How many times have you played each episode?



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Yeah... they clearly weren't too ruined, or he wouldn't have applied to work here, I imagine.

    Also, that explanation is totally right. It's amazingly fun to play through the games before any of the voice or any of the acting is in, then play it through again with the new layer of animation and voice recording actually providing acting and context to the written script, then to get ahold of it after the sound guys have done their work, making everything suddenly feel "alive." Some people would probably tire of that, but we're up to the eighth total Sam & Max episode and I'm still entertained.
  • MelMel
    edited October 2007
    Your story about Will applying for the TT job sort of reminds me of that commercial where the guy says 'I liked it so much, I bought the company.*'

    *referring to Victor Kiam and Remington shavers.
  • edited October 2007
    Linque wrote: »

    I liked the Bone episode structure more, where things actually move along.

    i agree, whereas at the moment its as if you were playing grim fandango and having to go back to Manny's office everytime before going to a new location.

    in the end, im looking foward to season 2 regardless
  • edited October 2007
    Marty wrote: »
    i agree, whereas at the moment its as if you were playing grim fandango and having to go back to Manny's office everytime before going to a new location.

    in the end, im looking foward to season 2 regardless

    Or go to the office each time you find a new map location in Hit the Road.

    But yes I look forward to Season 2 very much. I'm sure the games improve vastly over the (hopefully) multiple seasons to come. In all fairness, odds are you don't get it exactly right the first time you do something that has never been done before. :)

    The Sam & Max series is more than important for the Adventure Game genre.
  • edited October 2007
    Linque wrote: »
    Or go to the office each time you find a new map location in Hit the Road.

    But yes I look forward to Season 2 very much. I'm sure the games improve vastly over the (hopefully) multiple seasons to come. In all fairness, odds are you don't get it exactly right the first time you do something that has never been done before. :)

    The Sam & Max series is more than important for the Adventure Game genre.

    You didn't have to go back to the office in Hit the Road. I never went back once.
  • edited October 2007
    You didn't have to go back to the office in Hit the Road. I never went back once.

    Yes. My point exactly. :)
  • edited October 2007
    Linque wrote: »
    Yes. My point exactly. :)

    I see...
    *giggles like Max**

    * See start of one of the Sam & Max episodes (don't ask me which) to hear Max's giggle which cracks me up (little buddy) every time.
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