Some constructive criticism to telltalegames regarding S2E2

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
First I would like to say I’m a big fan of Sam and Max and of telltalegames too.
I bought the full Season 1 and Season 2 and Sam and Max is the only game I still play on my PC since I got my 360.
I’ve downloaded Ep2 today and played it for a little while and I got to say, still best class humor. It’s the only game that makes me laugh out loud while playing.
My criticism is that I feel that Ep2 was rushed out in visual aspects. Maybe the cause is that December/January is usually holiday time or maybe it’s some internal turnovers but I have some specific points which I think could be better:

• Beach location looks too simple. Textures and location design seemed below the average quality for the rest of locations.
• Babies look someway like soda poppers, I expected new characters to have some new feelings.
• Bosco’s Incontinence and Bosco for the first time, looks exactly the same in 2 consecutive episodes. I was looking for the new Bosco’s style this episode.
• I would have been really nice to have some underwater effects like Sam and Max swimming instead of walking normally or to move in a bit different way to give more feeling of the environment.
• Hitting objects with the car felt old since it is used exactly as the last episode (with a twist).

The good side is that story and humor still top class and seems to be improving but I really hope to see same improvement to the overall quality of the game.

Thank you


  • edited January 2008
    tamer wrote: »
    • Bosco’s Incontinence and Bosco for the first time, looks exactly the same in 2 consecutive episodes. I was looking for the new Bosco’s style this episode.

    Well, no. The store did change a bit for this episode, not much but it is not exactly the same. And Bosco told you in 201 "the time for disguises is past".

    I don't think Bosco had this Banang (behind the Bomb-B-Gone) stuff in Episode 201.
    Additionaly he seems to have stocked up on aluminum foil.
    Look at the front door. He has stuck something to the glass, so nobody can look inside. He did the same to the windows, if you look from the outside. This is probably the reason for the aluminum foil mentiond above
    No X-Ray Picture this time.
    The "Theory of everything" got changend and more complicated.
  • edited January 2008
    tamer wrote: »
    • Bosco’s Incontinence and Bosco for the first time, looks exactly the same in 2 consecutive episodes.

    Nonsense. If Bosco was incontinent, why would he make it so hard to get into the bathroom?

    Come on, that was pretty good.
  • edited January 2008
    And bosco had no need for disguises anymore. Not with all his secrity upgrades and his newfound acceptence that "They" are after him and "They" would be able to find him with or without a disguise.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    For what it's worth, he covered the windows in foil, and nearly all the last vestiges of food have been removed, if I'm not mistaken. Does that count?
  • edited January 2008
    tamer wrote: »
    • Beach location looks too simple. Textures and location design seemed below the average quality for the rest of locations.
    Isn't simplicity a good thing? It'd feel strange if suddenly the textures and models went from their stylized cartoony look to be more realistic.
    tamer wrote: »
    • Babies look someway like soda poppers, I expected new characters to have some new feelings.
    I'll admit, they did look a little like the Soda Poppers, and made one of my friends think (from the preview) that it WOULD be the Soda Poppers as younger versions of themselves. I thought it might be the Rubber Pants Commandos from the S&M TV episode Max's Big Day. Anyway, I didn't really see anything wrong with their appearance.
    tamer wrote: »
    • Bosco’s Incontinence and Bosco for the first time, looks exactly the same in 2 consecutive episodes. I was looking for the new Bosco’s style this episode.
    As it's been said before, Bosco said the time for disguises is past. It'd also eventually get old with Bosco having a new disguise every time and his store remaining virtually the same. The change from Season 1 to Season 2 was a welcome one for me, and it made me curious about where it would take the characterization of Bosco.
    tamer wrote: »
    • I would have been really nice to have some underwater effects like Sam and Max swimming instead of walking normally or to move in a bit different way to give more feeling of the environment.
    But that ruins the humor doesn't it? Part of what makes humor what it is, is the contrast between expectations and reality. You'd expect that Sam and Max would swim underwater and don SCUBA gear or something. They don't. They walk and talk underwater, unhindered by real-life physics, much like they walked and talked on the moon in Bright Side of the Moon (and Bad Day on the Moon), despite the lack of air. I got a little giggle out of the fact they weren't wearing any gear and were talking unhindered.
    tamer wrote: »
    • Hitting objects with the car felt old since it is used exactly as the last episode (with a twist).
    When can hitting objects with a car not be fun? And bagpipes no less! I think it was a brilliant idea of Telltale to create that mini-game in the vein of DDR and Guitar Hero.

    And, of course, to sum up my reply: you can only please so many people. There's always going to be someone that will see something wrong with the game.
  • edited January 2008
    I think the visual style was one of the strong points of the episode. I really liked the cave and the site with the Moai Heads. The beach was probably the weakest of the new locations, but I still liked the whole design of Easter Island.

    Have to agree with your criticism of the human babies (which weren't that funny or interesting) and the driving minigame (which resembled the last one). I had fun with the surfing game, though.

    Overall, I think the episode could have been more elaborate. Another location with a few more puzzles wouldn't have come amiss and the babies could have been more fleshed out as characters. The interesting setting is definitely able to support more gameplay without becoming stale and the portals are good for loads of intriguing puzzles.

    To sum it up, I wouldn't mind at all having to wait a bit longer between my doses of Sam and Max, if that meant the episodes were longer and more imvolved.
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