Our shipment arrived yesterday, including the ones that were supposed to have gone to the warehouse. We were supposed to get 1-100 and then starting with 101 they were supposed to go to the warehouse, but several in the 100 and 200 range came to us by mistake. That's why the earliest numbers we've seen in this thread have been in the 300s and 400s. (Also, I do think the fulfillment house is opening the boxes randomly - they're not labeled on the outside and I didn't really have faith that specific instructions about which numbers to give to whom would be followed, so I didn't bother.)
I have two test orders on the way that were definitely the FIRST orders placed since they were before we pushed the store live, so we'll see which numbers I end up with.
The printer looked at each book plate as they were being put in, so I think they would have told us if any were messed up. They did notice some repeats, which we tossed, and some missing ones, which Steve redid.
Slothboy, the spine should not look like that. Looks like you got a fluke defective one (hey, it happens!) Send an email to support@telltalegames.com and reference this thread (don't attach the pics, though - the support system won't take them) and we will arrange to get you a new one.
from several earlier discussions about this i would say that most shipments from telltale's warehouse to europe take indeed between one and three weeks, longer if your customs officer likes sam&max. they seems to be getting faster though.
Harley> let's take bets! lets see... I anticipate it'll arrive before D&D 4th ed (currently estimated early to mid July) and after Alone in the dark (end of the month) soooo.... maybe it'll show up in time for my birthday, that'd be awesome. If it's 3 weeks then that'll probably be then hahaha.
to be honest, I have no clue. The postal service is so crap and random it's irratating. All I know it's going to be too long of a wait!
from several earlier discussions about this i would say that most shipments from telltale's warehouse to europe take indeed between one and three weeks, longer if your customs officer likes sam&max. they seems to be getting faster though.
I don't think my Effiy Mound took that long, but I can't remember how long that did take...
Hello everyone. I was wondering how many of you U.S. STH buyers out there that got an email confirmation that your book shipped on Friday, and it has not yet arrived. I have had an unusual number of my purchases go missing in the mail. They just don't turn up. I think my mailman might be doing something with them. Losing them, bringing them to the wrong place over and over. I dunno. Anyway, i just wanted to take a sample of others experience so far. See if i am alone, or in varying degrees of company on this. So, if you are in the U.S., got an email on Friday saying that your book was shipped that day, and it has not yet arrived, then if you don't mind, drop a note on here. Thanks in advance to any and all posters.
Hello everyone. I was wondering how many of you U.S. STH buyers out there that got an email confirmation that your book shipped on Friday, and it has not yet arrived. I have had an unusual number of my purchases go missing in the mail. They just don't turn up. I think my mailman might be doing something with them. Losing them, bringing them to the wrong place over and over. I dunno. Anyway, i just wanted to take a sample of others experience so far. See if i am alone, or in varying degrees of company on this. So, if you are in the U.S., got an email on Friday saying that your book was shipped that day, and it has not yet arrived, then if you don't mind, drop a note on here. Thanks in advance to any and all posters.
You chose UPS shipping, so you should have gotten a tracking number in the confirmation email. According to UPS, it's out for delivery right now, so you should get it by tonight. UPS Ground varies by distance, so that's why it's taken a little longer than others (the packages ship from Minnesota).
The email i received did mention a tracking number, but the space that it would presumably have occupied is blank. I just wanted to see if there were many of us out there with similar shipping time. In the last 4 months, i have had a comic, a book, an 80 dollar DVD set, and another book(this one was lost twice) never turn up. Now, its a given that buying from eBay/Half/etc... is not going to be as reliable as the fine folks at Telltale, but man! I really think my mail guy is confused about where stuff with my address on it goes. Thusly, I am glad to hear that it will be UPS delivering it. Aha!!! guess what i just heard pull up out front? Great timing. Alright, i'm off to take a looksee. I will post my number and any other significant comments later.
Of course it is! Now i feel like a complete dumba**. Anyway, the book arrived. I got number 459. The thing....oh the thing...it's glorious. The pages are so thick you could rip one out and brain someone with it. I am a sucker for aroma. I love the smells of allll the many kinds of books. The mustiness of old books, the new inky smell of the freshly printed. I love the smell of this book. A mixture of serious paper and aggressive ink. They have truly constructed something i feel zero buyers remorse for having dropped 50 bucks on. I love it. Thank you, everyone involved, for bringing us this magnificent celebratory tome. J
Hi, long time reader, first time poster here. Got my book yesterday, number 463. Too nervous to remove the shrink wrap, so I got the paper back edition so I could read it.
