Overall Connection between the Episodes in Season 2



  • edited December 2007
    Why so crazy about time-travelling? This was done like xillion times before. I really don't need Sam&Max travelling in time again, too. It was a nice thing in 201 as reference to the Christmas Carol, but i don't need a whole season based on it.
  • edited December 2007
    'cause Telltale would do it well, and time travel when done well has enormous potential. Plus, I just love a good time travel story and they aren't all that easy to come by.
  • edited December 2007
    Harald B wrote: »
    'cause Telltale would do it well, and time travel when done well has enormous potential. Plus, I just love a good time travel story and they aren't all that easy to come by.

    Especially when you have complicated things to worry about like paradoxes, alternate timelines, and that silly space-time continum riff effect. But thanks to Back To The Future, all that is easy to understand!:D
  • edited December 2007
    time travel would be good because it opens up some great location possibilties.. who wouldn't want to see sam & max in ancient rome? Also episode 2 involves an "ancient prophecy" http://games.internode.on.net/content.php?mode=news&id=2355 ..so they probably have to go back in time to change the course of events..
  • edited December 2007
    Actually I think Haggis has cracked the code with this wikipedia entry about chariots of the gods...

    and I quote:
    Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It is centered on the hypothesis that many ancient civilizations' technologies and religion were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods.

    Artifacts have been found which represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at times when they were manufactured. Von Däniken maintains that these artifacts were produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from them. Such artifacts include the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the head statues of Easter Island and the Antikythera mechanism. Further examples include a medieval map known as the Piri Reis Map, allegedly showing the Earth as it is seen from space, and the Nazca lines in Peru, which he explains as landing strips for an airfield.
  • edited December 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Actually I think Haggis has cracked the code with this wikipedia entry about chariots of the gods...

    and I quote:
    Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It is centered on the hypothesis that many ancient civilizations' technologies and religion were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods.

    Artifacts have been found which represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at times when they were manufactured. Von Däniken maintains that these artifacts were produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from them. Such artifacts include the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the head statues of Easter Island and the Antikythera mechanism. Further examples include a medieval map known as the Piri Reis Map, allegedly showing the Earth as it is seen from space, and the Nazca lines in Peru, which he explains as landing strips for an airfield.
    Looking at that, I can think of one other currently plausible theme: Aliens.
    Think about it. The Shambling Corporate Presence came from Lower Manitoba, which I'm assuming is supposed to be a planet somewhere, there's aliens right there in the Chariot of the Gods bit, the triangle things from Moai Better Blues could very well be alien in origin and... um...
    Well, I'm assuming that Episode 203 will have zombies, so it seems possible that aliens had something to do with that.
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    The Shambling Corporate Presence came from Lower Manitoba, which I'm assuming is supposed to be a planet somewhere

    Some say it's a Canadian province, also.
  • edited December 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Some say it's a Canadian province, also.
    Oh yeah, I knew it sounded somewhat familiar. I feel stupid. Really, though, how many people really know the names of the Canadian provinces that aren't Quebec or British Columbia or that one place that begins with a T?
    I still stick by my theory. The Shambling Corporate Presence looked alien to me.
  • edited December 2007
    I think you might mean Toronto, which is a city in Ontario :)
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Looking at that, I can think of one other currently plausible theme: Aliens.
    Think about it. The Shambling Corporate Presence came from Lower Manitoba, which I'm assuming is supposed to be a planet somewhere, there's aliens right there in the Chariot of the Gods bit, the triangle things from Moai Better Blues could very well be alien in origin and... um...
    Well, I'm assuming that Episode 203 will have zombies, so it seems possible that aliens had something to do with that.
    Hi, I'm Hugh Bliss!
  • edited December 2007
    Looks like Max missed one. :p
  • edited December 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Some say it's a Canadian province, also.

    Nice diversionary tactic! :D
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Really, though, how many people really know the names of the Canadian provinces that aren't Quebec or British Columbia(...)

