
playing on ios, how in the hell do you make lee walk enough to stay behind the tractor? i've been stuck here for a week now and it's getting really really really old. is it a glitch for app players or am i just missing something. thanks in advance for the help!


  • edited September 2012
    and look, i know (many) others are having issue with this but i haven't seen a solution so far
  • edited September 2012
  • edited September 2012
    What do you mean? Did you get it to move? or is the walker grabbing you? Where are you getting stuck at?
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah, there is only one scene with a tractor as far as I can remember and you don't even need to be behind it, what are you trying to do?
  • edited September 2012
    it's in chapter two on the dairy farm. while repairing the fence you get stuck on the other side and the bandits start blasting arrows at you. you have to hide behind the tractor. once i pull the block from the front and then pull the lever to raise the blades, the tractor starts moving and you have to run along side it to avoid the arrows. my problem is that i can't get lee to move with the tractor and he always ends up getting getting speared in the neck with an arrow. for over a week now i haven't been able to get past it. i don't know if it's a glitch for ios iphone users or what.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm not sure about the ios, but on the computer at least you can walk a little in front of it and you should be fine
  • edited September 2012
    I GOT PASSED IT (!) don't rapidly scoot your thumb on the screen. just keep your thumb on the screen and lee will move pretty steady. thanks all for the replies.
  • edited September 2012
    It's impossible to get him walking on the iPhone .....
    Got damn it if the touch interface is that crappy just give us users a choice of having a "move" button.....

    Tried it a hundred times now and its not the iPhone having a problem here....
  • edited September 2012
    I GOT PASSED IT (!) don't rapidly scoot your thumb on the screen. just keep your thumb on the screen and lee will move pretty steady. thanks all for the replies.

    Glad you figured it out! I was having a similar problem on my Mac in scenes where I had to back away from a zombie. I was trying to tap the movement key (like the quicktime events trained me to) but couldn't ever do it fast enough. I found out, just like you did, that the solution is to hold the movement key, not tap it.
  • edited September 2012
    Ok, looks like it doesnt work in my ipad3. The guy refuses stay behind the tractor. Can you please explain where exactly am I supposed to put my thumb? Cuz I think at this point my skin is kindda melted with the screen ;(
  • edited October 2012
    Im on an iPad2 and it took me a dozen or so attempts to get Lee moving with the tractor, held my thumb down and tried to keep him near the front of the tractor and even got him to do some 360 turns like tacking in a sailboat. Got to the first zombie blocking the tractor and moved him out of the road ok. got to the second zombie whos active and Lee throws him aside but now I cant lee to move his ass fast enough to stay clear of that zombie.

    OK I got Lee to the gate. Once you drag the zombie away I found moving lee in a zig zag motion towards the silo mainly worked. Once the tractor bumps against the silo your home. Its a pretty tough ask on the ipad but it can be done.
  • edited November 2012
    That was a real PITA. Took about 20 minutes of trying but finally timed it right
  • edited November 2012
    another reason not buy it on ipad lol

    at first i thought you meant ep1 hershals farm, but you actually meant ep2 the st john farm
  • edited November 2012
    I have an iPad 3. I read the part about keeping the thumb down on the screen but it didn't help me. I stopped trying to make Lee go forward and instead immediately pointed him towards the tractor. After a few tries I got it right. He bent over with his back to me and starting creeping left. At that point it wasn’t hard to get control of him --I was even able to spin him around in circles--and keep him moving to the left at the same speed as the tractor. Soon you come up to a walker and you have to deal with that, but you have finally made it past the tractor! After that walker there is another one ortwo more. The last one is the worst. Some people have had problems with these walkers but I got to the gate in one try. Good luck!
  • edited November 2012
    Make a backwards "L"..go up and to the left.
    slide your finger up and then go left and keep doing it fast.
    then you make took me 50 I'm trying to get past the last walker in that scense.
  • edited November 2012
    the ios telltale games need to be so precise, I hate that.
  • edited November 2012
    Try to not play it on ipad
  • edited November 2012
    Pickles312 wrote: »
    Try to not play it on ipad

    too late now.
  • edited December 2012
    So far I love this game ! Using Ipad mini and I am behind the tractor on the dairy farm. I've tried to do the tricks that have been posted but I die right away as I can not get Lee to walk with the tractor. I can't keep up with it. I've tried the backwards L
    Will go back to see of thumb in the middle of the tractor works. Any thoughts? Thanks
  • edited December 2012
    I'm losing my mind! I've tried every trick posted and still can't get Lee to walk with the tractor. I'm worried this may be a bug in the iPad mini. Anyone on iPads have any advice? I know this game isn't quite as popular but maybe someone has some ideas. Thanks again .
  • edited December 2012
    I have a brand new iPad.
    After kicking the last zombie in the head twice, tearing him in two and tossing him aside, I can't get Lee to move fast enough. I've tried everyone's suggestions to no avail.
    Any new suggestions? I'm really frustrated.
  • edited December 2012
    I've played the scene on my iPad and iPhone several times.. it's pretty easy. I got killed the first time because I was walking too fast.
    While the tractor is moving, what I did was the up, left, up, left, up, left, gesture. The tractor moved slow, so I made Lee walked "up" (as if he can pass through it) it will slow him down, and then "left".
  • edited December 2012
    Thanks Imood!

    One question. Do I need to "swipe" up and then left REALLY fast?

    I may be too old to play this game. May need to get my nephew over or wait until my boy gets older...

    Thanks again
  • edited January 2013
    Having same problem I have died a thousand deaths ...playing on Ipad 4 retina cant keep up with the speeding tractor omg!!!!
  • edited January 2013
    I've yet to successfully gate to the gate. Haven't even tried in awhile.

    ANYONE with an iPad TRULY make it?
  • edited January 2013
    Been trying to get to the gate for 2 weeks, tried everything. I finally gave up and hardly ever use my iPad anymore because I'm bummed out. I have an ipad 2 and wish there was a "cheat" button to get past this.
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