Got #534 in the mail today! Wonderful looking book, I should put it and the soft cover side by side. There was just one little urksome thing about it. On my copy some of the gold foil is scratched off on the S and M. =/ I dunno I guess it adds to the worn look of it. It's perfect otherwise. Oh and I love the three circle Telltale logo on the spine, classy.
Funny thing, when I first saw one, the book was actually smaller than I expected, too. I think after so many months of working on it, I'd built it up to be this behemoth of a thing in my mind. The good news is, when we put it in the store we had to estimate the weight, and really had no idea what it would weigh, and in the end we were about right. So everyone has been charged correctly for shipping.
The main reason for the shrink wrap was so that when the books were packed into cartons, they wouldn't rub up against each other and potentially damage the foil on the cover. It hadn't occurred to me that they should be shrinkwrapped, but the printer brought it up when we got to the foil-stamping stage, and I think they were right.
They probably ran out of books before they got to your order (see earlier posts where I talked about the annoying mistake of some books being sent to Telltale that were supposed to go to the warehouse). It should ship next week.
Hooray, I got my book. I was so excited, I tore off the shrink wrap. I felt really bad afterwards(I bought a paperback along with it). Oh, and btw #937.
It hadn't occurred to me that they should be shrinkwrapped, but the printer brought it up when we got to the foil-stamping stage, and I think they were right.
Sooo...if I keep mine wrapped, it will be worth millions in a few years...but i probably wouldn't sell it anyway, so why bother.
Yeah, to me the 20th is almost the end of the month. Heh...
Amazon have just emailed me to tell me that despite their estimate from two previous emails that D&D would not ship till July, it should also arrive Friday.. YAY! I have so much stuff arriving on Friday, I should stay in and refuse to go anywhere till it does show up hehehe.
I wanna play with my little toy Edward (how sad is that?) and read the new PHB and lament!
So now I have to change my estimate, STH shall arrive sometime before my birthday on the 5th.. yeah... that's what I hope anyway.
Emily> does that mean that later orders are more likely to get lower numbers? bummer. I still want 2500 though hahaha.
Mmm shrink wrap.. but then I can't see the pretty insides and the signature! The shrink wrap shall not defy me!
You know, I don't think any of our crazy valuable books are still in their protective stuff... They have their own bookshelf though, where they sit lording it over the cheep paperbacks and gloating.. that is.. if books could gloat.
Sooo looking forward to my books *jumps up and down*
Funny thing, when I first saw one, the book was actually smaller than I expected, too. I think after so many months of working on it, I'd built it up to be this behemoth of a thing in my mind. The good news is, when we put it in the store we had to estimate the weight, and really had no idea what it would weigh, and in the end we were about right. So everyone has been charged correctly for shipping.
I actually thought the same thing. But after thinking a bit I now wonder why I ever thought it would be bigger than it is. :rolleyes: Anyway, it's a nice size.
Emily> does that mean that later orders are more likely to get lower numbers? bummer. I still want 2500 though hahaha.
Only for a little while. After the 100s and 200s get fulfilled, people will start receiving higher numbers again. We wanted to ensure that people who preordered got the earlier numbers in the range, so we are holding back the books at the top of the range until all preorders are fulfilled.
Only for a little while. After the 100s and 200s get fulfilled, people will start receiving higher numbers again. We wanted to ensure that people who preordered got the earlier numbers in the range, so we are holding back the books at the top of the range until all preorders are fulfilled.
From what I read in here, people got books numbered between 3XX and 9XX. This sucks. Nearly fifty dollars, four months of waiting and I'll end up with 537 for all I know. On top of that, the shipping address [confirmed in the email] does not specify a country, but my phone number instead. A guy from Finland noticed a similar problem.
Does the address in the email correspond to what's on the package itself? If so, I hope the book somehow gets here. I guess all I can do is wait. It's been a week since it shipped so if it doesn't turn up during the next seven days I'll worry then.
From what I read in here, people got books numbered between 3XX and 9XX. This sucks. Nearly fifty dollars, four months of waiting and I'll end up with 537 for all I know. On top of that, the shipping address [confirmed in the email] does not specify a country, but my phone number instead. A guy from Finland noticed a similar problem.
Does the address in the email correspond to what's on the package itself? If so, I hope the book somehow gets here. I guess all I can do is wait. It's been a week since it shipped so if it doesn't turn up during the next seven days I'll worry then.
Why don't you write into support@telltalegames.com with your concerns. That way you know they'll see them.
Also, the specific number on the book means absolutely nothing to me. I don't want to see these numbers turned into a pissing contest. I don't think if you get a lower number, somehow the book is more special. That's just my two cents.