  • edited December 2007
  • edited December 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    Well, that's one person.
    As for the Sasketchewan thing, that doesn't count. It has a funny name.
  • edited December 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I think you might mean Toronto, which is a city in Ontario :)

    I knew that. It was a joke! I kid the Canadians and there non-province of Toronto!
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I knew that. It was a joke! I kid the Canadians and there non-province of Toronto!

    Strangely enough for a forum filled with Sam and Max players, many people here can't quite grasp this crazy concept of "sarcasm".
  • edited December 2007
    Strangely enough for a forum filled with Sam and Max players, many people here can't quite grasp this crazy concept of "sarcasm".
    I'm assuming that you're referring to me, in which case you're dead wrong. I get that he was being sarcastic. What you don't get is that, here's an amazing concept, so was I. Tabacco was sarcastic while stating that I was probably thinking of Toronto, and then I responded with sarcasm and the political tactic of "covering your... um... rear."
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I'm assuming that you're referring to me, in which case you're dead wrong. I get that he was being sarcastic. What you don't get is that, here's an amazing concept, so was I. Tabacco was sarcastic while stating that I was probably thinking of Toronto, and then I responded with sarcasm and the political tactic of "covering your... um... rear."

    I wasn't referring to you.

    Strangely enough on a forum filled with Sam and Max players, many people here can't quite grasp this crazy concept of indirect address.
  • edited December 2007
    To be fair, you were quoting him with your post.
  • edited December 2007
    Stop this, please. It's hugely unnecessary.
  • edited December 2007
    Yeah, let's get back on topic, please.
  • edited January 2008
    Giving the ending of episode 2..
    surely space travelling aliens must be involved and they are the ones who beamed up the moai heads.. re this clue:

    Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It is centered on the hypothesis that many ancient civilizations' technologies and religion were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods.

    Artifacts have been found which represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at times when they were manufactured. Von Däniken maintains that these artifacts were produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from them. Such artifacts include the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the head statues of Easter Island and the Antikythera mechanism. Further examples include a medieval map known as the Piri Reis Map, allegedly showing the Earth as it is seen from space, and the Nazca lines in Peru, which he explains as landing strips for an airfield.
  • edited January 2008
    My conspiracy theory is that
    at one time Sam & Max will be trapped by lava, as we have seen them. And this lava will come pouring out from gigantic triangle just like the one they saved Easter Island with.
    At least I hope so :)
    And the main villain in this season will be the
    birthday? guy, he's seen in every episode and no one expects it to be him :eek:
  • edited January 2008
    Stigmatic wrote: »
    [/spoiler] At least I hope so :)
    And the main villain in this season will be the
    birthday? guy, he's seen in every episode and no one expects it to be him :eek:
    I think that would be too obvious of an answer, I think he's just a decoy for people to say "hey, that HAS to be the main bad guy." Though I do think that he'll fit into the main story line, I really doubt he'll be the main villain of the season. I say Conroy Bumpus will be the main villain. Joking of course. I think it's too tough to say now, but something about aliens. Maybe Bosco's right for once.

    One thing that I found interesting was
    when Sam and Max were inside Bosco's they were talking about the seismograph. I think they mentioned something about the correlation between earthquakes and zombie uprisings. Now the easter island head who is "Stoned" laughs at pretty much anything now, so maybe his earth shaking laughs will conjure up some zombie shenanigans. I'm assuming by episode 3's title, that it's about zombies that dance with glow sticks.
    ...Or maybe I'm looking too far into things.
  • edited January 2008
    (could someone tell me how to hide the text?)

    the topic might not be aliens... it might be folk lore
    At least all the episodes in this seson seems packed with it.

    as to who might be the mastermind of this episode

    About it being aliens
    Well it was done in the first seson.
    when it has already been done, doing it again will make everyone believe the third one will be about aliens as well, thus it might be damaging for the future sesons. Sam and Max might end up being conected to defeating aliens, instead of the funny and wacky characters they are.

    i don't think it is the the birthday guy because:
    1 he don't seem as creapy as bliss did.
    2 although the character is quite wacky he doesn't seem menancing.
    3 it would be to obvious
    (could he instead be there to mark a birthday??
    of sam and max or telltale or something?)

