Indiana Jones Trailer
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More action than I was expecting!
More action than I was expecting!

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Danged overanlyizers.
Now that you mention it, though...yeah. That's interesting.
Gaaahhh. Misinformation. That there's only a rumor. No more Indy movies are yet planned, and as of yet, Shia's relation to Indy is unknown.
Maybe a CGI Fate Of Atlantis with Harrison Ford's voice?
Tom Selleck was Lucas & Spielberg's first choice to play Indy, but the Magnum PI producers/studio wouldn't release him, so they fell back to Harrison Ford.
Trailer looks good to me. I just watched the whole trilogy about a week ago, and the movies really aren't masterpieces, they're just great films with a lot of adventure and fun. This film looks to be continuing in the same vein, and I can't wait.
Makes sense. Trailers usually get a G rating whenever possible, especially for ostensibly kid-friendly films like this, so that they can show the trailer to as many audiences as they can.
I wonder which young actor could play a 34 years old Indy. There aren't many, I can't think of even one.
Yep, I don't know what to think with this trailer...
The Last Crusade was really good and I'm not sure another movie is useful. I hope I'm wrong... Let's see in May...
The Fate of Atlantis would be a great movie (the script is one of the best in LucasArts' adventure games) but maybe too close to The Last Crusade.
By the way, for me and for a long time now, Indy 4, it's Fate of Atlantis not the next movie...
That being said, I'm so thrilled about this movie... more than I've been thrilled about any movie in the past years... and I know that just seeing Indy back on the big screen (in a new adventure that is) makes me happy enough, even if the movie wasn't as good as Crusade (which I like best).
I thought of that too, but Quaid is about 10 years younger... close to the same difference in age as Indy and his father
Oh, and I like the trailer. The movie looks like it'll be fun!