Why don't you write into support@telltalegames.com with your concerns. That way you know they'll see them.
I just thought it would be kind of cool to whine a bit in public. Also, people who have similar problems [with no country specified in the shipping address] will know they're not the only ones. Besides, I'll mail the support if the book doesn't reach me. There's still time.
Also, the specific number on the book means absolutely nothing to me.
I have no intention of selling the book, I have ordered one copy only and I I would like a cool number. Someone in here got the 911, right? Now that's just too damn cool. Freelance Police and 911? That's just awsome. If I get a number I'm pleased with, I will feel good about myself and I will know that was a well spent sixty dollars [including shipping] and it was worth the wait.
If I get a crappy number, well, I will still be happy I finally got the book and I didn't have to pay $100+ for a used one on eBay, but it won't be the same kind of joy. If I get 777, I'll be pleased. Any nice and even number is fine too I guess.
It's just me and I like to bitch alot, but I did get the hardcover for sixty dollars and by preordering it I was hoping to get a number between 1 and 200, not 853 or 628.
Just to have something unique and Sam & Max related, you know? I don't live in the US so I can't get my copies of the games signed, I don't want to sell my book on eBay, I just want it for myself. I enjoy the games, the animated series and I love the comics. A nice number is just this cherry on top of the cake.
I don't really know what number in line my order had, but I sure would like to get a number that isn't higher than my place in line. "Oh, so you preordered to get a higher number? Ooooh.... We kind of missed that".
It's just me and I like to bitch alot, but I did get the hardcover for sixty dollars and by preordering it I was hoping to get a number between 1 and 200, not 853 or 628.
you sure do...:D
...no, seriously, i can understand that you would like a special number. everybody does. that's why i usually don't buy numbered items unless there is also an improvement compared to the unnumbered version. my general rule: if you buy numbered stuff everybody will have cool numbers except you. also, there are probably a lot of nice numbers after 300...okay 911 is already taken.
also, i think it was asked in advance several times on the forums, if the order number will be related to the number in the book and the answer was that telltale would like to do it that way, but it most likely won't be possible.
i rather have a "meaningless" number in my book than having to pay 5$ more and get lower, but probably just as meaningless one, because i preordered.
Wow, first people are afraid of taking the plastic wrap off and now complaints about the numbers...
I'm not complaining about my number. I'm just glad I have one that is before the 500 mark.
And this is coming from someone who owns several Disney Treasure DVDs that are marked close to the last quarter of their printing run (the exception going to the Oswald DVD where I got no. 12xx out of 25000)
To much surprise, I just received my package containing the hardcover and a poster, after no more than two weeks or so. And I must say, the book is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen (How geeky does that sound?). I got #1064, wooohoo.:D
Does the address in the email correspond to what's on the package itself? If so, I hope the book somehow gets here. I guess all I can do is wait. It's been a week since it shipped so if it doesn't turn up during the next seven days I'll worry then.
Don't worry, also in my last order email had telephone number instead of country, but the order arrived in exactly 3 weeks. (I also live in Finland.) I didn't check the address from the package, but I guess it must have been right.
I have two test orders on the way that were definitely the FIRST orders placed since they were before we pushed the store live, so we'll see which numbers I end up with.
The printer looked at each book plate as they were being put in, so I think they would have told us if any were messed up. They did notice some repeats, which we tossed, and some missing ones, which Steve redid.
Slothboy, the spine should not look like that. Looks like you got a fluke defective one (hey, it happens!) Send an email to support@telltalegames.com and reference this thread (don't attach the pics, though - the support system won't take them) and we will arrange to get you a new one.
where did you order your 4E from? i got mine last monday..:D
to be honest, I have no clue. The postal service is so crap and random it's irratating. All I know it's going to be too long of a wait!
I don't think my Effiy Mound took that long, but I can't remember how long that did take...
I guess I have to buy the paperback version. I know you did this on purpose. :P
I got #904 by the way.
Plastic wrap... the unbreakable fortress. Try not to cry too much.
Seriously, why plastic wrap it? Now it's REALLY a collector's item.
I'm just going to look at the nice front cover.
It's also a lot smaller than I expected. Stupid low angle pictures! >.<
You chose UPS shipping, so you should have gotten a tracking number in the confirmation email. According to UPS, it's out for delivery right now, so you should get it by tonight. UPS Ground varies by distance, so that's why it's taken a little longer than others (the packages ship from Minnesota).
This thing is boss, really great work Telltale people. Thanks.
