Sam and Max is Sad

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
Does anyone else think that keeping Lenard in the closet is mean? It’s not funny anymore, it’s just sad. I feel bad for him. It almost made me cry when in 202 Max said that he fed Lenard Spiders. In 203 can you please make Lenard not be in the closet? Just make him disappear and don’t mention him in any more episodes. I don't want to see a man who didn't do anything that bad be kept in a closet anymore. I really feel bad for him and its mean of you to keep him in their. (Please, no one post anything making fun of me)


  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Welcome to the world of Sam and Max boy. You're in for a Leonard Abuse Ride of a Lifetime!
  • edited January 2008
    I don't find anything wrong with keeping him in the closet. It's not realistic or anything... I actually find it quite amusing listening to the kinds of things Leonard is fed. And why complain about Leonard? Sam and Max have done worse prior to this
    • Dropped Jimmy Two-Teeth from the office window
    • Dropped a bowling ball on Specs' head from the office window
    • Punched Whizzer, and Peepers in the face
    • Nearly electrocuted Myra Stump
    • Blew up Ted E. Bear's Mafia-free Playland and Casino (presumably badly-injuring the mafioso)
    • NUKED downtown Washington D.C. just to take out Lincoln (presumably killing a lot of people)
    • Killed Chuckles doing the above
    • Hit Bosco in the face to knock him out of Reality 2.0
    • Punched EVERYONE in the face after the end of Bright Side of the Moon (to undo the Max hypnosis)
    • Shipped Santa to hell
    If all of that has passed under your morality radar and let Leonard's treatment slip through, it should be raising some red flags...
  • edited January 2008
    Call me sadistic if you want, but I find it dunny that they still have him in the closet. :D At least they actually feed him. :)
  • edited January 2008
    I don't find anything wrong with keeping him in the closet. It's not realistic or anything... I actually find it quite amusing listening to the kinds of things Leonard is fed. And why complain about Leonard? Sam and Max have done worse prior to this
    • Dropped Jimmy Two-Teeth from the office window
    • Dropped a bowling ball on Specs' head from the office window
    • Punched Whizzer, and Peepers in the face
    • Nearly electrocuted Myra Stump
    • Blew up Ted E. Bear's Mafia-free Playland and Casino (presumably badly-injuring the mafioso)
    • NUKED downtown Washington D.C. just to take out Lincoln (presumably killing a lot of people)
    • Killed Chuckles doing the above
    • Hit Bosco in the face to knock him out of Reality 2.0
    • Punched EVERYONE in the face after the end of Bright Side of the Moon (to undo the Max hypnosis)
    • Shipped Santa to hell
    If all of that has passed under your morality radar and let Leonard's treatment slip through, it should be raising some red flags...

    Yes but Leonard is the only one that you still see. When you click on Leonard in 202 then zoom in on his face and you can see how sad he it. Its heartbreaking.
  • edited January 2008
    Dedlok wrote: »
    Call me sadistic if you want, but I find it dunny that they still have him in the closet. :D At least they actually feed him. :)

    If you click on him in 202 Max says he fed him spiders.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    hah thats so funny that you felt sad there. i totally made that part! it makes me happy that i could make you sad. too funny lol
  • edited January 2008
    Don't worry; R. Kelly is taking care of him.
  • edited January 2008
    Being tied up in the closet is Leonard's punishment for saying Santa isn't real and is just for little kids.
  • edited January 2008
    Yes but Leonard is the only one that you still see. When you click on Leonard in 202 then zoom in on his face and you can see how sad he it. Its heartbreaking.

    Funny, I read that face as terrorfied fear from the fact that the closet opened again. Who knows what kind of horrors they've done to him between episodes to warrent that plastered look.
  • edited January 2008
    Come to think of it, I'm a little surprised that Leonard's chin is still clean-shaven, and his mustache is still neat and trimmed despite how long he's been in there. Do you think Max shaves him, too?
  • edited January 2008
    At least they feed him, random, nasty things but they still do. Although it's not really funny anymore, I think we should get rid of him in a puzzle. Like have some nasty creature fall in love with him or something. AKA the ending of trading places.
  • edited January 2008
    If it were up to me, I'd make it so in 203 and 204 you only visit the office in cutscenes, so the player can never look in the closet. Then, in 205, you open the closet and Leonard has become a dry skeleton.
  • edited January 2008
    Are you forgetting the machinima by Steve Purcell? At one point, Leonard falls out the window into a truckload of glass shards and other pointy objects that I forget?

    The problem with Leonard is that we know him. We know he was once a successful gambler, that he loved his mom, and his whole life was thrown in the gutter once he lost his money to Sam & Max. Sure, it was funny seeing him in the closet in 4, 5, even 6, a bit. But it's time for Leonard to move on. Have him gnaw through his ropes, leaving nothing but the bundle of rope, a few Ted E. Bear tokens, and a hole in the back of their closet.
  • edited January 2008
    If you click on him in 202 Max says he fed him spiders.

    Quite aware of that fact. Hence why I said "At least they feed him" :)
  • edited January 2008
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    If it were up to me, I'd make it so in 203 and 204 you only visit the office in cutscenes, so the player can never look in the closet. Then, in 205, you open the closet and Leonard has become a dry skeleton.

