Uhh. My first Sam & Max webcomic

edited May 2006 in Sam & Max Comics
Is Here: Road to Petition!

Loving the look at the game models as much as putting words in their mouths! :D


  • edited May 2006

    I was going to do one, but there's no way I can top "Sweet, sweet mother of hairless lap dogs in a bucket o' angry crawfish!"
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2006

    (note: you don't have to leave the []'s around your name or your comic's name)
  • edited May 2006
    Webcomic name? I though I was inventing new board markup!

    Jake, your 404 Error strip is gorgeous.
  • edited May 2006
    ooh this is awesome.. check out mine..

    Back from the Dead

    can we get more panels and more images to use in the future.. 9 panels would be awesome..
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2006
    can we get more panels and more images to use in the future.. 9 panels would be awesome..

    That's the plan. We built it so that it will be easy to drop in new panels every now and then.

    By the way, this thing was built in flash by Mark Darin of Pinhead Games (creator of the Nick Bounty adventure games) -- rounds of applause!
  • HeatherleeHeatherlee Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2006
    By the way, this thing was built in flash by Mark Darin of Pinhead Games (creator of the Nick Bounty adventure games) -- rounds of applause!

    Applause! Applause!
  • edited May 2006
    There seems to be a new thread for every individual comic, but I didn't feel the necessity to start my own, so I'll drop the link to my first comic here.

  • HeatherleeHeatherlee Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2006
    Hooray! Crossover comics!
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