Episode 202 - Moai Better Blues - Available Now!!



  • edited December 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    :confused: What would lead you to believe that the minigame from Hit the Road is back in this episode? (it's not... and why would it be? that mini-game was awkward and impossible to figure out)
    I think they were just hoping that it might come back at some point.
    As for the awkward and impossible-to-figure-outness of it, that's just part of the fun!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Ah! Heh. I see ...

    Well, er, ahh.... fortunately there is a driving game in 202, and it's fun! Woo!
  • edited December 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Ah! Heh. I see ...

    Well, er, ahh.... fortunately there is a driving game in 202, and it's fun! Woo!

    :eek: Willz it has maltiplayerz n bunnihoppin n de_dust n canz it be fur 360 n pswii n can i plai as master cheef cuz i like master cheef he wus in halo n halo 2 n halo 3 n halo 4 witch nobody haz yet but me cuz i a betta tester for bunjee!

    *cough* Sorry, was just at a GameSpot forum, reading hundreds of messages quite similar to that. Truly a source of unintentional hilarity and tears of shame.
  • edited December 2007
    Speaking of Gamespot, I'm quite annoyed that Sam & Max weren't put up for funniest game and best downloadable game of 2007, simply because it didn't get reviewed (guy who was reviewing it got fired).
  • edited December 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    :confused: What would lead you to believe that the minigame from Hit the Road is back in this episode? (it's not... and why would it be? that mini-game was awkward and impossible to figure out)
    Well, since it's not, I might as well let you in on my train of logic...

    1. It's an island setting.
    2. Both Sam and Max have surfing stance animations in their animation sets.
    3. There's that WipeOut baby ride in the concept art and in the preview.

    As far as the original minitgam ebeing impossible to figure out, I thought it was pretty straight forward.

    You control Max and you have to jump over the highway signs.
    The more signs you jump/bounce over, the better your score at the end of the run.
    The more signs you crash into, the more time you lose during the level's run.
    Run out of time/run into too many signs, and it is game over.
    Make it through a level, and you get a bonus headstart based on how much time you had left from not hitting any signs.
    Each level only lasted a minute (minus the headstart time), and each level had an increasing number of highway signs you had to avoid.
  • edited December 2007
    Speaking of Gamespot, I'm quite annoyed that Sam & Max weren't put up for funniest game and best downloadable game of 2007, simply because it didn't get reviewed (guy who was reviewing it got fired).

    Is any of that true?
  • edited December 2007
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    Is any of that true?

    It's all very true. That voting thing is full of injustices, though, like Halo 3 currently winning Best 360 game over BioShock, COD4, The Orange Box, or even pretty much any other game that came out this year.
  • edited December 2007
    It's all very true. That voting thing is full of injustices, though, like Halo 3 currently winning Best 360 game over BioShock, COD4, The Orange Box, or even pretty much any other game that came out this year.
    Did you honestly expect it not too?
    The 360 community is filled with people who believe that Halo is the pinnacle of everything (Not true; video games can be art, and Halo is not art. Well, it is, but in the same way the Bourne movies or other various "There's no real plot, it's just about watching crap blow up" style movies are). Quite frankly, the voting is just a formality. Halo is going to win no matter what.
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Quite frankly, the voting is just a formality.

    Like the Academy Awards! Or the Presidential Elections!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    The more signs you jump/bounce over, the better your score at the end of the run.
    The more signs you crash into, the more time you lose during the level's run.

    I never knew if I was supposed to crash into them or avoid them! I couldn't ever tell what was actually altering my score, and in what way. It seemed like Max might want to destroy all road signs, not leave them standing! I couldn't ever get it right. :(
  • edited December 2007
    *nods* i could never figure it out either.

    also, once i started that game i couldn't find anyway to get out of it until it ended.
  • edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Did you honestly expect it not too?
    The 360 community is filled with people who believe that Halo is the pinnacle of everything (Not true; video games can be art, and Halo is not art. Well, it is, but in the same way the Bourne movies or other various "There's no real plot, it's just about watching crap blow up" style movies are). Quite frankly, the voting is just a formality. Halo is going to win no matter what.

    Well, of course. I did like that there were separate categories for techinical graphics (Crysis) and artistic graphics (Orange Box wasn't included, unfortunately, but BioShock was).

