Site going down in just a few!

JakeJake Telltale Alumni
edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey guys,

just wanted to echo Emily's forum announcement from a couple hours ago ... the site's about to go down while we overhaul a large chunk of how the store works (hopefully making buying and activating Season Two less horrible). That means that you shouldn't put too much energy into new posts right now, because they'll probably get eaten by the database update.

Just a heads up.

- jake


  • edited November 2007
    Could we get a pic of the green version of the hat on site next to the red one? or is there one yet?
    Doh coulda sworn shirts like this were comin too.. Ill hold out and get a huge lot at once.. dont want to waste on 3 shipments :P

    Strike this whole comment Xd A thread was made showing the hat and emily stated its link is in the description and your working on putting it on site ! Shows me for reading this post first :P

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    We've got some photos of both hats front and back that should be going into the store soon as well.
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