Telltale Store & European version

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
Hi all! Just a question, I bought the season one collection from telltale online store. Now I have a chance to get the european version, or I have to pay it again? :confused:


  • edited September 2007
    Why wouldn't you?
  • edited September 2007
    I stupidly thought that I'll find the translations as updates from Telltale, now I discovered that translations are only in the european version, that isn't sold on telltale store but from european distributors like JoWood. So, no translation for free, or minor cost, I have to buy the game another time?
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    Unfortunately yes if you want the translated versions.
  • edited September 2007
    Am I the only one who bought all the season in English AND the European version?

    Anyway, hope will ship soon my game :p The french dubbing looks simply AWWWWESSSOOOOOMMMEEEEEE! Oh, I will inform you about that later :p
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    At some point in the future we may add translated versions to our store, but for now the only way to get the translations is by buying JoWood's version.
  • edited September 2007
    lerenwe wrote: »
    Am I the only one who bought all the season in English AND the European version?

    Anyway, hope will ship soon my game :p The french dubbing looks simply AWWWWESSSOOOOOMMMEEEEEE! Oh, I will inform you about that later :p
    How can you know that ? I give you a full handle of cat's hairs if you give me a link ! Pleeeeeaaaaaase :(

    And about what Emily just said, I'm very happy about that, but will it be free for early buyers ? :)
  • edited September 2007

    As seen on the "First Glimpse at the German dub" topic ;)

    Ooh, and remember, kids, if by any chance, you have the european version, change your language in french, donwload fraps, take a video from the introduction and send it on youtube :p It would be very nice...

    PS: I'm not sure you can change the langiage into french in all the european retail, if you can't, please warn me...

    PPS: Give me my cat's hairs; please :)
  • edited September 2007
    Thank you very much lerenwe :) I may be wrong, but it seems to be the same voice actors than for the original Hit The Road, or at least, they're vocal doubles... I just can't wait, it seems very very very good :) this translated version will open a new door for this game, I know so much people who doesn't care about this game because they don't even try to understand foreign languages...
    Oh, and by the way, these samples are well encoded, no destructive compression, better than the original dubbing :)

    I'm sorry, I sold your hairs to buy a rubik's kub to my sister, girls will always make me laugh.
  • edited September 2007
    Yes, it's the same voice actor, Jean-Claude Donda, who did the voices of sam and max in hit the road.

    Amazon must send the game today, so I will probably receive it tomorrow.
    (Express delivery :p )
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