For god's sake

Please, quit the new DRM rubbish. I got through all of season one with no problems but now I've bought season two I can't even play the game I've just bought because of some damn CONNECTION_ERROR message. I've just downloaded 110Mb, so it appears to me my connection is working just fine. Get it working before I have to sic Max on you?


  • edited November 2007
    Yes indeed, because acting like an irate whining twit is SOoooooooooooo gonna get people to wanna listen to you... :rolleyes:
  • edited November 2007
    *falls over laughing at the name change* Who's fine work was that??
  • edited November 2007
    Me, the old one was a bit offensive. Also, sorry to hear about your connection problems. You can e-mail support for offline activation using the 'Manual Activation' tab.
  • edited November 2007
    hmm, i have an idea what the problem might be. i was offered the manual activation as the first option as well. the system told me that there would be a problem with my connection, which i knew could not be possible. so i simply ignored it, switched to the telltale account activation, entered my name and pw and everything was fine. i got the impression that the connection is checked and if there is a small delay, maybe because of a firewall or something, the decision is made rather quickly. possibly making is search a little bit longer might help. of course it could be something completely different..
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    If it can't detect an internet connection at all, it switches pretty quickly to offline mode. If it finds you have an internet connection, but is having trouble reaching Telltale's website, it tries for three seconds (which is a pretty long time in "make a test conncetion to a server" terms), and then gives up. We're still evaluating all this stuff. It's a bummer that some people are running into a few issues, but by and large, compared to the way this worked last year, things are going surprisingly smoothly.
  • edited November 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    hmm, i have an idea what the problem might be. i was offered the manual activation as the first option as well. the system told me that there would be a problem with my connection, which i knew could not be possible. so i simply ignored it, switched to the telltale account activation, entered my name and pw and everything was fine. i got the impression that the connection is checked and if there is a small delay, maybe because of a firewall or something, the decision is made rather quickly. possibly making is search a little bit longer might help. of course it could be something completely different..


    Same thing happened to me.
  • edited November 2007
    ditto. I wasn't quick enough to allow it through my firewall... so I just clicked the "telltale login" tab and typed in my username/password, and it activated fine :)

    Still... don't have time to play the game just yet, but it's at least installed and configured :)
  • edited November 2007
    My firewall wouldn't allow automatic activation last season. I had to activate it using my order number and password. Same thing happened with "Ice Station Santa". I had to use my serial number to activate it.

    It's no problem, really. I think the new serial number is kind of cool :) I'm too paranoid to drop my firewall -even for a few seconds- to allow automatic activation. Now I only have to worry about one serial number instead of an order number and password.
  • edited November 2007
    I logged in with my Telltale account. I don't think I've had such an easy, pleasant DRM experience. Steam comes close, but sometimes my internet(/router) is too unstable to get it working on boot. Good job guys.

    I love the splash screen, by the way. Any chance of bringing it to Season 1 (I doubt it, but I prefer it over Season 1's).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    We'll likely be rolling Season One up to the new system eventually, since that way all of our users will be on the same system. Easier to explain, easier to update, easier for support.
  • edited November 2007
    The installation procedure has been a smooth sailing here.

  • edited November 2007
    yeah... i have never seen such a smooth buying and delivery process.. who knew it was so easy to spend money !
  • edited November 2007
    Loved the new activation,

    My game stays in offline mode though, but still activated with my telltale credentials.

    Offline mode is probably due to the fact that I use my cellphone gprs (not 3G) for connecting to the internet and it is very VERY slow.
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