Played episode 1 on iphone, can I start episode 2 on my Mac?

I finished episode 1 on my iphone but I think I want to play the rest of the episodes on my mac. Can I start with episode 2 on the Mac, or will I have to play through episode 1 on the Mac to get to episode 2? I was not sure if the actions and choices from episode 1 had to carry over to episode 2. Thanks!


  • edited January 2013
    You have to start it over again bro, sorry. Honestly I don't think there's a way to do what you want to.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't think you can copy save files from the iphone to the mac, you're gonna have to do it again. Sucks. ^^
  • edited January 2013
    I was afraid that was the answer. Now I have to decide whether or not to just keep playing on my iphone or start over on my Mac. I like the touch screen aspect of the iphone, but would love a bigger screen to play on. Any thoughts?
  • edited January 2013
    dwine10 wrote: »
    I was afraid that was the answer. Now I have to decide whether or not to just keep playing on my iphone or start over on my Mac. I like the touch screen aspect of the iphone, but would love a bigger screen to play on. Any thoughts?

    Start it over on your computer. :cool: Your saves won't carry over but I'm not going to pretend beating episode 1 takes a lot of time, it doesn't at all. Take it as an opportunity to reinforce some of the decisions you made or do something different I guess. I think the computer or consoles are the best way to play this if you aren't using an iPad, they are better in most aspects and the game looks way better on a big screen. I love this game a lot but I don't think I could play through the whole thing on my phone when it's available on other mediums.
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