Season 1 is too expensive

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
I think Season 1 is too expensive. I didn't need a lot of time to play through.
(But it's very, very funny so I think it's almost worth the money ;))


  • MarkDarinMarkDarin Former Telltale Staff
    edited October 2007
    Well isn't that the point really? Quality over quantity? Would you pay more for a game that would take you months to play, but wasn't any fun? I wouldn't.
  • jmmjmm
    edited October 2007
    For 2 to 3 hours times 6 episodes yields around 15-20 hours of game-play (unless you play with a walkthough). A regular 15-20 hours adventure game is priced around $40 (or more).
    So... I think season 1 was priced just right.

    But I'm fearing season 2 will be a few bucks too much considering that there is one less episode.

    $35 (roughly) for 6 episodes means a little less than $6 per episode while $35 for 5 episodes means $7 per episode, roughly $6 more in total....
    But as Mark said, quality is key. And so is the re-playability found in the mini-games and probably finishing the game with overt, regular and no hints (just to see the different dialogs)

    Still, there is the option of demos or to buy an episode (and upgrade later.... If TT gives that option though)
  • edited October 2007
    I thought season was was cheap and chips, but I'm disappointed that season two will be priced the same and will have one less episode.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    I thought season was was cheap and chips, but I'm disappointed that season two will be priced the same and will have one less episode.

    Even if the overall play experience is more satisfying than Season One?
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Even if the overall play experience is more satisfying than Season One?

    I can't comment on that until I've played it. ;)

    (I do trust you though!)
  • edited October 2007
    Hmmm... how do you measure satisfaction though? Have you put Season 2 demo players through a brain scanner and compared their level of excitement to that of Season 1 players? :D

    In all seriousness, I'd much rather spend 35 bucks on a Sam & Max game than 5 dollars on a longer game that I don't really like.
  • edited October 2007
    As long as the quality of the episodes is retained throughout the season, I'll be happy. :D
  • edited October 2007
    noncense! It was too cheap!! I think they need to charge more to be honest they desearve more money for such a brilliant game! I spent a 3 days on just the first episode as I just loved to walk around talking, taking my time and admiring the amount of effort put in!
  • edited October 2007
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    noncense! It was too cheap!! I think they need to charge more to be honest they desearve more money for such a brilliant game! I spent a 3 days on just the first episode as I just loved to walk around talking, taking my time and admiring the amount of effort put in!

    Well, that is one way to put "I got stuck on a certain puzzle"...

    ... just kidding. ;)
  • edited October 2007
    I think the price was fair.
  • edited October 2007
    I don't feel Season One adds up to less than a full-length game by any significant amount. Besides, some 'full-length games' are over surprisingly quickly. It may also depend on how you measure. While Season One doesn't have quite as many screens as, say, Hit the Road, it does have a staggering amount of dialog, most of it good. Between Max, Bosco, Sybil, and the Soda Poppers, you've got well over 27 dialog trees without even getting into the non-recurring characters. I think it has significantly more lines than most games, not to mention the fact that they're much funnier.
  • edited October 2007
    expensive? no offense but you must be a tight arse ;)
    it was cheap and affordable
  • edited October 2007
    Very good price I thought.
  • edited October 2007
    Well, that is one way to put "I got stuck on a certain puzzle"...

    ... just kidding. ;)

    haha rofl! nah I found it rather easy except towards the last 2 episodes! But I kinda liked it that way because then I wouldn't use the walkthroughs!:p
  • edited October 2007
    to be honest I would have paid more then what I had to for the game, which was 30 Cdn. I paid more for TLJ: Dreamfall and got quite a bit less in terms of memorable gameplay, for instance. Those standard quicktime adventure games don't really compare and are only marginally cheaper, sometimes. The last Myst episode was better but it also cost more and was only better in terms of puzzles, not dialog, as one would expect (should I even compare that one? Kinda old). As a comedy I haven't seen good writing like that in some time, in any game genre.

    My only wish is that you could mindlessly level up Sam in Bosco's 2.0. Pointlessly raising meaningless stats is just what an RPG parody schtik needs you know. :3
  • edited October 2007
    Well, actually, there's a bit of an odd story here.