    It might be Stinky, but there she is to suspect as it is.
    How about Grandpa Stinky: he hates the everyone and everything in the world and has been thourougly mentioned in every episode.
    Maybe he has left on a quest to destroy the world.
    And that episode 4 or the start of episode 5 will be about pursuing Stinky
    a. as falsely acused for a trying to destroy the world
    b. His acomplice
    c. First falsely acused, then cleared and finally traps Sam and Max for her grandpa
    c. First falsely acused, then cleared and finally shows up to be the mastermind

    or maybe i have to much imagination
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    to hide the text:
    [spoiler ]hidden text[ /spoiler]

    I'd be more suspicious about Flint, more specifically, who hired him. Why is he spying on Bosco? Who was he whacking in 201? Old Stinky, perhaps?

    And speaking about Stinky:
    Maybe "Stinky" is not really Old Stinky's daughter, maybe she's a henchman whose role is to spy on S&M?
    Or the opposite, she is there to help S&M (working undercover) to defeat the main villain?

    But all of those "theories" are clearly red-hearrings.
    The main villain is....

    And the birthday guy really is
    Hans Moleman, using another suit
  • edited January 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    I'd be more suspicious about Flint, more specifically, who hired him. Why is he spying on Bosco?

    He was hired by
    Bosco's mom
    . Flint does tell you that much.
  • edited January 2008
    quite frankly, you can pick any character in the game and they could be a villan if not THE season villan, they are all shady... i still have my suspicions that sybil is up to something

    and who says you have to "actually" see the villan in each episode... hugh was only mentioned briefly in some of the episodes, i think the villan
    is the devil, cause the episodes both have refrences to hell, and the world beyond, (201 was cause of a demon, 202 was cause of a ghost fish, and now 203 has refrances to zombies and vampires?) if thats not the season arc, i dunno what is... and that is also telltales style, hide things in plain sight, but hide them enough so we over think it and dont see things right away...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008

    Hans Moleman!!!
  • edited January 2008
  • edited January 2008
    I think it could be the devil too.
    Maybe Bosco's secret bunker broke through to hell (I'm sure its underground) and that is why the demon was in the first one and Mr. Spatulas ghost is in the second one. They both escaped hell through the hole made by Bosco's bunker. Of course maybe Stinky is dead and his ghost escaped hell too . Perhaps he is the main badguy and he is out for revenge
  • edited January 2008
    it can't be hell..explain the ending of 202 then? the
    moai heads went up not down
  • edited January 2008
    Well, that really doesn't discount my theory.
    A battle between heaven and hell could easily be the climax if what I proposed is correct. The heads could have been pulled into heaven for the final battle. Alternately if it was done by a U.F.O. that still wouldn't necessarily make my theory wrong. It could be the ancient Egyptians. We know from the comics that they had contact with aliens, so they might have risen from the dead and are flying in U.F.O.s. That could easily fit into my proposed plot.
  • edited January 2008
    it's THEM. it has to be.

  • edited January 2008
    T.H.E.M. = Three Headed Evil Monkey(s)
  • edited January 2008
    another suspect might be
    Boscos mom: sending her own son bombs in 201 and hires the most, well that second most violent detective spying on him (the most violent being Max:D) in ep 202,. Who could be more capable of being the mastermind?
  • edited January 2008
    Hmm...so our roster of potential villains now includes
    the Mariachi, Mr. Spatula, Stinky, Grandpa Stinky, Bosco's mother, and aliens (likely T-H-E-M)
    ... quite the list.

    I still hold firm to my belief that the final episode of the season will involve the villain going back in time to the dawn of the Disco Era in order to assassinate Steve Purcell before he can create Sam & Max, thus causing the destruction of reality itself.
  • edited January 2008
    haha interesting theory I wouldn't mind steve purcell traveling back in time and stopping the cancellation of freelance police
  • edited January 2008
    You know, if you use running references as a hint towards the story arch, then i would like to toss new zealand in. in 201 max talks about bombing auckland, and in 202 he mentions a joke about maoris (native to new zealand). coincidence? i think not!
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