    Meanwhile I'm playing Psychonauts again due to the Xbox Originals thing, while I'm certain 98% of the games downloaded from it have been Halo. I would have downloaded Indigo Prophecy if I didn't already have it. : )

    We have to face the facts that we're the minority. The retarded, shoot everything in sight gamers are taking over. Sure, that's fun every once in a while, but jesus.

    edit: I was actually wondering why there were 3 Bourne movies. None of them except the last had any plot progression worth a crap. They easily could have done it all in one movie. Ultimatum was pretty good though.
  • edited December 2007
    Well, of course. I did like that there were separate categories for techinical graphics (Crysis) and artistic graphics (Orange Box wasn't included, unfortunately, but BioShock was).

    Meanwhile I'm playing Psychonauts again due to the Xbox Originals thing, while I'm certain 98% of the games downloaded from it have been Halo. I would have downloaded Indigo Prophecy if I didn't already have it. : )

    We have to face the facts that we're the minority. The retarded, shoot everything in sight gamers are taking over. Sure, that's fun every once in a while, but jesus.

    edit: I was actually wondering why there were 3 Bourne movies. None of them except the last had any plot progression worth a crap. They easily could have done it all in one movie. Ultimatum was pretty good though.

    As much as I love FPSs, I couldn't agree more. Halo deserves none of the praise it gets. I played the first and part of the second, and only had minor amounts of fun with them. I've got Halo 3 on my GameFly queue, but only because of morbid curiosity.

    Granted, the 360 isn't the best source of thought provoking titles, but there are so many better recent shooters on it. BioShock, COD4, Orange Box... even smaller titles like TimeShift brings much more to the table than Halo ever has.
  • edited December 2007
    Yeah I have no interest in shooting things..so I look at the current next gen consoles and think why should i buy one theres no games for me.. makes me feel old too heh
  • edited December 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I never knew if I was supposed to crash into them or avoid them! I couldn't ever tell what was actually altering my score, and in what way. It seemed like Max might want to destroy all road signs, not leave them standing! I couldn't ever get it right. :(

    I figured it out by just observing the GUI that was at the top of the screen. Every time I crashed into a sign, I noticed a big chunk of the Time bar would disappear. That's how I figured out what to do.

    But I do agree with you. The game was kind of backwards given Max's love for destruction. That's kind of why I was looking forward to a remake of it for Season 2 in one episode that involves Max Highway Surfing for one reason or another.
  • edited December 2007
    edit: I was actually wondering why there were 3 Bourne movies. None of them except the last had any plot progression worth a crap. They easily could have done it all in one movie. Ultimatum was pretty good though.
    You know, I've only seen the last two, and the reused plot is amazing. I mean, they even had the exact same scene (The one where he's talking to the lady at the place with the thing on the phone and then says "You look tired") You'd think they'd learn to expect him to be watching them as they speak after the third or fourth time (both movies had several scenes like that).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    You know, I've only seen the last two, and the reused plot is amazing. I mean, they even had the exact same scene (The one where he's talking to the lady at the place with the thing on the phone and then says "You look tired") You'd think they'd learn to expect him to be watching them as they speak after the third or fourth time (both movies had several scenes like that).

    Are you being sarcastic here? I can't tell :( The reason that scene is in two movies is because the third movie spends its first half dealing with what Borne was up to between leaving Europe and coming to America (in the second film, that "you look tired" scene was tacked on at the end to show that he did eventually come home). They included that scene in the third movie so you could match up the timelines in the two movies... they weren't just using it over again.

    That said, there are many recycled moments. The car chases in the second and third movies looked like they could be interwoven with one shot from the second film followed by a shot from the third, followed by a shot from the second etc etc and nobody would notice. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the movies, though!
  • edited December 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Are you being sarcastic here? I can't tell :( The reason that scene is in two movies is because the third movie spends its first half dealing with what Borne was up to between leaving Europe and coming to America (in the second film, that "you look tired" scene was tacked on at the end to show that he did eventually come home). They included that scene in the third movie so you could match up the timelines in the two movies... they weren't just using it over again.

