Sam & Max have been raped!!! [in italian]

edited December 2007 in Sam & Max
Hi folks, I just wanted to report my own opinion regarding the italian translation of Season 1. Actually I don't care so much about it, since I've played the entire Season in english before, such as I'm gonna play every future episode/season.
However shutting up didn't seem fair to me, I love TellTale and I wanted to warn you about the fact that the translation is just S H A M E F U L.
REALLY, we all know it's not simple to make S&M speak other languages but engish, but I'm talking about BASILAR problems here!
It's not about jokes based on words (no one expects the Not'chos joke to be well translated, it's just impossible), but it's about making confusion between 'hiding a cow' and 'hiding a CROW', between 'she' and 'me' :(
S&M deserve the best, I'm sad to see such an awful quality of translation.
And I didn't even mention the fact that the promised poster wasn't there in the box, or maybe it's simply made with air.
This isn't absolutely Telltale's fault, my finger is pointed against Jowood... Please Telltale, your work is first quality, don't let unprofessional (is that a word?) companies piss on it.


  • edited November 2007

  • edited November 2007
    In the immortal words of Max:

    What. The hell.

    Maybe you should use a different title?
  • edited November 2007
    I'm glad that nothing gets translated here in the Netherlands. Some games atempt to, but everybody will search for the language to english function when it happens. No one in holland likes english to dutch translations. Even most of the children here hate them!
  • edited November 2007
    wiedo wrote: »
    I'm glad that nothing gets translated here in the Netherlands. Some games atempt to, but everybody will search for the language to english function when it happens. No one in holland likes english to dutch translations. Even most of the children here hate them!

    That's because everything on TV and in the cinema is subtitled. We don't dubb those things like the Germans, Italians, French and Spanish do.

    There is only one thing worse than dubbing: a voice over, like in Russia and Poland..! :eek:

    Marc (NL)
  • edited November 2007
    Ahah, the title of my post has been edited, maybe I should have chosen another one (@Maratonos, sorry you're right :D)! Back to the main matter, the sad thing is that here in Italy we always had kind of perfect translations, dubbing etc.. HTR was really well done, also if the original version of every game/movie is always better than the dubbed/subtitled one.
    The problem is that this time Jowood's done a ridiculous work, I swear anybody here in the forum could have done a better one, even those who speak a little italian.
    There's a big difference between making a not-so-perfect translation and an awful translation. I've read in this forum german people complaining too, so Jowood's done probably a massive shit. Too bad.
  • edited November 2007
    That's a pity. Shoddy.
  • edited November 2007
    Omg Someone Call Max He's Presedent He'll Kill Tem Wit Robotz :D:D:D:D:D:D
    I hid cows in all your pants MUHAHAHAHAH
  • edited November 2007
    However shutting up didn't seem fair to me, I love TellTale and I wanted to warn you about the fact that the translation is just S H A M E F U L.
    REALLY, we all know it's not simple to make S&M speak other languages but engish, but I'm talking about BASILAR problems here!
    It's not about jokes based on words (no one expects the Not'chos joke to be well translated, it's just impossible), but it's about making confusion between 'hiding a cow' and 'hiding a CROW', between 'she' and 'me' :(

    Rest assured I've already warned the guys at Telltale about those problems, Guybrush. Many sequences which feature puns have been translated nicely, but the translation hasn't been tested at all (that's my impression, anyway), leaving some of the horrors you're talking about untouched. It's absurd, considering that the worst mistakes have been done on stupid & ultra-easy translations, NOT on the most difficult puns. It's a shame, I agree, I hope Season 2 won't suffer the same undeserved massacre.
  • edited November 2007
    Not a buy directly via Telltale...of course you get the english version only but i'ts much better than to see/hear a really bad translation...Jowood did a crappy work,glad i didn't buy S&M from them...
  • edited November 2007
    @Diduz: thanks pal, I was sure you noticed the problem. We must let our voices be heard if we want to avoid similar facts in the near future, it's nice to know you've already warned the guys at Telltale.

    @Ezappa: unfortunately I'm a collector, there's nothing more unhealthy than being a collector (except for cancer, maybe). It kills your wallet and your nerves. :D Actually, I bought both versions, the special one from Telltale and the european one (I'm also planning to buy the US version, as soon as I have some fresh money). I agree with you, I love the original version and there's no problem with it but, you know, it's not beautiful to see S&M speaking YOUR language in that awful way. It takes a decent translation if you want one, or else leave things untouched. Just meant to say this.
  • edited December 2007
    barchetta wrote: »
    That's because everything on TV and in the cinema is subtitled. We don't dubb those things like the Germans, Italians, French and Spanish do.

    There is only one thing worse than dubbing: a voice over, like in Russia and Poland..! :eek:

    Marc (NL)

    ... What? Dubs ARE voice-overs.
  • edited December 2007
    ... What? Dubs ARE voice-overs.

    I think he's using "dub" to mean a total voice replacement, with "voice-over" meaning that the translated voice is simply layered over the original audio, like they do on the news sometimes...
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