thank you for raving dead

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
hi !

just wanted to drop by and say that this very episode was imo the best yet.
i laughed, I smiled and grinned and the puzzles itself were brilliantly paced and arranged. so many moments of utter genius, agent superball was hillarious (
no cameras please, i need a moment
), the inclusion of old characters and hints to other episodes a highlight. an episode like this can only come and be written after you already had a bunch of classic ones, i was reminded of Futurama and the universe they created for themselves, I think you reached that quality with this one. and the last scene after the credits - had me jumping out of my seat.'s pure comedy in interactive cartoon motion....


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Thank you! I'm glad you (and so many others on the forum) are enjoying the episode so much. It's one of my favorites, too.
  • edited February 2008
    and mine! :)
  • edited February 2008
    I'm far from finishing the game (I think, at least) but so far I'm greatly enjoying this episode as well! It seems that with every new episode all aspects of the game improve a little, including the puzzles, the writing, the characters, the voicing, the animation and even the game engine.

    The only areas that could use some improvements are in the graphics/animation department; the lack of lip-synching makes dialogs less engaging than they could be, and many of the models and locations could be a bit more detailed and dynamic. For example, there is a queue in front of the Zombie Factory suggesting the place will be crowded, but once you get inside there are only two raving zombies inside! I think there is a joke about fire regulations that tries to explain it, but nevertheless it detracts somewhat from the atmosphere since the place feels mostly empty.

    But these are minor things, and in general my experience is pretty positive. Kudos to the Telltale team!
  • edited February 2008
    there are zombies all through the club... one is up on the balcony, one is wandering around behind the DJ table... and there is another passed out on one of the couches
  • edited February 2008
    Best this season.
  • edited February 2008
    It was great to
    play as zombies after dying
    and finally
    playing Max, or at least driving his body with Sam's soul in it
    Together with 202, this is easily the best episode released so far.
    Can't wait for 204, move on!:D
  • edited February 2008
    This was indeed the best episode until now. The beginning with a flashback was a great idea and reminded me of the original "Hit the road"-Adventure.

    PS: I want a tool to translate normal Text to Zombie language. Like the Kenny Translator.
  • edited February 2008
    As long as I can remember, there were no flashbacks in HTR:confused:
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    As long as I can remember, there were no flashbacks in HTR:confused:

    I think he's referring to opening with a sort of James Bond-esque life or death stinger situation.
  • edited February 2008
    "Sam and Max Meet a Guy Who Sucks".

    THAT should be the name of the next episode.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    That's the (alternate) name of this episode!
  • edited February 2008
    i thought thats what the episode was based on ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    whatever. It's based on it yes. A classic tale.
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    I think he's referring to opening with a sort of James Bond-esque life or death stinger situation.
    With the still-tied up maiden, t'boot!

    And I agree. Night of the Raving Dead was a brilliant episode. For really strange reasons that I can't explain, though...even though it took me longer than any episode before it to finish, and its plotline was among the felt shorter...*shrug* Pay no attention to the sleepy Kedri.

    Yeah, made me laugh a great deal more than usual. :D And I'm glad to see that the remarkably hideously vile jokes are more sporadic and subtle. Subtlety is good; the hallmark of brilliance. :)

    However, a few unpolished moments caught my eye, I'm afraid...Max's statements to Abe statue had some rather distorted vertices around his mouth...which was really quite disturbing. Also, two spelling errors. An "action" where there should have been "auction", and a "!." where there should have been a "!"

    But still! Best episode yet! I think I'll replay it. :D
  • edited February 2008
    However, a few unpolished moments caught my eye, I'm afraid...Max's statements to Abe statue had some rather distorted vertices around his mouth...which was really quite disturbing.

    Oh good, I'm not the only one then. At least the writing was still brilliant.
  • edited February 2008
    I have to second the opinion of this episode being the best yet. I am notorious for complaining about how much Telltale hasn't gotten into the mind of Steve Purcell yet and how they don't get him, but I am super-happy to say you guys are doing IT!
    It's got the atmosphere, the design, the characters! Even Max has turned more deadpan rather than just snotty punchlinening. Bravo! *claps like a seal* Bravo!
  • edited February 2008
    By the way, the thing with the bulb, is that a referrence to HTR?
  • edited February 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    Also, two spelling errors. An "action" where there should have been "auction", and a "!." where there should have been a "!"

    I noticed the latter, not the former. I shook my head in disgust. ;)
  • edited February 2008
    mish wrote: »
    By the way, the thing with the bulb, is that a referrence to HTR?
    at least there is a bulb in htr..

    anyway, in another thread nick told me i would like 203...damn and he was right. okay, you always have a good start with zombies, but the rest is great as well. i haven't finished playing it yet and already think it's one of the best episodes.

    btw, on of my cousins is called jürgen..
  • edited February 2008
    I totally loved the episode, i mean totally. It is so awesome, like awesome.
    See it already melted my brain.

    It was great throughout. Keep it up !

