Where is Telltale?
Alot of people, fans of your game/games, are clearly having huge problems regarding the download of chapter 4 of your otherwise brilliant game The Walking Dead. The game simply will not download. Why are you not responding to this, all we need is a simple respond in the likes of " we are aware of the problem and are working on a fix", that's all. Me and my brother have played through the first 3 chapters and this is the first time a problem like this has occured, and we are very obviously not alone, just look at forums. We both play the game on Pc, and Im not sure if it is a problem located for that format only, but it really doesn' t matter, WE NEED A RESPOND FROM YOU GUYS SO WE AT LEAST KNOW YOU ARE WORKING ON SOME FORM OF SOLUTION, pretty please with sugar on top.
Kind regards from a frustrated fan.
Kind regards from a frustrated fan.
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