Team Fortress 2 and You

I'm curious, how many people in our forums own a copy of TF2, or are planning to make a purchase of the ever popular Orange Box from Valve?
Because in Telltale San Rafael Branch, there has been a lot of recent playage of TF2. And we are looking to open up a server for the TTG team and forum members, so i was just curious to see how many people would actually give a hoot. Holla back at me yo!
Because in Telltale San Rafael Branch, there has been a lot of recent playage of TF2. And we are looking to open up a server for the TTG team and forum members, so i was just curious to see how many people would actually give a hoot. Holla back at me yo!
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EDIT: I think jake fixed it for me. nevermind... thx jake
I don't usually play online games, but seeing as its the TTG Crew, I could be persuaded.
Maybe one day though! Hopefully TF2 lives up to the original.
Edit: That orange box looks like a pretty neat... I was wondering what it was all about. I might pick it up sometime. I won't mind paying for the original HL2 again cuz I got the copy I have for only $5 :P
Ya. I was a HUGE fan of TFC. That game was the shit back in the day. TF2 is a little different. Its a lot faster and its a lot more noob friendly, but they've done some great stuff.
Do you know if its gonna be cross platform? For some reason I don't think it is. But I'm probably gonna get the game for the 360 as well. I have too many friends on XBOX Live that I can't let down.
But yeah, once I GameFly the Orange Box, get a Gold account, and replace my shoddily made stock headset that broke merely because I dared to actually use it (the shame!), I'm all for some cel-shaded shooty-shooty.
I'm christened on Live as ShaggE21 if you or anyone else here would like to expand my laughably small friends list.
Sure sign me up, though the lag might be too much between Europe and you. Do you have a Steam group going? Or how do we do this?
My Adventure Game Flash Engine
One of my favourite things I used to do with a friend was sneak into the enemy respawn in murderball (think that's the map) and build sentry guns. There weren't any defensive guns that would kill us so we could just sit in there and catch people in these cycles of death/respawning.
I love the way TF2 looks though. I remember when they first released screenshots of the the way the game was originally gonna be. It looked like another Counter Strike game which was sad. I'm glad they scrapped it.
I just watched one of the TF2 trailers and I am drooling. I love how they make light of the soldier rocket jump. It's neat that in the original game it was a technique that players deveploed with the class (I think). I also love how they made this more like a cartoon which really suits the game. I don't think TFC was originally meant to be like that, but it just turned into this hilarious non-serious game.
And sadly, they got rid of the medics ability to infect AND conc jumps. But the game is balanced very well in regards to power vs speed. There is a class for everyone. You can suck hard at FPS' and be at the top of the ladder. Classes like Medic allow noobs to just heal teammates from a distance with the medic gun, and get support points when the person you're healing kills someone. You basically get a point every time you do something good for the team. The scoreboard doesn't display kills.
Everyone should get the game. Then we could have forum matches
EDIT: And actually we do have a Steam Community page, but I was told that it was only for the Telltale Team. You'd have to bug jake or someone
Heh! The medic can shoot syringes at people, but I Don't know if they can infect. Conc grenades are gone. Fortunately the game is still really fun. Most of the things that they cut out, in my opinion, really help streamline and define the classes better, so people are now all doing their jobs instead of lobbing grenades at each other left and right.
NickTTG I'm adding you to my friends thing. My usename is emil.
Sweet thx for the add! And ya, when i go back and watch the first 2 trailers (not the "Meet the..." ones) all of the animations you see the characters do are in game. Those are all gameplay shots! Totally awesome. The game has seamless animations that blend together with whatever the character is doing beautifully.
Dammit, now I have to figure out if I'm going to get it for the 360 like I originally planned or for the PC.
My Adventure Game Flash Engine
I don't know if anyone has heard of this mod for HL2 but it just recently got finished:
It's pretty much like an updated version of TFC. Looks pretty neat, but I'd probably still go for TF2
My nick on Steam is just 'wiedo'. Contact me if you want
QWTF was the first online game I really played. And boy did I play it.
I hadn't played FPS games in some five years before TF2. What a giant wave of nostalgia it was to run into friends from ten years back on the TF2 servers.
Just toss me the name of the server if one is put up and I'll drop by for sure.
I've been playing through Half life 2 and it's been pretty awesome. I feel bad for Gordon Freeman though.
"Okay Gordon, you'll need to take the coast"
"But it's Antlion breeding season!"
"He'll be alright!. Just let me lower you down towards this swarm of antlions in this buggy!"
"Ooops, I dropped you upside-down! Better flip that buggy over and fight off those Antlions!"
Maybe that's why they are so enamored with him even though he hasn't spoken one word throughout the whole ordeal:
NPC: My god, it's Gordon Freeman in the flesh! I've heard the stories about you and have been looking forward to meeting you ever since I joined the resistance!
GORDON: ...[shoots something, then runs away]
NPC: [To his buddy] I love that guy! it! Well, I will look for you guys online then
(Actually I've not really played any online FPS's since HL2 (not episode 1) was released - & that was a death match thing...
If you don't mind me being completely crap, I'm definitely up for a game or two...
I am definitely down, as I have been playing the beta for a while now. I just hope we actually play the game, and that this doesn't turn into what happened with Worms Armageddon...
Edit** Oh, and if anyone else adds me, please PM me on here to let me know so that I don't just ignore the add request.
Edit2** Oh, and I have carefully added tabacco.