    That said, there are many recycled moments. The car chases in the second and third movies looked like they could be interwoven with one shot from the second film followed by a shot from the third, followed by a shot from the second etc etc and nobody would notice. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the movies, though!
    Yeah, I was being sarcastic.
    My point was that the plots seemed startlingly similar to me.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Sorry for complete failure to detect sarcasm :(
  • edited December 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Sorry for complete failure to detect sarcasm :(
    It's the internet. Detecting sarcasm is like trying to find a needle in a hay stake in a cow's third stomache that's on the butcher's block 9,000 miles outside of city limits of the greater Iowa farming area.
  • edited December 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    It's the internet. Detecting sarcasm is like trying to find a needle in a hay stake in a cow's third stomache that's on the butcher's block 9,000 miles outside of city limits of the greater Iowa farming area.


    ...I'll get my coat.
  • edited December 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    As much as I love FPSs, I couldn't agree more. Halo deserves none of the praise it gets. I played the first and part of the second, and only had minor amounts of fun with them. I've got Halo 3 on my GameFly queue, but only because of morbid curiosity.

    Granted, the 360 isn't the best source of thought provoking titles, but there are so many better recent shooters on it. BioShock, COD4, Orange Box... even smaller titles like TimeShift brings much more to the table than Halo ever has.

    COD4 doesn't have a massive story that Halo tries to do (even though it fails miserably), and yet it's still much more emotionally impacting than Halo. Bungie are just terrible terrible storytellers.

    When the twist hits in BioShock, you go "Hooooooly fuck" but in Halo when you destroy Audrey III, you just go "hrm that was neat".

    As for the Bourne movies thing, even though I watched the first two I honestly cannot remember a single thing from either of them except for the shotgun fight against Clive Owen in the first.
  • edited December 2007
    Is there going to be a "camera moves around like drunken fish" mode like as in the trailer?
  • edited December 2007
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    Is there going to be a "camera moves around like drunken fish" mode like as in the trailer?

    I hope not. But, in 102 we had cameras. So, they may be present in 202 also!

    P.S. Merry Christmas Evreyone!And don't forget to install anti-Max security systems, or you'll have a lagomorph feeling...actually, more than a feeling...
  • edited December 2007
    And the security system DOES work. Trust me! Trust me!
  • edited December 2007
    And the security system DOES work. Trust me! Trust me!

    It is only $94673213433764354735999356435!

    (And it's a carrot attached to a remote control on wheels :D )

    Well, I think you'd be better off just buying Moai Better Blues!
  • edited December 2007
    unsilviu wrote: »
    I hope not. But, in 102 we had cameras. So, they may be present in 202 also!

    P.S. Merry Christmas Evreyone!And don't forget to install anti-Max security systems, or you'll have a lagomorph feeling...actually, more than a feeling...
    When I hear that old song they used to play.
  • edited December 2007
    There isn't a security system in the world safe from Max's Expolits!

    Repent now!

  • edited January 2008
    Woohoo! 8 days to go!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    There's a quick gameplay video up on the Moai Better Blues page!
  • edited January 2008
    *looks up from playing Phantom Hourglass*
    A gameplay video? That's the best kind of video!
  • edited January 2008
    YAY i can't wait a week left for me! a week and a day for none gametap people (tip: get gametap the games are free no paying involved with the games the subsciption only needs to be payed for but you get like a thousand games!)
  • edited January 2008
    lol cool video. the lincoln part scares me :D
  • edited January 2008
    I've always been interested in Easter Island ever since I played "Time Lapse".

    If I ever take a trip there I'll slap a Sam & Max sticker on one of the Moai and take a picture.
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I've always been interested in Easter Island ever since I played "Time Lapse".

    If I ever take a trip there I'll slap a Sam & Max sticker on one of the Moai and take a picture.

    If you want to risk jail time (and/or a fine)... go ahead ;)
  • edited January 2008
    ah, the 18 to 24 year old repeat criminal demographic.... what would sam and max be without you guys :D
  • edited January 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    ah, the 18 to 24 year old repeat criminal demographic.... what would sam and max be without you guys :D
    A lab animal and a pet cleaner...
  • edited January 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    A lab animal
    Max can certaintly relate!
  • edited January 2008
    woo!(the new mp3) is dope.. very relaxing
  • edited January 2008
    Hey is there going to be an upgrade offer like for season one? I bought the first episode and want to upgrade to the whole season.
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