After the seasons...the "movie"?

edited October 2007 in Sam & Max
i bought Sam & Max Season 1 on monday and i have already finished Culture Shock and Situation Comedy...
the game(s) are fun to play but they're extremely brief...
i wonder if,apart from these Seasons you're working at,there is a plan for a "Movie"....meaning a bigger&larger episode...i remember i spent a couple of weeks trying to finish Hit the Road back in 1993...i wish these games would last longer..


  • edited October 2007
    I doubt it, since Telltale like the episodic style.
  • edited October 2007

    no, someone already had the same idea and it was discussed here:

    i didn't post something back then so i will now. i like the idea of having something really epic going on. and i mean epic..with a lot of referrences to old stuff, not only games, but comics and cartoons. a complete sam&max world overview with a thrilling new plot...maybe with several paths to choose from.
  • edited October 2007
    Maybe. But not right after the series ends. More like another 13 years later :p
  • edited October 2007
  • edited October 2007
    man that would be so darn awesome :p I wish
  • edited October 2007
    Hmm, no need for a full game...I like the episodic games far more...
  • edited October 2007
    I sort of came to the conclusion that HTR was the movie, and this is the series based on it.
  • edited October 2007
    It would be good if they had a movie in between seasons.. or a 2 part or 3 part episode.. I dont think the telltale team is big enough to do that though..maybe in a few years
  • MelMel
    edited October 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    It would be good if they had a movie in between seasons.. or a 2 part or 3 part episode.. I dont think the telltale team is big enough to do that though..maybe in a few years

    They could do little ones, like 15 minutes long or something, and have it look like that cinematic trailer. That would be fun. But they probably have too much to do as it is. :)
  • edited October 2007
    I thought i read that they'll be moving slightly into a "less episodes but each one a little bit longer" direction. Won't e2 already beeing reduced from 6 to 5? I would agree with this.
  • edited October 2007
    If each season has one fewer episode, but in each season the episodes are longer, then we should be looking at a full-length game in about 5 years :cool:
  • edited October 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    If each season has one fewer episode, but in each season the episodes are longer, then we should be looking at a full-length game in about 5 years :cool:
    Hey cool! And then after ten years, the games will be so long that it takes a year to complete them. And after fifteen years, they'll bring out a game every 5 years because that's how long they are, and after twenty years, we'll spend our entire lives on one game, and after 25 years, we have our grandchildren inherit our games because we can't finish them in our lifetime, and after 400 years, explorers will stumble upon a remote island where a tribe has been playing a single Sam & Max game for all that time, passing down that tradition from father to son.
  • edited October 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    Hey cool! And then after ten years, the games will be so long that it takes a year to complete them. And after fifteen years, they'll bring out a game every 5 years because that's how long they are, and after twenty years, we'll spend our entire lives on one game, and after 25 years, we have our grandchildren inherit our games because we can't finish them in our lifetime, and after 400 years, explorers will stumble upon a remote island where a tribe has been playing a single Sam & Max game for all that time, passing down that tradition from father to son.

    Well, no, after six years the number of episodes will be below zero... so they'll actually have to take Sam & Max games away from us. But they will be really long.
  • edited October 2007
    And then i can imagine a story (episodic game/book/movie) where a son breaks out of the traditional family path because he wants to play another game than his father, grandfather, ... had started before. Fleeing from his country, also leaving earth (some planets have been colonised), always hunted by the law, religious agents, local people who want to exploit his secret and so beeing on a ongoing journey travelling through space and cultures.
  • edited October 2007
    When I saw this thread, I thought it was about Sam and Max the motion picture, not the longer game...

    I actually think a motion picture adaptation of the game would do extremely well. There aren't enough good animated films for adults these days.
  • edited October 2007
    you should be careful when talking (writing) about "films for adults".:D

    of course a real movie would be neat. like the season 2 trailer, only longer. once telltale is big enough to have their own movie department..
  • edited October 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    you should be careful when talking (writing) about "films for adults".:D

    how do you know that wasn't what he was talking (writing) about? ;)
  • edited October 2007
    All the good animated films for adults come from Japan, these days...
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