What's with releasing a christmas game in november?

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
They even poked fun at this in the middle of the game, but I'm still curious why... especially since they're skipping the december episode. Why not just start the season in december, and go from there?


  • edited November 2007
    I'm sure it's some kind of clever marketing reason. ;)
  • edited November 2007
    because the christmas season starts in november...

    Santa is coming to the mall next weekend! Horray!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    Yeah, because a lot of Christmas stuff starts happening in November (as an example, the movie Fred Claus launched yesterday, too) and also because it gives the game a longer shelf life. If we had released it the 2nd week in December instead of the 2nd week in November, it would have only had about two and a half weeks to "live" before Christmas came and then it would be outdated. This way we have six whole weeks to get people's attention (and hopefully sell more copies!)

    We always planned to take a break between the first episode and the second episode, so us releasing it in November isn't the reason we skipped December. If we'd released in December, episode 2 wouldn't have come out until February.
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