Moai Better Blues keeps freezing (help!!!!!!!)

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
My game keeps freezing every time Sam & Max drink from the Fountain of Youth what should I do?


  • edited January 2008
    Oh no! Maybe we're getting so young we die! No really, your computer must be having a hard time handling it. You could always try smashing it with a hammer!
  • edited January 2008
    I suppose you could try redownloading and reinstalling the game? Maybe a file got corrupted when downloading it.
  • edited January 2008
    Oh no! Maybe we're getting so young we die! No really, your computer must be having a hard time handling it. You could always try smashing it with a hammer!
    Dude Smashing things with hammers never work (or does it...)
  • edited January 2008
    You should probably ask this over at the Game Support board.
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