Support forum, like game, is not working. Please help or give me a refund.

edited December 2012 in Site Support
The ''support'' staff have been completely unresponsive towards myself and others who have the same issues while struggling to get TWD to work. So please at least have the professionalism here at Telltale to help me get a refund (although I would prefer to receive help, so that I could play the game).

When buying your product, we're putting our trust in you that it works, or that you'll help us figure it out if it doesn't. Otherwise why is there a ''support'' forum? It takes our time to make the money to buy the game, then more time and frustration trying to get it to work. Our time is valuable just as yours is. Please show your customers some respect. I payed for a game so should either be able to play it, get help with being able to play it, or be given a refund.

Please reply, thank you.
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