Cannot access walking dead official page do to incorrect Birth date.

edited January 2013 in Site Support
I was trying to access the Walking dead Official web page, when I tried putting in my birth date for the restriction entry I filled it in with the correct date then hit enter but the page had froze, reloaded, white screened, then refreshed again. I got a quick glimpse at the date that it had selected itself when it reloaded and it said I was born in 2011 not 1993.... so now the page states "Sorry, you may not access this content".

I know that being 19 I can access the game but now I'm locked out... I dont think a 2-3 year old could put in the information needed or even want to play a creepy zombie game...

In other words is there anyway I can fix this? I signed up hoping it would allow me to put my birthday in on my account but it seems that my Ip may be blocked or something.

Any help is accepted!
~ Proxy


  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Restarting your browser should help.
    If it doesn't for some reason try deleting the cookies, specifically this one:
    Name: age_gate
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