Night of the Raving Dead & Chariots of the Dogs

The names of episode three and four have been revealed. Let the speculation begin!


  • edited December 2007
    I call the Ben Hur parody to come for 204!!

    *goes and tries to find the original trailer of the movie*
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    Oh man did this thread give me a heart attack. I didn't realize we had posted the episode names yet. Whew!
  • edited December 2007
    Will wrote: »
    Oh man did this thread give me a heart attack. I didn't realize we had posted the episode names yet. Whew!

    While I was posting I was thinking about how amusing it would be if you guys had put the names on by mistake. :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    *picks Will's jaw up off the floor*
  • edited December 2007
    Raving dead,you say?
    Uuu...nice. I LOVE the raving dead. Must be connected to trick-or-treating,hell if I know...
  • edited December 2007

    dancing zombies?... lol

    they better do the thriller dance.
  • edited December 2007
    Well, all the titles seem to be parodies so far, with the replaced words having something to do with the episode:
    - Ice Station Santa = Ice Station Zebra
    - Moai Better Blues = Mo' Better Blues
    - Night of the Raving Dead = Night of the Living Dead
    - Chariots of the Dogs = Chariots of the Gods

    So, episode 203 will have something to do with raves (zombies throwing a house party?), and episode 204 will have something to do with dogs (German Shepherds being responsible for building Stonehenge? Sam being mistaken for a god by some tribe of natives?).
  • YitYit
    edited December 2007
    204 confirms (kinda) the time travel rumor. I'm not how the zombies fit in, but regardless, I'm excited.
  • edited December 2007
    All titles are now on WP.
  • edited December 2007
    night of the living dead I predict they travel to transylvania or something.. maybe back in the15th 16th century.. and then chariot of the dogs sounds really exciting..they must travel back to roman times surely!
  • edited December 2007
    While I was posting I was thinking about how amusing it would be if you guys had put the names on by mistake. :D

    That's what I was thinking too. :p
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    I'm here to dispell all of the rumors... all of the next episodes will take place in sam and max's closet. Complete with mini-games such as "Sam and Max's Toe Jam Bonanza" and "Are you an 'Outtie' or an 'Innie?'"
  • edited December 2007
    Awww, and I was looking forward to a zombie version of DDR too...
  • edited December 2007
    Yes, but are they going to finally decide to come out of the closet?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    NickTTG wrote: »
    "Are you an 'Outtie' or an 'Innie?'"


    Really. I LOLed.
  • edited December 2007
    Yit wrote: »
    204 confirms (kinda) the time travel rumor. I'm not how the zombies fit in, but regardless, I'm excited.

    zombies fit in everywhere. if it has zombies it has to be good. the zombie movie is probably the best genre ever, seriously...i mean..zombies..come on..:D
  • edited December 2007
    I think looking into the book Chariots of the Gods? (wikipedia entry linked to by Haggis) will interest a lot of you.
  • edited December 2007
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    I think looking into the book Chariots of the Gods? (wikipedia entry linked to by Haggis) will interest a lot of you.

    Yeah, but didn't we already see
    the origins of a religion from outer space
    in Season 1?

    Oh, wait, you mean the other part of that entry about the artifacts....
  • edited December 2007
    Will wrote: »
    Oh man did this thread give me a heart attack. I didn't realize we had posted the episode names yet. Whew!
    You should've had one the day before 201 was announced. On WIKIPEDIA.
    (too bad they don't give a prize for
    knowing the title"Ice Station Santa" one day before anyone else, except the telltale team!
    ) :D
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2007
    wisp wrote: »
    zombies fit in everywhere. if it has zombies it has to be good. the zombie movie is probably the best genre ever, seriously...i mean..zombies..come on..:D

    yes... my thoughts exactly. zombies are the shit! i have a feeling you will be a happy man this episode :)
  • edited December 2007
    do we get a thriller parody with max playing michael jackson?
  • edited December 2007
    Now I want a custom Max skin for Dead Rising, with a special head chomp move :P
  • edited January 2008
    Raving Dead screenshots can be found here. Looks good!
  • edited January 2008
    Whoa.... Shirtless Emo Goth vampires with nipple rings.... surprising, but only because I didn't expect it...
  • edited January 2008
    looks pretty damn funny just from that 1 screenshot..
  • edited January 2008
    Raving Dead screenshots can be found here. Looks good!

    I highly protest the obvious resemblance of that vampire to one Marilyn Manson :eek:

    I'm going to have to pull a Chris Crocker and YouTube a vid of me saying "Leave Manson alone!" as tears roll down my makeup-laden cheeks... and that's an image that'll haunt you for life :p
  • edited January 2008
    You mean there's goths that don't look like Mariyln Mason? BLASPHEMY!
  • edited January 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I highly protest the obvious resemblance of that vampire to one Marilyn Manson :eek:
    Funny, I got more like the gay-male version of BloodRyne kind of vibe from that image.
  • edited January 2008
    Dedlok wrote: »
    You mean there's goths that don't look like Mariyln Mason? BLASPHEMY!

    I mainly refer to the facial structure and hair, more than the "goth" look. I'd whip up a side-by-side, but I'm lazy, :p
  • edited January 2008
    Is that even a vampire? I don't see any fangs.
  • edited January 2008
    What else would be that pale, have pointy ears, dress in black, and live in a cliff-face mansion?

    And don't say Batman.
  • edited January 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    What else would be that pale, have pointy ears, dress in black, and live in a cliff-face mansion?

    And don't say Batman.
  • edited January 2008
    While you all talk about 203 allow me to predict a line from 204

    "THIS IS BOSCO'S!!!!!!!"
  • edited January 2008
    Yeah I hope in the next episodes you get run over more stuff for prizes and you keep the decals in previous episodes so it's even better!
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