Season 2: Retail vs Bonus CD

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
I know it's still early considering the second episode was just released but have there been firm ideas circulating into what will be included in the retail package? I really like the poster that was included in the first season and I've been trying to hold myself back for the second season's retail release but I really want to play right now as well!


  • edited February 2008
    There are rumours floating about that the retail version wont actually include the game. ;)
  • edited February 2008
    There are rumours floating about that the retail version wont actually include the game. ;)

    Aye, I heard it will contain a few episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show instead.
  • edited February 2008
    must... resist... blank disc joke
  • jmmjmm
    edited February 2008
    Aye, I heard it will contain a few episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show instead.

    Nope, it will just be a really big ad with subliminal messages
    "Telltale is good"
    "Buy Telltale goods"
    "Give us your money"
    "Send it to :
    Account #284294-293
    El Banco 4923,
    Cayman Islands"
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