The Walking Dead - Current PC & Mac Fixes/Patches & Information
Telltale PC
Current Patches Address:
Telltale Mac
Current Patches Address:
Steam PC/Mac
Current Patches Address:
Steam Cloud Sync:
Current Patches Address:
• Fixed Episode 4 DLC download failure issue
• Fixed Episode 1 restart overwriting game progress when continuing after pause at the Motor Inn
• Fixed an issue where a user might encounter a black screen while loading a previously skipped episode, resulting in lost save data (please see thread – Here!)
• Fixed Episode 1 restart overwriting game progress when continuing after pause at the Motor Inn
• Fixed an issue where a user might encounter a black screen while loading a previously skipped episode, resulting in lost save data (please see thread – Here!)
Telltale Mac
Current Patches Address:
• Fixed Episode 1 restart overwriting game progress when continuing after pause at the Motor Inn
• Fixed an issue where a user might encounter a black screen while loading a previously skipped episode, resulting in lost save data (please see thread – Here!)
• Fixed an issue where a user might encounter a black screen while loading a previously skipped episode, resulting in lost save data (please see thread – Here!)
Steam PC/Mac
Current Patches Address:
• Fixed Episode 1 restart overwriting game progress when continuing after pause at the Motor Inn
• Fixed an issue where if the game starts incorrectly, save progress could potentially be lost (PC only)
• Fixed an issue where a user might encounter a black screen while loading a previously skipped episode, resulting in lost save data (please see thread – Here!)
• Fixed an issue where if the game starts incorrectly, save progress could potentially be lost (PC only)
• Fixed an issue where a user might encounter a black screen while loading a previously skipped episode, resulting in lost save data (please see thread – Here!)
Steam Cloud Sync:
• Save games can be lost if the save games in the Steam Cloud lose synchronization with the local save games and the player chooses to play anyway. It is recommended that Steam Cloud Sync be disabled when playing The Walking Dead.
This discussion has been closed.