I am ashamed.

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
I had to use my first hint in the whole series.

...Nice work, Telltale. :D
Who knew sentient portals were so gullible?


  • edited January 2008
    Don't worry Kedri, we all have those moments...
  • edited January 2008
    I didn't want to use a hint, but I was on the final puzzle and I was just reading through the walkthrough (don't know why) and I accidently read too far, so I knew that I had to
    use the snail goo

    A weird story, I know.
  • edited January 2008
    I refuse to use the hint system..still playing moai.. it makes you think with that adventure game goodness :)
  • edited January 2008
    And by the way,
    Lou was a positively evil red herring.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Heh, Hero1, I'm glad that you're being hit by the puzzles, as you was a chief proponent of more weirdness and brain bending last year.

    For what it's worth, I think that 202 is, at least structurally, one of the most Sam & Max-comic-like stories we've done in the games so far. There's a marauding triangle which Sam & Max try to defeat but eventually decide to jump through instead, landing them, apparently, to a vaguely tropical island inhabited by ancient stone heads in fear of an even more ancient prophecy, and baby versions of famous missing people who could go home, but prefer hanging out at the tiki bar, downing drinks.
    Somehow the leads to a cavern full of sea chimps who worship the feet of the stone heads, which poke through the ceiling, but are all under the sway of Sam & Max's old pet goldfish
    , who is defeated
    by tipping over his tank, resulting in Max being high priest of the undersea kingdom
    The volcano explodes, but the day is saved by diverting the lava flow to a completely unknown, possibly inhabited, location
    . It's a lot of seemingly disconnected madness piling on top of itself, but no questions are asked, Sam & Max just roll with it. I like that a lot.
  • edited January 2008
    Actually, it all fit perfectly when I put it together with my Max-shaped thinking hat.
  • edited January 2008
    the only bit i had to cheat on was the snail goo as well.


    Im still not quite sure why making the gong red made the red portal appear, i presume it was something to do with ti being attracted to shapes that i didn't remember ... can anyone enlighten me?


    Oh and the plot of this one is definately is the best episode yet for being pure sam and max madness! May it continue throught the series!

    Hey how do i make spoiler tags work?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    If you ring a gold gong, it summons a gold portal. Same with silver... same with red.

    I wish the (end of game spoiler coming up, beware)
    gigantic triangle at the end had been green colored, as the gong you ring is technically the entirety of Easter Island... but what can you do?
  • edited January 2008
    VastGirth wrote: »
    the only bit i had to cheat on was the snail goo as well.


    Im still not quite sure why making the gong red made the red portal appear, i presume it was something to do with ti being attracted to shapes that i didn't remember ... can anyone enlighten me?


    Oh and the plot of this one is definately is the best episode yet for being pure sam and max madness! May it continue throught the series!

    Hey how do i make spoiler tags work?
    easy type [ spoiler] and [ /spoiler] (no spaces)
  • edited January 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    If you ring a gold gong, it summons a gold portal. Same with silver... same with red.

    I wish the (end of game spoiler coming up, beware)
    gigantic triangle at the end had been green colored, as the gong you ring is technically the entirety of Easter Island... but what can you do?
    Wasn't the cave walls purple tho?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    I guess that's true! The triangle out on the surface has always looked more pink to me, but there is some relation.
  • edited January 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    If you ring a gold gong, it summons a gold portal. Same with silver... same with red.
    See, that's where I was completely stumped. I thought the red triangle was of an entirely different nature than the other ones, so I didn't think it would work with a gong. Looking back though, it does make sense.

    Oh, and I just want to say that episode 202 was very enjoyable, I can't wait to see what happens next!
  • edited January 2008
    Just finished the episode and I agree this was the most Sam & Max(comic-form) story we've had. Also loved the references to the Philippines and then
    the cute adorable baby versions of sam & max from that hilarious one-page comic..sam wearing a max shirt included!
    There was so much to like about the episode really, I'll post about it later.. and also that IGN guy who said he completed it in 2 hours must have had the hints on! and you lose the right to complain about an episode being short if you use the hints :cool:
  • edited January 2008
    You are referring to "Terror on the Tanbark" from the HtR hint book, right?
  • edited January 2008
    yeah..well it was also in surfing the highway
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