Where the Hell is Max?
I was playing with Google Maps today while waiting to find out if I had to be evacuated from the fires. I like to look at small islands in satellite view. Well, I was looking at West Samoa which is a hint within itself, when I discovered something strange.
Did you see it?
Did you? This is it.

I thought "Wow, that looks a lot like... well.."

I thought this could be a fun game.
Play around on Google Maps and see if you can find bits of Max in there.
Do you know Where the Hell Max is?:D
Did you see it?
Did you? This is it.

I thought "Wow, that looks a lot like... well.."

I thought this could be a fun game.
Play around on Google Maps and see if you can find bits of Max in there.
Do you know Where the Hell Max is?:D
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Give up?
Must be a pretty lousy plan then.
Man, now I wanna play too, sadly I'm stuck with this crappy laptop which can't run anything from the last decade properly.
It strikes me that I will probably not get my "real" pc done 'til the release of Sam & max. So on that release day I'll be a sad panda...