More Lively NPCs?

edited November 2007 in Sam & Max
I dont mean to sound like I'm complaining, because I enjoyed Ice Station Santa, but I thought we were promised more lively NPCs that moved around rather than staying fixed in one spot? Well apart from scripted story moments, they all seemed to stay rooted in place as far as I could tell. Bosco, Sybil and Abe, the bug, the Soda poppers, the elves. None moved around on their own accord.

Am I missing something? :confused:


  • edited November 2007
    Bosco and Stinky moved about a bit behind their counters, and there's a way to make Flint Paper leave, but otherwise you're right. Maybe in one of the later episodes.
  • edited November 2007
    How many of the old lucasarts games had such a thing, anyway?
  • edited November 2007
    Yes, change is bad. Bad bad BAD. I'd also prefer if games used 32 colors tops and ran from floppys. Beneath a steel sky had characters that walked around on their own, if we're going to talk about adventure games from that era.
    And yes I'm a bit sarcastic and no I'm not after flaming you mate.
  • edited November 2007
    It would've been fun if the "bladder problem" Soda Popper would rush to a tree once in a while, yeah. :P

  • edited November 2007
    Is this really a huge problem? I'd rather have them not running around like in some crappy rpg.
  • edited November 2007
    Its not a problem. Like I said, I enjoyed the game regardless.

    But Telltale shouldnt promise something and then fail to deliver it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    I dont mean to sound like I'm complaining, because I enjoyed Ice Station Santa, but I thought we were promised more lively NPCs that moved around rather than staying fixed in one spot? Well apart from scripted story moments, they all seemed to stay rooted in place as far as I could tell. Bosco, Sybil and Abe, the bug, the Soda poppers, the elves. None moved around on their own accord.

    Am I missing something? :confused:

    We weren't able to take the behaviors as far as we wanted in 201 but look for its presence to slowly increase as the season progresses. In Episode 201 it's mainly limited to Bosco and Stinky being able to walk around in their environments a bit, instead of just sitting still breathing like they did in season one, but it will slowly branch out throughout later episodes.
  • edited November 2007
    Erwin wrote: »
    It would've been fun if the "bladder problem" Soda Popper would rush to a tree once in a while, yeah. :P


    Or better yet, watch him turn the snow yellow, and then it gets bleached! :p
  • edited November 2007
    That would have been funny! :D
  • edited November 2007
    It was also suggested that NPCs in the environment to chime in with the hint system, instead only max gets involved. Not that I'm criticizing just want to remind TTG that we keep count. These are things that will improve through the season I'm sure.
  • edited November 2007
    Eater wrote: »
    It was also suggested that NPCs in the environment to chime in with the hint system, not that I'm criticizing just want to remind TTG that we keep count. These are things that will improve through the season I'm sure.

    I turned the hints all the way up at one point and Max kept yelling at me to get back to the north pole. Does that count?
  • edited November 2007
    I think it might be more like Sybil or Abraham chiming in with something if you're looking at something in Stinky's and haven't figured out what you might need to do already.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2007
    Eater wrote: »
    Not that I'm criticizing just want to remind TTG that we keep count.

  • edited November 2007
    Well when you think about it, there shouldn't be many NPCs running around at the North Pole, and at Stinky's what do you have? Someone behind a counter and two people sitting. It's a restaurant. The real test will be when they do another environment along the lines of the casino, which is where I thought NPCs were really lacking in season 1.
  • edited November 2007
    They could have added a few random NPCs wandering around. Not story related, but just to make the Sam & Max neighbourhood seem like it has more people living in it :p
  • edited November 2007
    They could've, but for me personally, I wasn't feeling the lack in this particular episode. Maybe one more person on the street looking at the rubble would've been nice, but for now I consider it a nitpick.
  • edited November 2007
    well, in 201 i didn't miss any people on the street. no wonder they would rather stay inside when there is a two-story killing machine on the loose tossing buildings. maybe there should be some more rats running around in future episodes. i always got the impression that old sam & max material had a lot of them..
  • edited November 2007
    Kefky wrote: »
    How many of the old lucasarts games had such a thing, anyway?

    Maniac Mansion did, can't remember anything else, though.
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