The Funny Violence Seminar: $50 a Ticket

edited June 2006 in Sam & Max Comics

Max, a leading authority on funny violence, has took it upon himself to explain to the uneducated masses what type of violence is funny and what type is not, since unfunny violence depicted as funny is running terribly rampant. His seminar will be between 7PM and 9PM at Flint Paper Hall on the Purcell University campus.

Who says education can't be funny? I'll probably find out before too long.


  • SquinkySquinky Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2006
    Violence done to girls can be funny if it's caused by another girl.
  • edited June 2006
    Violence done to girls can be funny if it's caused by another girl.

    I suppose, but neither Sam nor Max are female (I think so, in Max's case...) And this may seem slightly sexist, but wouldn't girls hurting girls be considered a "catfight" by most of the comic-reading multitudes? :@)

    Seinfeld has corrupted my mind! 8-} =P~
  • SquinkySquinky Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2006
    What do you have against catfights? Do you really hate Garfield that much?
  • edited June 2006
    What do you have against catfights?

    Nothing. I'm just usually worried about being "-ist" (racist, sexist, etc). Sometimes I can't tell.
    Do you really hate Garfield that much?

    Garfield annoys me. About two or three comic has made me laugh in 28 years. And I'm only 18, so that's even more remarkable.
  • edited June 2006
    Violence done to girls can be funny if it's caused by another girl.
    That's not strictly true. Futurama has proven to us that violence to female characters can be just as funny as violence to male characters! It's just necessary that it remain in the ludicrous category of cartooniness.
  • edited June 2006
    Violence done to girls can be funny if it's caused by another girl.
    That's not strictly true. Futurama has proven to us that violence to female characters can be just as funny as violence to male characters! It's just necessary that it remain in the ludicrous category of cartooniness.

    I'm not sure I understand the logic. I guess it's because most of the women in Futurama seem rather tomboyish (such as Leela and, to a lesser extent, Amy), so they wouldn't be considered feminine and delicate, so violencing them wouldn't seem cruel.

    And shooting people in the face isn't cartoony. It's the same principle the states that Dogbert can hurt Dilbert, but Dilbert can't hurt Dogbert; that would just be cruel.

    And there's no sport in inflicting violence with smart bombs. It's not funny.
  • edited June 2006
    Atomic bombs, on the other hand, are funny, provided that nobody gets killed. Never mind the radioactive fallout, cartoon characters are immune to that.
  • edited June 2006
    Atomic bombs, on the other hand, are funny, provided that nobody gets killed. Never mind the radioactive fallout, cartoon characters are immune to that.

    It's probably because they have no genetics that could be mutated or organs that could sustain radiation poisoning. Their organs only change when it's relevant to the story.
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