The Unofficial Sam and Max Podcast: 0

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
The Unofficial Sam and Max Podcast: 0

Yes, It's bad, I know. I'm not uses to doing one person podcasts. I truly need ANY help to keep this going. Post here or email me at if you can help.

p.s: yes, I know it skips, I did eight takes and I CAN'T FIGER OUT WHY!!! If there is a next time, I promise I'll get it sorted out


  • edited September 2007
    That was very well done, but like you said, I think you need other people to do it with you to get things bouncing off one another.
  • edited September 2007
    podcasts are soooo 2006. :P
  • edited September 2007
    Sounds like it's going to work. You will want to have another person do it with you though. There's also a bit too much hesitation in your voice, though I'm sure that'll fix itself soon enough. (And please, take it easy with the self-bashing.) A bit of soft background music may help as well, and maybe a fade effect or two (the sudden in-between music was also too loud compared to the spoken parts). And it would have been nice to have actually heard a few bits of that trailer and gameplay movie.
  • edited September 2007
    Ok, I had a listen, and not bad for the 'beta'.

    Surely with a few other people, some good discussion would be able to be had?

    Perhaps, so as to avoid spoilers for Season 2 when it comes out, you can start by discussing and analysing the Season 1 episodes, say, spending four weeks on each? I'm sure each episode can be split into at least three 'acts' so it shouldn't be too hard to work out what to discuss - characters, story, gameplay, graphics, voices, music....

    This way, by the time you get around to discussing the Season 2 episodes in detail, they should have all been out and hopefully everyone will have had a chance to play them :)

    Best of luck with the podcast if you decide to continue!
  • edited September 2007
    Hey djoftheweb, that was great! I think you are very articulate and should continue hosting. I agree that there's a little too much hesitation in your voice during some parts, but you seem to get more confident as you go along. You definitely have some smart commentary and should keep going with this.

    Of course, I agree with others that you need some co-hosts to bounce ideas around. I really want to help, but don't have a whole lot of free time right now. Perhaps in a few weeks, I'd be able to help with the writing and/or hosting... anything I can do to help.

    djoftheweb, THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS! I hope some other people jump on board so we can keep this Podcast alive...
  • edited September 2007
    it was quite funny actually... and yes, stop bashing yourself, you're doing fine.
    Keep up the good work!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Nice! That was an enjoyable listen, especially for a beta podcast. If you can get another host or two (I knew a few people like Hero1 expressed interest in the original thread), and possibly do another recurring segment or two (reader mail or voicemailbox would be awesome, for instance), I think it would be pretty solid.
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