Chariots of the Dogs - plot speculation!



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    So you guys know, the 204 teaser trailer goes live sometime Wednesday morning (pacific time). I hope it will start to answer some of the questions swirling in this thread (and a few other threads as well). We're all very excited about 204 -- it's a cool episode, and we're going to be trying pretty hard to keep it's events under wraps. Hopefully the trailer will explain why!
  • edited February 2008
    dg10050 wrote: »
    10 Sin
    20 Goto Hell
    30 Lbl Hell
    40 Print "you Are In Android Hell"

    geeks! haha
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    So you guys know, the 204 teaser trailer goes live sometime Wednesday morning (pacific time). I hope it will start to answer some of the questions swirling in this thread (and a few other threads as well). We're all very excited about 204 -- it's a cool episode, and we're going to be trying pretty hard to keep it's events under wraps. Hopefully the trailer will explain why!

    i knew i was gonna love 204 when it came out :D
  • edited February 2008
    langley wrote: »
    Ah yes, I agree. The brilliance of doing a clip show on only their second episode. So funny that it was canceled immediately.

    Even funnier, the first episode never aired, thanks to ABC. So, as far as people knew, that was the first episode, calling back to something that they had never seen.
  • edited March 2008
    What I find tricky is that telltale (as of this moment) hasnt released the name of the 5th game yet. more than likely to keep the story plot under wraps, but still.
  • edited March 2008
    OR it is spoiler-ridden, as was the cast last seaon.

    I'm just wondering what movie title will be parodied.
  • edited March 2008
    The internet in Reality 2.0 reminds me of GLaDOS

    Also, what if B-TADS gain self-conciousness and became rampant?

    I am not a geek.
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