up at customs imo. :)
  • edited September 2007
    Still waiting :(
  • edited September 2007
    Also still waiting. 5 weeks today since shipping notification. Tried calling post services yesterday to get informed if it was in customs or they'd misplaced it (well in the last 2 weeks I got mail to other people, they could've gotten mine too easily then). And they were about as unhelpful as I've come to expect in that without a package track&Trace number they couldn't tell me anything.
  • edited September 2007
    It finally arrived! And on my birthday, no less!
    I did get hit with a customs charge though. Since it's early morning on my birthday, I didn't feel like arguing with the man. It probably didn't help that the shipping cost was included in the value declaration and that it was declared as "Software" (despite only $10/$0 of the value actually being software). But I'm in too good a mood right now.
    edited September 2007
    well it was a slow delivery 32 days but it was worth the wait
    the bonus material plus case file is awsome
  • edited September 2007
    Is it time to start worrying yet if I pre-ordered but haven't received a shipping notification?
  • edited September 2007
    Did you e-mail support with your order info?
  • edited September 2007
    Has anyone notied on the back of the game that the pictures for episodes 4 and 5 are the wrong way round? It goes 123546.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Maybe the order on the back of the box is totally random and just happened to fall 1 2 3 5 4 6? Maybe compositionally it just looked wrong when Myra was right next to the also-purple-tinted Harry Moleman image, so I reversed them. Hard to say!
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    [Bosco Mode]
    Maybe its a code of some sort of conspiracy!
    [/Bosco Mode]
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