The big Honkin 203 Discussion thread (thoughts? favorite quotes? etc.)

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
well.. its episode time again, and this time i am actually very happy about this episode, from what i hear 203 was written mostly by purcell, and it really shows... the episode has a lot of zaney things that happen in it, espically in the second half of the episode (ill refrain from listing the specifics at this time)

while it can mostly be broken into 2 halves, there are inddeed 3 acts this time, plus a finale... each with a plot toist that makes the story seem like its moving along and not too short by the time it ends

i also like how in this episode some of the puzzles are not very obvious that there is a puzzle at all, and i was scratching my head at multiple points in the game, but once you figure out the puzzles... they all have logical solutions (even if some are far out there) and the cool thing is how you solve some puzzles without knowing what solving them is going to do... walking around without an endgame plan is so much cooler, and adds to the "we're screwed" ambience of the episode

the break down of the episode is 9 puzzles (as usual).. a teaser and 1st act puzzle to get to and into the castle, a second act containing 3 puzzles of cascading difficulites and a 3rd act containing 3 main multistage puzzles and of course a finale puzzle, this finale was kinda on the simple side... but that fact is overruled by just how damn funny and enjoyable playing that act is, which... makes it my favorite act of the entire episode (enough said there, hope i was vague enough for the moment :p)

the difficulty curve is nominal for the most part... the 1st act is much easier than the second 2 acts, but there is not much more difficulty to the third act and finale from the second.. (although i am sure some others may disagree, but thats my opinion at least) but the comedy associated with solving most of the puzzles in the episode guarantees a good laugh (something which cannot be said with most of the other season 2 puzzles, in the others you just solve... and move on to the next one without much of a giggle)

as for funny lines... ah, so many... my favorte laugh was the one time when sam said goodbye to max, and they both grunted at each other like zombies, and also... shooting all the zombies around the game

Sam: where did you file our last case max?
Max: under waste of our lives, comma, a freaking huge

Max: shoot em in the head its the only way they'll stay down!
Sam: Quiet knuckle head, with our aim were lucky to hit them at all

Max: finally enemies we can shoot and it doesnt do anything!
Sam: its like were being tortured by the almighty

(i have a bunch of others... but the lines are spoilery, so i am not going to quote them now)

i only had one peeve with the entire episode... and even though it is a major spoiler, i have to get this out now
you guys really missed some comedy gold with that one

anyways... time dig in, what does everyone else think of 203: night of the raving dead?

P.S. if anyone sees nick on this thread... shoot him


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    The game isn't written mostly by Purcell - it was written by Brendan and Chuck and the gang, as usual, but the episode concept was definitely hatched with Purcell's help!

    Glad you liked the episode!
  • edited February 2008
    I'll say that it isn't a quote really, right at the end you had a Scene right at the end with max. That was funny only by the fact that there was no gasps from the crowd, seems like running the USA like that is alright.
  • edited February 2008
    Agreed, this may be my favorite episode yet. Great humor, great locations, great puzzles... and Bluster Blaster's lines challenged the integrity of my bladder.

    But my absolute favorite part was
    when Harry Moleman walked dejectedly out of Sybil's... the glare she gave him could cut stone :P
  • edited February 2008
    this isn't a quote but i like it anyway. I love how you can play as Max er Sam in Max's body at the near end of the game! Awsome.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    P.S. if anyone sees nick on this thread... shoot him

    cause I'm a zombie....?
    ShaggE wrote: »
    But my absolute favorite part was when Harry Moleman walked dejectedly out of Sybil's... the glare she gave him could cut stone :P

    that was in my environment! i did that! thanks for the sweet feedback :D
  • edited February 2008
    My favourite quote is definetly:

    Harry Moleman: Zombies are why we can't have nice things.
  • edited February 2008
    I like Lincoln's description of a zombie factory:

    "You mean a factory that comes to life after it has been shut down. Cranking out products in a hideous parody of actual production, destroying other factories it comes into contact with."
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    cause I'm a zombie....?

    i dunno... i was just saying to shoot him cause he needed shooting.... but thinking on it, he does mindlessly shamble around this forum like a zombie, looking for brains... :rolleyes:
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    i dunno... i was just saying to shoot him cause he needed shooting.... but thinking on it, he does mindlessly shamble around this forum like a zombie, looking for brains... :rolleyes:

  • edited February 2008
    For some reason my decals didn't carry over. :(
    Any solution?

