European Retail: 09/07? 09/28?

edited October 2007 in Sam & Max
Hi everyone

As you may know, I'm French, and I have ordered the european version of Sam and Max season 1... (I already have the complete season, US version ;) )

I know there are a some Europeans here, and I ask them:

Have you Seen/bought/got the European retail of Sam and Max?

I ask this question because I'm waiting for amazon since one week (They said the game was in store since 09/07) and a lot of other store say that the game will be released the 09/28...

Thank you if you can answer :p

PS: Jowood still say the game will be released in august but... We're in September!!!


  • edited September 2007
    Yeah, I just bought mine yesterday.
  • edited September 2007
    Argh, this is quite annoying...

    Thanks for your answer, laserschwert! :)

    But, I just wonder if there's French in the language selection when you try to install the game? If yes, it means that the dubbing is finished, and that amazon is kidding me...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    The version that has been released has all four languages on it, but the packaging is in a different language depending on where you are. I don't know if the French version (with French packaging) has been released yet.
  • edited September 2007
    What Emily says. French is included in my version as well.
  • edited September 2007
    Thanks, you two! That was exactly what I wanted to know...

    But Amazon now say I will get the game in TWO MONTHS O.o !!!

    So I will probably cancel my order at and order the UK Packaging (So I'm sure I will get the game with the french dubbing, wich is all I want. I don't mind at all if the package and the manual are in english.)

    Anyway, thanks for your help ;)
  • edited September 2007
    By the way, I'm not from the UK, but from Germany. So if this was what you've based your decision on, you should get it from ;)

    But I'm sure the UK-version will be the same.
  • edited September 2007
    Ordered it by amzon UK ;)

    But as Emily said: All the european versions contains the four languages.

    I will normally receive it monday, or maybe a bit later. Better than waiting 1 months or 2 with amzon FR, huh? ;)
  • edited September 2007
    According to Atari's website, the game will be avalaible in France september 29th

    Just a little question, to Emily, or someone of the staff... is (and when) the european version will be available to download on telltale's website ?
    Because I already have the season downloaded from telltale's site, and the DVD version... in fact... I don't want to have three times the same game on different supports... and to buy a whole new game just for a translation... (even if I know that vocal performance and translation is a hard job !)

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)
  • edited October 2007
    Ihate to do that, writing something just for upping a request, but I really do care about the answer...

    Puh-leeeeaaaase ^^

    Oh, and by the way, the french most visited videogame website has just rated the translated version of Season one, and gave it a 16/20 :) they just regret you can't run (and you have to hang around most of the time so it's looong), lack of interactive objects (especially to pick up), and the game being difficult very too lately.
    [Fortunately, Season two will solve at least two of these three problems, and maybe all of them ^^]

    But they don't find any complaint about the translated version (actors are playing very well, casting is really great, and it's true that it's rare these days), except for some bugs (non-translated sentences for example).
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    We may offer localized downloads at some point, but for now (and for the foreseeable future), the only way to get the localizations is if you buy them at retail.
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