Hugh Bliss... alive and working?

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max

Don't ask why I got to that page, but I chuckled when I read who's the chair of the committee...


  • edited February 2008
    That bastard escaped.
  • edited February 2008
    Hi! We're Hugh Bliss! We are Legion for We are many!
  • edited February 2008
    Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that a colony of Space Bacteria is working for the National Patient Safety Association? :)
  • edited February 2008
    Dedlok wrote: »
    Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that a colony of Space Bacteria is working for the National Patient Safety Association? :)

    Dear gods! The irony!!
  • edited February 2008
    Ahh great, another reason to fear the NHS
  • edited February 2008
    Ahh great, another reason to fear the NHS
    Too many reason man, too many reasons.
  • edited February 2008
    sorry to bump this but that about 5 miles away from me, (scared)
  • edited February 2008
    Who knew he would end up in England...It must be Sam & Max free if you read the latest comic...
  • edited February 2008

    Mein gott, that's creepy...
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