Is this game worth looking at?

So i have played a majority of the Telltale games now, with the exception being Puzzle Agent, Herbert, and what i want to talk about now, is Back to The Future.

I never played or seen the game before, besides some footage from the beginning. I'm planning to watch all of the 5 episodes (Can't play'em because laptop's a bit broken at the moment...since somewhere before TWD Episode 5 was released.. And, do you guys think it's worth for me to check out the game? I like story driven games, and i wonder if Back to The Future has a story that keeps you interested all the way through.


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2013
    The story is great. It really twists the concept of time travel in the Back to the Future universe much like Back to the Future Part II, but it never breaks the rules of that universe. Bob Gale, the co-creator of the Back to the Future series, is a story consultant on this game, so you can rest assured that they handled the story right.

    As for the game itself: the music is top notch and the voice acting is mostly top notch as well (Christopher Lloyd is Doc, AJ Locascio does a suprisingly accurate Marty McFly, Michael J Fox himself cameos as a McFly ancestor in the final episode, and the voice actor for George McFly is pretty good. Kid Beyond is pretty good for wimpy Biff (but his tough Biff is way off), and the actor for Lorraine is way off as well (although she's good in the opening scene). Even the way off impressions are tolerable though, as they handle the spirit of the characters well (and the way off impressions don't happen too often). The animation is decent (though a little stiff), but the art direction is great in my opinion.

    The puzzles here aren't difficult at all (they're about the same difficulty as the ones in The Walking Dead, but there's more of them). They do get better as they go on, but the difficulty doesn't increase much.

    All in all, I'd say it's worth your money. I didn't regret my purchase at all (the excellent story and good-to-excellent production values (good being the side character's voice acting and the animation, excellent being the art design, main character acting, and music) make up for the easy puzzles in my opinion.
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Gameplay wise, the puzzles aren't that hard. It's quite obviously aimed to help casual gamers get point and click logic. The game is definitely story driven if that is what you are looking for, however.
  • edited February 2013
    So i have played a majority of the Telltale games now, with the exception being Puzzle Agent, Herbert, and what i want to talk about now, is Back to The Future.

    I never played or seen the game before, besides some footage from the beginning. I'm planning to watch all of the 5 episodes (Can't play'em because laptop's a bit broken at the moment...since somewhere before TWD Episode 5 was released.. And, do you guys think it's worth for me to check out the game? I like story driven games, and i wonder if Back to The Future has a story that keeps you interested all the way through.

    I reccomend you watch the films first then play the game.
  • edited February 2013
    Explanation first, blunt answers second:

    It's best not to play with the other games in mind. BTTF was like a midpoint between Telltale's more traditional adventures like ToMI, and their almost-movie games like Walking Dead and Jurassic Park.

    So, while there are puzzles, they're clearly not intended to be brain-benders, And while it is more cinematic, it's nowhere near as much as their later releases.
    Personally speaking, as both a huge Telltale and BTTF fan*, I initally found myself lukewarm and disappointed with the game. Neither the story nor the puzzles really were satisfying until the mood finally just "clicked".
    And if going through puzzles you'll almost-instantly know (which you will, having played that many games) isn't a complete turn-off, then you'll really like the story, especially once you get to the third episode.


    Tentative yes if you're just interested due to being a Bttf or Telltale fan

    Definite yes if you're the sort of person that would replay an adventure game, since that's a little what it's like.

    *up till JP, it seems like all of Telltale's licenses and hirings were just cherry-picked from my favorite things, to the point of getting kind of creepy. I was half-expecting a venture brothers game at one point
  • edited March 2013
    One of my personal favorite games of telltale. game brings true satisfaction. (Other than Sam & Max) Back to the Future is beyond far the best.:cool:
  • edited March 2013
    The story of this game seems quite interesting to me. I have started playing, still not completed yet. But I am excited to complete it as soon as possible and wanted to know about the future story.
  • edited April 2013
    I think you have to check it first and after you have checked it, you'll then realize if it's worth looking at. You will never know if a game is good one if you haven't try playing it.
  • I thought the story was great and the graphics, soundtrack and voice were also. The only issue I had was the controls which were annoying

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