Where's the Season One DVD gone?

edited December 2007 in Sam & Max
I finally get round to ordering my copy of the season one disk (yes I know it's taken me long enough) and now it seems to have vanished from the store! NOOOOOO!!!!! Am I too late to get the disk to go with my season one order, or will it be back?




  • edited November 2007
    I too have yet to order the season dvd and checked the site to see if they still have it. Apparently, it seems that the DVDs will be back soon, according to the product info page.

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    Yeah there were a few temporary casualties when the site went down, and one of them was the season one disc page (along with the "upgrade from one episode to the whole season" page). Both will be back up sometime in the coming week.
  • edited November 2007
    i bought the complete season one on steam. Am i still entitled for the season one dvd?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    The DVD deal is only valid if you bought the games from Telltale. Sorry. :(
  • edited November 2007
    Any update?

  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    Still working on it! Hopefully this week or at the latest, the weekend.
  • edited December 2007
    It now shows the box to enter the order # but gives me an invalid order # error when I try.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    If you get an invalid order # error, then email support with your order number and the problem. We can get it sorted out for you.
  • edited December 2007
    support got it fixed, thanks
  • edited December 2007
    pfaffer wrote: »
    support got it fixed, thanks

    I had the same issue and support got me up and running (on a Sunday, no less).

    Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it!
  • edited December 2007
    Just found out it was shipped yesterday! You guys rock.
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