More Interactivity Between Sam & Max, Please?

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
I hate to seem as though I'm just asking for one thing after another, but like many fans, I've always loved the spontaneous chemistry between Sam and Max and the fact that they're essentially two completely deranged minds that work as one. While Sam is certainly the more logical of the two, it's really hard to see Sam as the one who does the lion's share of the work and it has always felt awkward to me that, in the video games, the player controls Sam throughout the entire adventure with Max simply wandering about or becoming an occasional "tool."

I'm not sure how possible it would be, but is there a chance that in upcoming games, we can be given the choice to flip between characters? Perhaps when speaking to each other, amongst the non-sequitor jokes and puzzle hints, there can be the simple option for one to take over for a while? And maybe have certain puzzles that require Sam or Max's unique traits to solve them? I understand that the goal is to keep the games simple enough that even beginners can make it through and I appreciate that, but I would love to see more of the classic Sam & Max chemistry rather than the Sam... with Max style of puzzle solving and writing that we see in the games.


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