3rd Season?

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
Hey folks!

I wondered if there will be a 3rd (and more) Season(s). Ok, the 2nd Season isn't released copletely yet, but what when it's? Goodbye S&M? I hope not!
So now my question in a short form: Are you planning to create a 3rd Season?


(and sorry for my possibly bad grammar, but it's 1:30 a.m. in Germany :o )


  • edited December 2007
    I hope either for more seasons, or a full version sam & max game by telltale :) that would also be awesome, we can only hope they earn enough money for the games to expand :)
  • edited December 2007
    I think they've pretty much stated that they'll keep making new sama and max seasons for as long as people keep buying them.

    So if things keep going as good as they have been up to this point it'll probably rn fr a long long time.
  • edited December 2007
    What are you talking about we're all playing the 12th season.

    Personally it sort of lost its edge in the 8th though, much like the Simpsons.
  • edited December 2007
    I don't think they should begin work on Season 3 right after Season 2 has wrapped. Have they left Lucasarts to stop doing Star Wars over and over again, just to do Sam & Max over and over again? I love the characters, but I do really hope that the team's strong creativity can go beyond Sam & Max and CSI.
    A new license or even a new Bone game would be great (at least for me). ;)
  • edited December 2007
    I kind of agree. I don't mind them continuing Sam & Max as long as the games remain as good as they are, but if they keep making Sam & Max at the expense of new licenses (or existing ones like Bone) then that becomes a problem. I don't think that's the case though since they've explained that the idea is for them to have enough teams that they can do several game series at once (which they already have to some extent with Sam & Max and CSI, plus there's those license(s) that they've been hinting at for over a year now). It's just too bad Bone has to suffer because they're not there yet.
  • edited December 2007
    Diduz wrote: »
    I don't think they should begin work on Season 3 right after Season 2 has wrapped. Have they left Lucasarts to stop doing Star Wars over and over again, just to do Sam & Max over and over again? I love the characters, but I do really hope that the team's strong creativity can go beyond Sam & Max and CSI.
    A new license or even a new Bone game would be great (at least for me). ;)

    Blasphemer!<stone>Kill the heretic!</stone>
  • edited December 2007
    Bone wasnt a successful series I see no reason for them to continue those games.. Also it is way too linear and having to directly follow the story makes the task of making an adventure game out of it very difficult..
  • edited December 2007
    then lets have Day of the Tentacle 3 or grim fandango 2 :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited December 2007
    I'd rather have them make a new game, unrelated to any existing game or license.

    I'd be amazed if with all the talent they have in-house (Dave Grossman, Chuck Jordan, et al) they fail to make at least one new game that will be referred as an instant classic.
  • edited December 2007
    I think that Sam and Max is one of the best adventure games ever and that they should never stop making it.
  • edited December 2007
    Yeah must agree, i cant get enough of sam & max either :) tho a new adventure game would be good for telltale i also think :)

    Sam & Max is really aproving, like that they gotten so much of what people wanted down in episode 201. really amazing.
  • edited December 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Bone wasnt a successful series I see no reason for them to continue those games.. Also it is way too linear and having to directly follow the story makes the task of making an adventure game out of it very difficult..

    Bone had to have some success since they did release Director's Cut versions of the games. They wouldnt have bothered if they wernt making money off of the games otherwise. I think Bone was put on hold because of Sam and Max. I'd love another Bone game, even more than a third season of Sam and Max.
  • edited December 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Bone wasnt a successful series I see no reason for them to continue those games..
    You die now.

    Was Bone an unsuccessful series financially? No one knows. It's been suggested by Telltale that it was [successful] and I don't think they lost their shirt on the games but I suspect the Sam & Max episodes are more successful than the Bone episodes were. Still they were the company's very first attempts at episodic releases, so the fact that it "met expectations" saleswise (source) is nothing to sneeze at.
    Also it is way too linear

    The Great Cow Race was more nonlinear than any Sam & Max episode to date, but other than that yeah it's too linear.
    and having to directly follow the story makes the task of making an adventure game out of it very difficult..

    Eh, I don't know that it's any more or less difficult than designing an adventure game around brand new stories, but I do know it's really entertaining to play. Of course, not being the game designers I don't tend to lose too much sleep over how difficult it is...........................................................................
  • edited December 2007
    the fact that it was a 9 book series also doesnt help..with episodic content self contained stories make the most sense.. i really liked great cow race.. i just think telltale can now make an original license or a new license which will give them more freedom
  • edited December 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    the fact that it was a 9 book series also doesnt help..with episodic content self contained stories make the most sense.. i really liked great cow race.. i just think telltale can now make an original license or a new license which will give them more freedom

    The 9 books don't really matter, as later on you could easily condense 2 or 3 into one game. In fact, the first two could have been one game if the more pointless minigames had been left out.
  • edited December 2007
    The 9 books don't really matter, as later on you could easily condense 2 or 3 into one game. In fact, the first two could have been one game if the more pointless minigames had been left out.

    In the Series of Unfortunate Events film, they combined three books into one film.
    How's that for a random fact? :D
  • edited December 2007
    Lets stop talking about Bone and get back to talking about Sam and Max. If you want to talk about Bone do it in the Bone forum.
  • edited January 2008
    A little thing that has my own lines:

    "Give a Man 1 Season of Sam & max he'll be playing for a year. Give a man 10 seasons of Sam & max he'll be playing for a Life Time."

    I have a vote for 10 seasons or more!
  • edited January 2008
    I do intend to live a bit longer than 10 seasons though. Of course you can never know. On the other hand, playing for a lifetime doesn't sound to shabby..imagine telling your grandchildren that back in season two you still had to point and click instead of mind-fusing with Sam. I just hope they won't make Max playable with this interface...
    In the Series of Unfortunate Events film, they combined three books into one film.
    How's that for a random fact? :D
    Pretty ramdom, I guess..
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    A little thing that has my own lines:

    "Give a Man 1 Season of Sam & max he'll be playing for a year. Give a man 10 seasons of Sam & max he'll be playing for a Life Time."

    I have a vote for 10 seasons or more!

    Ah, but what about those who's life span is longer than ten years?
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