    I can see a pattern here...
    Easter Island
    Vampires n stuff
    hmm mysteries... what s next ? Bermuda triangle ? Pyramids as alien landing platforms ? :)
  • edited February 2008
    BarfHappy wrote: »
    I totally loved the episode, i mean totally. It is so awesome, like awesome.
    See it already melted my brain.

    It was great throughout. Keep it up !

    I can see a pattern here...
    Easter Island
    Vampires n stuff
    hmm mysteries... what s next ? Bermuda triangle ? Pyramids as alien landing platforms ? :)

    The Bermuda Triangle actually was the portal to the Easter Island in 202.
  • edited February 2008
    Mirko wrote: »
    The Bermuda Triangle actually was the portal to the Easter Island in 202.

    Ah damn, that's true, the triangles, forgot the big one was of the bermuda's !

    Egypt then maybe, hmm hmm :)
    Or maybe some USA folklore like big foot (unlikely since it was done in HTR)

    We'll see... (and i hardly can wait)
  • edited February 2008
    (sorry, I don't know how to obscure spoiler text so I'll just be vague)

    I used to be a raver so a lot of the in-jokes in this episode were absolutely spot on. The music wasn't just good, it was accurate. The pacifier and candy bracelet had me howling. The joke about the water was an "I can't believe they went there" moment. Standing in the booth gave me this tantalizingly sly smirk of doing something I've always dreamed of doing. Seeing our heroes dance was sublime.

    Someone at Telltale knows his or her stuff. Very impressive.

    Even without those apt references to rave culture this episode really spoke to me, and my wife and I laughed all the while. The animations were expressive and nonverbally communicative. The game was not too hard and not too short. You folks are master adventure game designers and, dare I say, despite my love of Reality 2.0, this is the very best episode yet.

  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    at least there is a bulb in htr..

    anyway, in another thread nick told me i would like 203...damn and he was right.

    please click here before scrolling down.

    now picture me dancing on your FACE!
  • edited February 2008
    I just finished Raving dead too and it's a masterpiece.
    Loved the ending... wonder how the president will rule now, lol.
  • edited February 2008
    BarfHappy wrote: »
    I can see a pattern here...
    Easter Island
    Vampires n stuff
    hmm mysteries... what s next ? Bermuda triangle ? Pyramids as alien landing platforms ? :)

    Even stranger, notice that there are
    spirits in every Season Two episode so far: 3 Santas in 201, Mr. Spatula in 202, various souls in 203
    . I hope Sam and Max are gonna mess up all heaven in the final episode.:D Reminds me of a short S&M comic in which they died and met St. Peter in heaven etc. Would be great!
  • edited February 2008
    Just beat it, funny as hello!
  • edited February 2008
    I love antisocial people
  • edited February 2008
    I've finished playing, and I must say I agree - definitely the best episode so far.

    Playing it was a bit like playing Abe Lincoln Must Die or Reality 2.0, in that TellTale seem to be getting bolder and more ambitious in what they are attempting. Which really put a smile on my face. :)
  • edited February 2008
    I've liked it a lot as well... apart from the superb setting it was just perfect in terms of length and difficulty!

    And I'm pretty sure that both Heaven and Hell will play a major role in episode 5, since the duo has already been to the "future christmas" which looked like hell in 201.
  • edited February 2008
    I forgot that... but in my previous post of this thread I was starting to think to Heaven too, as a place they'll definitely visit during this Season. Now that you mention that scene of 201, Laserschwert, I'm pretty sure we're right.
    Even if some nerdy guy won't find it funny, I bet it's gonna be great.
  • edited February 2008
    I thank TTG for such a great episode of S&M. Like others say, this is the best episode so far! Good to see S&M finally changing direction and move on to new locations this season.

    For some reason, I picture THEM as giant eyeballs (the all seeing eye). ha ha Am I right? Am I cold or warm?

    Seriously, I love the all the work TTG done, I'd love to get a job working there.

    PS: Despite the fact I just joined, i've been a long time visitor of these forums.
  • edited March 2008
    I felt obligated to make an account on here in order commend Telltale for this great installment. It was so different from anything we had experienced before, and it fit in so well with the Sam and Max universe, and brought the series to a totally new realm.

    I only see great things for the rest of season 2. Keep up the great work guys.
  • edited March 2008
    hmm i think that raving gead is an absolutly great episode had a lot of fun playing it and i really like the idea of them being some kind of beholder
    but the heaven and hell theory sounds great too
  • edited March 2008
    Yeah. Congratulations and huge kudos to TTG for this Über-Mother of all superbly balanced, absolutely-to-the-point, catching-the-sprit-of-S&M big masterpieces of interactive Graphic-Noveldom™ :)

    "Ganz großes Kino" as we say in Germany.

    Keep on rockin', guys!

    - Don [:-]

    EDIT: Almost forgot:
    - That one broke me up... :D
  • edited March 2008
    and again i forgot to bring in the laundry
  • edited March 2008
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