Funny thing, when I first saw one, the book was actually smaller than I expected, too. I think after so many months of working on it, I'd built it up to be this behemoth of a thing in my mind. The good news is, when we put it in the store we had to estimate the weight, and really had no idea what it would weigh, and in the end we were about right. So everyone has been charged correctly for shipping.
The main reason for the shrink wrap was so that when the books were packed into cartons, they wouldn't rub up against each other and potentially damage the foil on the cover. It hadn't occurred to me that they should be shrinkwrapped, but the printer brought it up when we got to the foil-stamping stage, and I think they were right.
Amazon have just emailed me to tell me that despite their estimate from two previous emails that D&D would not ship till July, it should also arrive Friday.. YAY! I have so much stuff arriving on Friday, I should stay in and refuse to go anywhere till it does show up hehehe.
I wanna play with my little toy Edward (how sad is that?) and read the new PHB and lament!
So now I have to change my estimate, STH shall arrive sometime before my birthday on the 5th.. yeah... that's what I hope anyway.
Emily> does that mean that later orders are more likely to get lower numbers? bummer. I still want 2500 though hahaha.
Mmm shrink wrap.. but then I can't see the pretty insides and the signature! The shrink wrap shall not defy me!
You know, I don't think any of our crazy valuable books are still in their protective stuff... They have their own bookshelf though, where they sit lording it over the cheep paperbacks and gloating.. that is.. if books could gloat.
Sooo looking forward to my books *jumps up and down*
I actually thought the same thing. But after thinking a bit I now wonder why I ever thought it would be bigger than it is. :rolleyes: Anyway, it's a nice size.
Only for a little while. After the 100s and 200s get fulfilled, people will start receiving higher numbers again. We wanted to ensure that people who preordered got the earlier numbers in the range, so we are holding back the books at the top of the range until all preorders are fulfilled.
Oohh I hope I get a low number!
Does the address in the email correspond to what's on the package itself? If so, I hope the book somehow gets here. I guess all I can do is wait. It's been a week since it shipped so if it doesn't turn up during the next seven days I'll worry then.
Why don't you write into support@telltalegames.com with your concerns. That way you know they'll see them.
Also, the specific number on the book means absolutely nothing to me. I don't want to see these numbers turned into a pissing contest. I don't think if you get a lower number, somehow the book is more special. That's just my two cents.
I just thought it would be kind of cool to whine a bit in public. Also, people who have similar problems [with no country specified in the shipping address] will know they're not the only ones. Besides, I'll mail the support if the book doesn't reach me. There's still time.
I have no intention of selling the book, I have ordered one copy only and I I would like a cool number. Someone in here got the 911, right? Now that's just too damn cool. Freelance Police and 911? That's just awsome. If I get a number I'm pleased with, I will feel good about myself and I will know that was a well spent sixty dollars [including shipping] and it was worth the wait.
If I get a crappy number, well, I will still be happy I finally got the book and I didn't have to pay $100+ for a used one on eBay, but it won't be the same kind of joy. If I get 777, I'll be pleased. Any nice and even number is fine too I guess.
It's just me and I like to bitch alot, but I did get the hardcover for sixty dollars and by preordering it I was hoping to get a number between 1 and 200, not 853 or 628.
Just to have something unique and Sam & Max related, you know? I don't live in the US so I can't get my copies of the games signed, I don't want to sell my book on eBay, I just want it for myself. I enjoy the games, the animated series and I love the comics. A nice number is just this cherry on top of the cake.
I don't really know what number in line my order had, but I sure would like to get a number that isn't higher than my place in line. "Oh, so you preordered to get a higher number? Ooooh.... We kind of missed that".
Somehow I totally didn't realize the significance of 911 and the Freelance Police. Thanks for pointing that out.
Dang that is cool!
...no, seriously, i can understand that you would like a special number. everybody does. that's why i usually don't buy numbered items unless there is also an improvement compared to the unnumbered version. my general rule: if you buy numbered stuff everybody will have cool numbers except you. also, there are probably a lot of nice numbers after 300...okay 911 is already taken.
also, i think it was asked in advance several times on the forums, if the order number will be related to the number in the book and the answer was that telltale would like to do it that way, but it most likely won't be possible.
i rather have a "meaningless" number in my book than having to pay 5$ more and get lower, but probably just as meaningless one, because i preordered.
I'm not complaining about my number. I'm just glad I have one that is before the 500 mark.
And this is coming from someone who owns several Disney Treasure DVDs that are marked close to the last quarter of their printing run (the exception going to the Oswald DVD where I got no. 12xx out of 25000)