Poll: Sam & Max MMORPG

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
I want to make a poll if Telltale games should make a Sam & Max MMORPG(massive multiplayer online Role playing game) Were you can be every Sam & Max charecter made (Yes, even Kid Sam,Kid Max,The Moais, Baby Hoffa,Baby Glen Miller, The Sea chimps,Mr.Spatula's gost,and one of the baby pilots at the Tiny Tiki)charecters like Bosco(in any of his disguises or nondiguised), Abe Lincoln, a Toy Moffia Man,Chuckles,The Puppet President, one of The Soda Poppers, Santa,an Elf,Sybil,Stinky,Brady Culture, Hugh Bliss,Mira,The director from episode 102,Fetherly the chicken, one of The C.O.P.S,The Shambling Corprate Presence,The Christmas Spirits (Past,Present,or Future),Tedd E. Bear, Lenard Stakecharmer, Jimmy Two-Teeth,Mary Two-Teeth and Timmy Two-Teeth (all curses and swears censored),Max,Sam,Agent Superball,Harry the mole, Virtual Sam or Max, Virtual Bosco, The Maimtron 9000, Flint Paper, Mr.Spatula,and the incredible recording bug or make your own Charecter!!!! And you can decorate your own Desoto and go any place in Sam & Max (even the Easter Island),chat with other players, and have every item in your invintory from Season 1 and 2(whats finished) I want to know what you guys think! Untill next time Let The Anvils Ring!!!


  • edited January 2008
    i dont know about a sam and max mmo... but i would like to see telltale try their hand in one, come up with a new story or concept and make a game of it... a puzzle/adventure mmo, not too many of those out there (most are just player vs player games)
  • edited January 2008
    I think it would be in classes:

    -Anthropomorphic Dog class
    -Hyperkinetic Lagomorph class
    -Rat class
    -Former Child Star class

    And so on. Of the four mentioned, the last one would be the weakest and most disliked, useful only for the occasional small space that a rat wouldn't crawl through. Please note that the first two classes can be nowhere near as awesome as Sam & Max themselves.

    Not that this'll ever happen, mind you, but one can always dream. ;)
  • edited January 2008
    No offense, but have you ever played an MMORPG? This isn't meant as an insult, as I'd never played one either until a few months ago. But there's no way this would work. MMORPGs consist of millions of virtually nameless characters doing things that very loosely relate to an ongoing plot. They require some sort of robust battle system with lots of different kinds of abilities. They require a very large world to explore. None of this is well-suited to Sam & Max.

    But maybe you weren't being serious.
  • edited January 2008
    It would not be funny. To many random lines, no real gameplay, and you don't play as the duo. Would not work for me.
  • edited January 2008
    oh god... what next.
  • edited January 2008
    the new Sam&Max trading card game
  • edited January 2008
    delimew wrote: »
    the new Sam&Max trading card game

    Hey Delimew, you remember Max. Well now he's back...

    in pog form!
  • edited January 2008
    delimew wrote: »
    the new Sam&Max trading card game

    ..but this might actually work. not that i want one. these things are just as bad as mmorpgs, robbing you of your money and/or time.
  • edited January 2008
    oh ok nevermind about the MMORPG

    NOONE ELSE POST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited January 2008
    Why do you feel the need to be in control?
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    oh ok nevermind about the MMORPG

    NOONE ELSE POST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, off-topic, is your name an Animaniacs reference?
  • edited January 2008
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Also, off-topic, is your name an Animaniacs reference?
    LOL finnaly someone got the referance!!! and LuigiHann i don't since its setled that we don't want a S&M MMORPG people should just stop posting the polls done! ok so just don't post here k?
    Awww for the Lovaaaa-Sam Episode 101
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    Ah... but is fun to continue to explore the possibilities....and have a laugh or two along the way...

    Still, I think I remember some Sam&Max trading cards...:rolleyes:
  • edited January 2008
    Sure, why not?
  • edited January 2008
    You could probably get away with a Sam & Max trading card MMO. Because in that case, you could have the playable characters all be bland, lifeless custom characters, and while cards of the main characters would be rarer, it'd still be possible for everyone who wants a Sam or a Max to collect them.
  • edited January 2008
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    You could probably get away with a Sam & Max trading card MMO. Because in that case, you could have the playable characters all be bland, lifeless custom characters, and while cards of the main characters would be rarer, it'd still be possible for everyone who wants a Sam or a Max to collect them.
    I hear that! Max episode 101
    the tadeing card MMO is a great idea
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