Chariots of the Gods? Ahem dogs?



  • edited February 2008
    Or maybe, something far more epic... THE DESSOTO BROKE DOWN AND SAM HAD TO GET A B-GRADE REPLACEMENT!!!
  • edited February 2008
    Some how I don't expect werewolves considering we've already got a horror film-esque episode but you never know...
  • edited February 2008
    Maratanos wrote: »
    My gut reaction is werewolves. I mean, look at what we've already got. Santa Claus, Bermuda triangles, vampires, zombies. The big theme this season seems to be subversions of popular culture's supernatural icons. Ancient Egypt really doesn't fit with this motif. If we were gonna have Egypt, we should have had Greece at the very least. The Norse. Possibly the Aztec or the Chinese. Mesopotamia?

    I think we're really fixating too much on the titles. Someone already pointed out that the other three episodes we know the names of are named based on movies as well. And Ice Station Santa and Moai Better Blues are, to my knowledge, not really anything like the movies their names are parodying.

    I think you are forgetting that the Mummy monster is one of America's pop culture supernatural icons. With that in mind, I can see how Egypt can fit with the likes of Dracula and zombies.
  • edited February 2008
    You're right.

    On the other hand, aliens is actually probably more likely given some other details from 202 and 203, though.

    Some sort of dog-like alien I expect.
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