    I think, it's funnier when actually nothing happens to him while time passes by.

    My suggestion would be,when you're opening the closet door, you see that he has just got untied by himself. But he sees sam&max and ties himself again.

    Edit: well, he didn't tie himself in the first place :D
  • edited January 2008
    Flint could take care of him if Sam & Max ever get bored.
  • edited January 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Flint could take care of him if Sam & Max ever get bored.

    Or he could feed him when Sam & Max are out of office... and water the chia-head.
  • edited January 2008
    Maybe he'll have the painfully poor judgement of trying to escape through the hole in the wall. Or maybe he'll be desparate enough to drink the Jar o' Bliss, then fly out the window and become a supervillain for a little while before having his spree ended in a premature and anticlimactic fashion.
  • edited January 2008
    having him in there all the time sure feels a bit strange. he should at least try to escape one time..on the other hand he is part of the item collection from previous episodes and if he would be gone there would be nothing to remind you of 103...okay, except all the other junk they nabbed from the casino after it burned down, but nothing in the closet.
  • edited January 2008
    i don't much care what happens, but having Lenard just sit in the closet as he is seems like a waste of potential. and i know TTG can come of with better gags than just what he's been fed.

    on a random note: i think we should meet/see his mother >.>
  • edited January 2008
    His mother's dead, remember?
  • edited January 2008
    oh yea... mah bad >.>
  • edited January 2008
    His mother's dead, remember?

    So? The next epsiode is a zombine based one. We may find her
    as an environment joke.
  • edited January 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    So? The next epsiode is a zombine based one.

    Zombine, eh? Are you thinking of a Half-Life 2/Sam & Max crossover?
  • edited January 2008
    i guess it will be way more gothic than hl2...and zombine is just an ordinary everyday word like bovine or canine..
  • edited January 2008
    Harald B wrote: »
    Maybe he'll have the painfully poor judgement of trying to escape through the hole in the wall.

    That would be awesome.
  • edited January 2008
    Does anyone else think that keeping Lenard in the closet is mean? It’s not funny anymore, it’s just sad. I feel bad for him. It almost made me cry when in 202 Max said that he fed Lenard Spiders. In 203 can you please make Lenard not be in the closet? Just make him disappear and don’t mention him in any more episodes. I don't want to see a man who didn't do anything that bad be kept in a closet anymore. I really feel bad for him and its mean of you to keep him in their. (Please, no one post anything making fun of me)
    I don't think so HE WAS DANG CHEATING ON "Indian Poker" IN EPISODE 103!!
  • edited January 2008
    Why can't we take him outta the closet and torture him? Or make him stand against the wall and try to shoot the apple of his head,or make him eat Stinky's food...ew!
  • edited January 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    I don't think so HE WAS DANG CHEATING ON "Indian Poker" IN EPISODE 103!!

    Yes but that isn't bad enough for him to deserve all of the horrible things that Sam and Max did to him.
  • edited January 2008
    Yes but that isn't bad enough for him to deserve all of the horrible things that Sam and Max did to him.

    Yes, it is. =P
  • edited January 2008
    Have S&M let Leonard go, but Leonard is so overcome with Stockholm syndrome that he ends up stalking the duo.
  • edited January 2008
    I think its funny, its like he is their pet XD
  • edited January 2008
    Well considering Vice President Spatula
    is pure evil!
    , I guess they need a new pet.
  • edited January 2008
    Maybe not. He still
    seems to be confined to his water cooler
    . Plus, with all their neglect any pet of theirs has to be
    just to survive.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    zozenka wrote: »
    Why can't we take him outta the closet and torture him? Or make him stand against the wall and try to shoot the apple of his head,or make him eat Stinky's food...ew!

    They did do that in the Interrogation machinima from last year... Well, he ran away and landed in a truck full of broken glass before Max could get the cordless router, but still.
  • edited January 2008
    Like I said, I want Leonard to flee leaving nothing but some chewed rope, a few Ted E. Bear tokens, and a hole in the back of the closet.
  • edited January 2008
    I have to agree with the guy who started the thread here. Sam and Max are certainly mischievous, but they're not bad guys. Yes, they've done their share of violent trouble making, but they're also cartoon characters. Things like dropping people from a roof or punching someone in the nose are pretty normal behavior in their world. But when it's all said and done, Sam and Max's antics have always had rather short-lived consequences. It's uncomfortable seeing the effects of their actions lasting longer than one episode. When they had Leonard tied up in one or two episodes afterward, it was funny, but at this point it's kind of creepy. Even Steve Purcell himself has said that Sam and Max have good hearts, they're just stupid. I can't imagine them truly keeping someone locked up in their closet for that long.
  • edited January 2008
    I have to agree with the guy who started the thread here. Sam and Max are certainly mischievous, but they're not bad guys.

    I dunno, they did mock Jimmy when he was suicidal in 201. That's pretty cruel.
  • edited January 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I dunno, they did mock Jimmy when he was suicidal in 201. That's pretty cruel.

    Ah, but we all know Jimmy is too much of a chicken to do it.
  • edited January 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    Like I said, I want Leonard to flee leaving nothing but some chewed rope, a few Ted E. Bear tokens, and a hole in the back of the closet.

    Would said rope be used in yet another "impossibly long rope" puzzle?
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