    P.S. Best episode yet!:D
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    that was in my environment! i did that! thanks for the sweet feedback :D

    Sorry, I meant the scene where... ermmm... what scenes didn't you do? Yeah, one of those... :p
  • edited February 2008
    Hopefully I will have a chance to talk about this episode later, but for now:

    This was by far my favorite episode in the series... the dialog was some of the best I have heard, clicking on objects to hear random banter became fun again, and there were a few epic gaming moments where I had to run smiling into my roommates room (which caused him to slowly reach for a can of bear spray, but anyway). My only issue is that the end seemed to drag on a bit... which forces me to say, GASP, that the game was actually too long! I never thought I would ever find myself saying such a thing.

    Overall, on a scale of 1 to 100, I would give this episode a 94%... this is one I will probably play again.
  • edited February 2008
    loved the young frankenstein reference.. mention of superbaLL results in sound of horses haha
  • edited February 2008
    yeh.. every time i went into the club, i just had to stop and say "Superball!" again, lol (and if you really want a good laugh, talk to him after you have already entered the club, the talk about his wife leaving him for being unemotional is hilarious...
    and him in sybils toward the end, i just about died
  • DanHDanH Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Sorry, I meant the scene where... ermmm... what scenes didn't you do? Yeah, one of those... :p

    He definitely didn't do Stinky's.
  • edited February 2008
    DanH wrote: »
    He definitely didn't do Stinky's.

    Which is probably why it turned out so great.
  • edited February 2008
    Did anyone else notice that the
    Mexican birthday mariachi
    is rapidly aging? He had black hair in 201, salt-and-pepper hair in 202, and now totally gray hair in 203...

    Does this have any bearing on the plot? I have no idea. But it's an interesting detail.
  • DanHDanH Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Which is probably why it turned out so great.

    Oh wait, he did do Stinky's.

    Anyway, to take the focus off of Nick for a bit, one of my favorite moments was Bloodlust-Cam.

    Damnit, I did it again!

    Also, anyone who has siblings or long-time friends knows exactly what this moment is about:
    SAM: Look, Max!
    MAX: Geez, Sam. I saw it open. I'm not an idiot.
  • edited February 2008
    well, here is a nice pic of the Max scene if anyone wants it... the pic is kinda spoilery but this thread was bound to make that turn at some point :rolleyes:

  • edited February 2008
    Hey, guys at Telltale, do me a favor. Since Sybil is single now... give her my number.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
  • edited February 2008
  • edited February 2008

    i love a random mel brooks reference! Awesome game guys!
  • edited February 2008
    Lovely episode. One of the best. Going to write up a review for it later today, but the only con I can think of right now was
    no Bosco
  • edited February 2008
    At first, I thought there was no indoor bosco's due to the large number of locations. But, then I realised that 204 might be set-up to be a rescue mission and the finding of T.H.E.M.'s location. Can't wait! :D
  • edited February 2008
    finished it then and loved it, easily my fav from season 2 so far.
    my post would be usually longer but this time i cant nitpick about it.
    this episode had alot more "stuff" going on, just when i thought things would soon wrap up, it just kept going. it seemed to have more cutscenes that gave it a better flowing experience of more things happening. once again, the music was probably one of its biggest strengths.
    the only thing that was a downfall was the floating bottle bug.
  • booboo
    edited February 2008
    The best stuff was clearly the not so subtle digs at "the person who we are referring to as Stinky out of sheer convenience." (not an exact quote) That whole exchange was brilliant and I like how it seemed to toy with all of us on the message board who thought we'd picked up on some great detail about Season 2.
  • edited February 2008
    I'm not very far into the game yet, but I must say I loved the little throwback to HTR when you
    unscrew the lightbulb from the UV lamp at Stinky's
  • edited February 2008
    Oh man.......I don't even know where to start. This has definitely got to be one of the best episodes yet. It just kept me in hysterics. Gah, I finally get to use that word and right away Max's voice popped in my head and told me to never say it again. Oh and
    Moo Hoo man's grave!
    Oh and
    that is a doodle of him on the bulletin board right?
    I know that's been there but it's still awesome. :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    DanH wrote: »
    Also, anyone who has siblings or long-time friends knows exactly what this moment is about:
    SAM: Look, Max!
    MAX: Geez, Sam. I saw it open. I'm not an idiot.