    Season 2 season set is less of a good deal than the season 1 set. It's less episodes for the same price, and the individual price is the same between them.

    Granted, it's still a discount, but it's the difference between 54-35=19 and 45-35=10
  • MelMel
    edited October 2007
    It's all still cheaper than anti-depressants! :D
  • edited October 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Well, actually, there's a bit of an odd story here.

    Season 2 season set is less of a good deal than the season 1 set. It's less episodes for the same price, and the individual price is the same between them.

    Granted, it's still a discount, but it's the difference between 54-35=19 and 45-35=10

    there may be 1 less episode but it could be the same gameplay length as season 1.. remember episodes 2 and 3 were very short..
  • edited October 2007
    It's all a matter of perspective. last friday I took a girl out that i really didn't feel like taking out for a good reason in my mind, but it didn't work out for me. anyway- dinner, movie, snack at the theater. 40 bucks down and no satisfaction, although the movie was good (30 days of night), but it only lasted 2 hours.

    Sam and Max, 35 bucks. 3, 4, 5 hours an episode, something to look forward to every month... brilliant and interactive dialog that kicks the crap out of mainstream television sitcoms. An excellent company that recognizes the support it gets from fans with an owner that was named after John Goodman's character on the 'Rosanne' show.

    You could compare it to the bargain-bin adventure games at Wal-Mart or whatever and call it overpriced, but I think on an entertainment level, I got a great deal.
  • edited October 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Season 2 season set is less of a good deal than the season 1 set. It's less episodes for the same price, and the individual price is the same between them.

    Granted, it's still a discount, but it's the difference between 54-35=19 and 45-35=10
    But what if we tell you that each episode of season 2 contains 32% more jokes than the episodes in season 1, and that each joke is 15-35% funnier than 60% of the jokes from season 1? If you do the math, you'll see that it's like getting an extra 28% of an episode this season! NOW how much would you pay?

    But wait, don't answer yet. Because as a free gift to our loyal customers, we're now throwing in exactly 16% more character development and 4% more social commentary* in each episode, at no extra charge! How can we give away comedy like this without going out of business? The answer: volume.

    * Instead of referencing events from the late 80s and early 90s, we've updated the Telltale Algorithmic Joke-Generation unit to make topical references to events as recent as 5 years ago, a net increase of 15 years. All thanks to our friends at Google and NASA!
  • edited October 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    * Instead of referencing events from the late 80s and early 90s, we've updated the Telltale Algorithmic Joke-Generation unit to make topical references to events as recent as 5 years ago, a net increase of 15 years. All thanks to our friends at Google and NASA!

    No diaper-wearing lovesick astronaut jokes please. Though come to think of it, that was attempted murder and would make a good comic detective story...
  • edited October 2007
    Nah, I think the games were just right, especially with the low american dollar (ahhh, sometimes being in the uk is great).
    Compaired to a normal pc game that retails at £30 these days, $35 dollars is nothing, it's about um... £18? something like that. Which is bugger all for a brand new game. If more games were priced so reasonably i'd buy one every week, lol.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Hobophobic wrote:
    anyway- dinner, movie, snack at the theater. 40 bucks down and no satisfaction

    You only paid $40 for dinner, two movie tickets, AND a snack at the theater? Where on earth did you eat dinner?

    That right there sounds like a $100 night to me. And people drop that kind of money on a night out all the time, and then complain about paying $9 for an episode or $35 for a six-month gaming experience. It's strange to me.

    Also Chuck, you better be right about the 32% more jokes, or I'll demand my money back. :D
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    You only paid $40 for dinner, two movie tickets, AND a snack at the theater? Where on earth did you eat dinner?

    That right there sounds like a $100 night to me. And people drop that kind of money on a night out all the time, and then complain about paying $9 for an episode or $35 for a six-month gaming experience. It's strange to me.

    Nights out? Pssh! Please! More like nights in playing games. :D
  • edited October 2007
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »

    nice. a controlled burn.
  • edited October 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »

    Look, just because I sold my best friend for a new graphics card doesn't make me a nerd!

