A fun guessing game! (now with awesome prize)
Can you guess the release date of the first episode of the sam and max season 2? I just hope it will be sometime soon! :cool:
EDIT: This is now an official Telltale contest! See here for the incredibly restrictive rules and the awesome prize.
EDIT: This is now an official Telltale contest! See here for the incredibly restrictive rules and the awesome prize.
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November 8th
(random guess)
Is that a Sunday? I didn't even check the day of week, I just said a random number.
Alright, 25th!
25th is a saturday and its downloadable so day can change easily
25th is a Thursday, I believe.
One guess per person (if you already posted more than one guess, please edit it to the one you really think it'll be!)
Telltale employees are not eligible to win... however they can just walk over to my desk and grab a Printerloper, so it's not such a big loss.
Also - what was the timeframe you said that the episode would be released in, Emily?
The game will be released sometime in Fall 2007, which is between September 21 and December 21.
Is October 31 halloween?
Is there an October 31?
haha you didnt fall for my lie ( and if you didnt buy that i got the dates wrong)
Due to the astronomical calculations...or maybe 23, the illuminates are behind this?! :O)
But I can assure you all that our game will launch sometime between Sept 21 and Dec 21.
H4x! You didn't specify whether it'd be the Gametap or Telltale Website release date! Now none of us can win!
Anyway, I guess BLAH CHANGED!. Unless anyone has already taken that.
Edit: Cryptic Hints from Emily (see below). November the 15th is a Thursday so I'll go with this.
(Is this for the Gametap or Telltale release, by the way?)
EDIT: Erk, beaten to the question.
(Hint: GameTap usually releases stuff on Thursdays...)
can you set up a calender with everyones entries on so we can see what dates have been taken
One moment!
(If Emily wants to do a proper one, go ahead. I'm just bored!
Brilliant then we will be able to track who has which date
So, a lot of time went into this, and not a lot came out of it.
I'll take your word for it.