    Haha... somehow I missed that when I first played through. I was replaying the other day while working on the walkthrough and busted out laughing when I heard that. Poor Sam, he was so excited. :p
  • FloFlo
    edited February 2008
    This is definitely my favorite so far (helps that I really like old horror movies :p).

    I'd love to see a whole game done in the style of the first half of the trailer too, but I doubt that's ever going to happen.
  • edited February 2008
    Sybil: So, what would you say to me in a romantic moment?
    Harry: Get away from that you filthy discusting creature!

    Sam: so do you come here often?
    Zombie: *Grunt*
    Max: ooo, tough break, next time try.. "i think my package is the bomb"

    Sam: max's desk... puny... infintile
    Sam: MY desk... Big... Manly

    Zombie sam: *Grunt*
    Rat Bouncer: Rats only!

    Zombie max: hey sam, are zombies alowed to drive?
    Zombie sam: i dont see why not, my licence is just as expired now as it was when i was alive

    Zombie sam: so what are you going to do when you get your soul back max?
    Zombie max: im gonna watch hours of reality tv just to show it whos boss

    and i caught this last one while in debug.. its a deleted conversation you have with max while in the monster during the finale...

    Sam: i cant stand your voice in my head
    Max: once you get used to the 15 others its not so bad
    Sam: so are you going to help me defeat jergen or what?
    Max: you can handle him, im still trying to figure out how to work this guys bladder
  • edited February 2008
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    Sam: i cant stand your voice in my head
    Max: once you get used to the 15 others its not so bad
    Sam: so are you going to help me defeat jergen or what?
    Max: you can handle him, im still trying to figure out how to work this guys bladder

    haha why would this conversation be deleted??
  • edited February 2008
    there is more to the conversation actually... while in the monster Ctrl+Shift+D and re enter the zombie factory club... then go up the elevator... you will pop back to the monster when you get back to the top, but inanimate versions of sam and max will be left on the stairs... click on max to have the conversation
  • edited February 2008
    Definitely one of the best episodes... I like the mood from this episode... Funny and Weird ! Sam&Max, the vampire and zombie slayers ???
    The come-back of Superball was nice... The eternal doorkeeper !

    The only thing I don't really understand is the choice for the castle's location in Stuttgart... If I can choose, the localisation for the vampires is much better in Eastern Europe, like Romania and Balkans Country (or in Sunnydale, CA)... But it's a nice reference for german players...

    What's next for location ? France ? It could be nice ! :D

    Great job !
  • FloFlo
    edited February 2008
    esteban wrote: »
    The only thing I don't really understand is the choice for the castle's location in Stuttgart... If I can choose, the localisation for the vampires is much better in Eastern Europe, like Romania and Balkans Country (or in Sunnydale, CA)... But it's a nice reference for german players...
    In the original novel, Frankenstein was created in the city of Ingolstadt in southern Germany. Stuttgart is in the next state over.

    Might be a coincidence, though.
  • edited February 2008
    I didn't know that... Maybe someone from Telltale's team can confirm if it's a coincidence or a reference ?
  • edited February 2008
    Confirm what? I'm not actually sure what the controversy is :(
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    I don't know if it's a controversy so much as people were just wondering why it's in the middle of Germany instead of a more traditional vampire locale.

    I imagined that they were just traveling somewhere drawn without reference material, as usual.
  • FloFlo
    edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    in the middle of Germany
    I may suck at mathematics, but that's nowhere near the middle ;)
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