  • edited October 2007
    Real nerds wouldn't have had a best friend to sell in the first place.
    It took me ages to get enough money to buy my graphics card ;_:
  • edited October 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Also Chuck, you better be right about the 32% more jokes, or I'll demand my money back. :D
    You'll get it back once we've calculated the exact dollar value of each joke in the game and cross referenced it against the dollar value of each minute spent playing.

    We have our best men working on the problem.
  • edited October 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    We have our best men working on the problem.
    I want my money back already. Knowing that you put your best men on a financial problem instead of on your game makes me really sad.
    I hope nobody takes this post seriously.
  • edited October 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    It's all still cheaper than anti-depressants! :D

    Well, no. You can buy generic Prozac at 30 pills for about 5 dollars.

    Oh, and Chuck: That still doesn't account for the discrepancy between the episode-to-season cost ratio for last season compared to this one. If each episode is funnier, it really doesn't matter.

    Unless you're saying that the season set for season 2 is funnier than the individual episodes bought collectively...

    Which would just be weird.
  • edited October 2007
    Same problem as usual, do you want a cheaper game with a cheaper experience, or a little more expansive game for a real enhanced experience.
    When I see people buying 70$ an 360/ps3 game, I think people can give more money to have more quality.

    And when I want something great, I'm not chocked to pay the right price. It's fair, and I prefer to pay a few bucks more and remember this game for years, than keep a little extra dollars and have a game that'll be great for several months and then finishing in my dusty Program Files Folder, next to a dozen of whac-a-rat sharewares.

    (that's also why I prefer to buy a mac which is a little bit more expansive but so better :P please do not make a debate on that sentence ^^)
  • edited October 2007
    Holocatmon wrote: »
    No diaper-wearing lovesick astronaut jokes please. Though come to think of it, that was attempted murder and would make a good comic detective story...

    I’m bad at keeping up with news..... but this just got me curious of what event your referring about?

    Don’t even know what to look for in google.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    [Don’t even know what to look for in google.
  • edited October 2007
    No one has mentioned Gametap. I paid $60 for a year of Gametap and that includes all the Sam & Max episodes plus about a 1000 other games.

    I love Gametap because it lets me play games I would NEVER pay for individually. Like the so-bad-it's-good-for-the-first-level-or-so Jaws game. I'll never play through that game, but swimming around chewing up divers is a guilty pleasure... for about 30 minutes.

    Any way, there is NO WAY you can say Sam and Max are too expensive when you have that option.

    I signed up a couple of weeks ago and have played through all of season one except Bright Side of the Moon (which I started last night). My kids and I are enjoying this series more than anything we've played together. A couple of times the whole family has sat together and watched as one person played. That doesn't work with any other game. We have a media PC hooked up to the TV in the living room, and consider Sam and Max Season One to be one of the best SHOWS on TV. The humor makes the game watchable as well as playable. It also looks better than 99% of the HDTV shows out there...

    Well, that's my testimonial... we have a Max-o-lantern and my son is dressing up as Sam for Halloween. Also, if there were any Sam and Max toys, plushies, collectibles, etc. I'd be buying them for Christmas... Amazing how high quality writing, art, characterization and programming will make you appreciate a game/show...

    Telltale: keep up the good work!
  • MelMel
    edited October 2007
    I hope you take a picture of your son with the Max-o-lantern (and send it in!). :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Yes! It's too late to enter the Halloween constest, but we'd love to put a picture up on the blog with the other entries!
  • edited October 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Yes! It's too late to enter the Halloween constest, but we'd love to put a picture up on the blog with the other entries!

    I sent the pictures to the contest email address.

    Also, here are links to a couple of comics he did in the comic generator:

    For good measure here are some I did...

    That thing is a lot of fun!

  • edited November 2007
    Emily wrote: »

    LOL, thank you.. well, that is news for me ^^
  • edited November 2007
    glenfx wrote: »
    LOL, thank you.. well, that is news for me ^^

    She had the right stuff.
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