They are cruel men, bent on breaking our wills slowly by forcing us to wait patiently for what we want most... and then, when we least expect it, they will carry out their Prime Directive! They will hypnotize us and force us to be happy! Let the truth be told! Telltale Games is really a front for Hugh Bliss' schemes! He had the game designed to illustrate him as the villain to get us to think "it's only a game, it's not real; Hugh Bliss doesn't exist." But he does, oh he does! And soon we will have no choice but to be happy, blissful and serene! SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
They are cruel men, bent on breaking our wills slowly by forcing us to wait patiently for what we want most... and then, when we least expect it, they will carry out their Prime Directive! They will hypnotize us and force us to be happy! Let the truth be told! Telltale Games is really a front for Hugh Bliss' schemes! He had the game designed to illustrate him as the villain to get us to think "it's only a game, it's not real; Hugh Bliss doesn't exist." But he does, oh he does! And soon we will have no choice but to be happy, blissful and serene! SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
Comments, that's a long way off...
I want it nooooooow!!!
*watches as Sir Craigius and Kendri fall down a chute*
Mel wins...
Occasionly I get people in City of Heroes that, for some reason, try to fit a c in my name. Dunno why tho.
I mean, I like cocktails, but not exploding ones.
They are cruel men, bent on breaking our wills slowly by forcing us to wait patiently for what we want most... and then, when we least expect it, they will carry out their Prime Directive! They will hypnotize us and force us to be happy! Let the truth be told! Telltale Games is really a front for Hugh Bliss' schemes! He had the game designed to illustrate him as the villain to get us to think "it's only a game, it's not real; Hugh Bliss doesn't exist." But he does, oh he does! And soon we will have no choice but to be happy, blissful and serene! SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
It's a conspiracy, I tell you!
you got something caught in your throat? :rolleyes:
Hint: if you liked the 102 trailer you'll be in for a treat.
How did I miss that?
And how did I miss Kedri's obvious reference to the film?
I must have been reading too many YouTube comments lately, I'm not usually that oblivious to the obvious. -.-
i think its more inline with the secret canceled 106 trailer. its completely awesome. except this time it wasn't canceled...
you're dead
I made a movie reference? Ah, well. I suppose you'd have to be pretty clever not to make one with three words...
You didn't find it on the Season One DVD?
I was lying, sadly