
edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
I love Sam and Max, but i dont see why game designers have to force intro-credits and end-credits onto the players.

You cant skip the intro-credits at first game launch and you cant skip the end-credits to get to the "bonus" end cutscene.

When you guys are so cool as to make Sam & Max, why do you have to pester us with a forced credits?

Apart from that i loved this episode 203! - Thanks.:)


  • edited February 2008
    I second this post.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Actually, right now I don't think our tool supports the ability to skip a full cutscene... you can just skip a dialog line!
  • edited February 2008
    Personally, I always loved watching the intros of both seasons, even after viewing them about 30+ times. As for the longer length of the end credits, its a nice opportunity to get up and stretch (or dance to the music :D) after spending a couple or so hours inmoble in front of a eye-straining computer screen.

    Of course, I'm not saying the the latter was intentional on Telltale's part but that's how I deal with the waiting when I want to see the bonus endings ;).
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    Actually, right now I don't think our tool supports the ability to skip a full cutscene... you can just skip a dialog line!

    Thats fair enough, but a bad design choise imo. I hope you will reconsider it if you revisit the tool. ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    (Also, the credits were not intended to be 4+ minutes long... usually more like a minute long, and usually it's a full-length (or different) version of a song that featured in the episode. The song Jared submitted for this one was very long and was one you'd heard moments before.

    That said... yeah I suppose letting you skip them would be acceptable :) You'll miss shooting the one new thing in the intro each time, and my secret cult messages spelled out in ENIAC punch card on the buildings that scroll by during the closing credits, though.
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    (Also, the credits were not intended to be 4+ minutes long... usually more like a minute long, and usually it's a full-length (or different) version of a song that featured in the episode. The song Jared submitted for this one was very long and was one you'd heard moments before.

    That said... yeah I suppose letting you skip them would be acceptable :) You'll miss shooting the one new thing in the intro each time, and my secret cult messages spelled out in ENIAC punch card on the buildings that scroll by during the closing credits, though.

    hah, if you include an ENIAC card reader it would probably earn you a little more time, before the frothing masses devour your souls and feast on your entrails :)
  • edited February 2008
    There's really no need to skip a show's intro scene on TV. I never change the channel at that point. As for the credits, I always watch them, but then, I also always watch movie ending credits. I'm odd in that respect.

    (Just a note, there's something in every Pirates of the Caribbean movie after the credits.)

    *Ahem* What was I saying? Oh, right. Skipping the credits would be fine with me, I'd just never use it. But the intro, I think might be needed for the sake of timing and pacing.
  • edited February 2008
    The intro is awesome. I for one, actually think there isn't many ways you could improve the intro, even. It just exclaims "episodic gaming done right".
  • edited February 2008
    mish wrote: »
    The intro is awesome. I for one, actually think there isn't many ways you could improve the intro, even. It just exclaims "episodic gaming done right".

    I agree, the intros are allright, but i would like to choose if or when i want to see it or wether i just want to get in the game.
  • edited February 2008
    I think it's pretty cool having the end credits during music like that. I always look forward to the list of pets. Some of those names are pretty funny...and there always seems to be a longer list every episode.

    Also, speaking of which, did anybody else think of The Fiddler on the Roof when they heard that last song gradually getting faster? As soon as I heard it, i thought of "Wedding Dance" (the one with the clarinet solo). That might be because the song was burned into me from playing in the pit, though.
  • edited February 2008
    RyanMon wrote: »
    I think it's pretty cool having the end credits during music like that. I always look forward to the list of pets. Some of those names are pretty funny...and there always seems to be a longer list every episode.
    Yeah, Max the Dog and Robert Redfoot come to mind... great names! :D Also, I always love it when they say in the credits that I'm their favourite person... of course I know it's in every copy of the game, but it still makes me feel special. :p
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    (Also, the credits were not intended to be 4+ minutes long... usually more like a minute long, and usually it's a full-length (or different) version of a song that featured in the episode. The song Jared submitted for this one was very long and was one you'd heard moments before.

    That said... yeah I suppose letting you skip them would be acceptable :) You'll miss shooting the one new thing in the intro each time, and my secret cult messages spelled out in ENIAC punch card on the buildings that scroll by during the closing credits, though.

    I need that song...NOW!!
  • edited February 2008
    a few games i have played have a cutscene you only get if you dont stop the credits
  • edited February 2008
    *cough* paging Halo 3 *cough*

    Back to topic:
    The credits did go on for a little while this time, didn't they? Still, not a problem if you've got a book to read or something nearby.

    It's interesting to read Jake's comments about having to make the credits last as long as the music submitted. I was wondering why you all listed yourselves two or three times. (Yes, I did read them. I didn't have a book nearby ;))
  • edited February 2008
    I love credits only if they come with superb music, which almost all episodes do.
  • edited February 2008
    the intro is awesome and very short, you must be very impatient.
  • edited February 2008
    I actually look forward to the opening credits with each new episode. It's kind of like being welcomed back into the world of Sam & Max.

    Though, I kind of wish there was a reason for shooting all the pictures. It's fun, but there's not much point to it. I keep hoping something will happen when I shoot either Sam, Max or their tires. I'm a sick individual, mind you.

    Still, my two favorite times for the opening intros was when I loaded up Season 1, Episode 1 for the first time and Season 2, Episode 1. The former because I leaned back with my hands behind my head while that jazz music started and said "Welcome back, guys. I've missed ya." (long time fan of the old Hit the Road game). The start of Season 2 was similar, because I think I was going through withdraw after buying the set of Season 1.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    It's interesting to read Jake's comments about having credits last as long as the music submitted. I was wondering why you all listed yourselves two or three times. (Yes, I did read them. I didn't have a book nearby ;))

    Its actually the scrolling speed that gets adjusted :) not the length of the text. Peoples names show up multiple times because a lot of people do many things on the games.
  • edited February 2008
    As for the longer length of the end credits, its a nice opportunity to get up and stretch (or dance to the music :D) after spending a couple or so hours inmoble in front of a eye-straining computer screen.

    Fortunately for you, I got the cure for that. It's a revolutionary product called Brady Culture's Eye-bo: Ocular fitness.
    Kedri wrote: »
    There's really no need to skip a show's intro scene on TV. I never change the channel at that point. As for the credits, I always watch them, but then, I also always watch movie ending credits. I'm odd in that respect.

    I might watch the credits, at least if it is a comedy movie, because comedies can sometimes have running gags happening during the credits. But for the intro, I'll watch it if I watch the show on TV, but if I buy the whole season on DVD, I prefer skipping over the intro. On TV shows in general, though, I don't feel a strong urge to see who was playing in this episode.
    Jake wrote: »
    Its actually the scrolling speed that gets adjusted :) not the length of the text. Peoples names show up multiple times because a lot of people do many things on the games.

    If you were not going to list them more than one time, you would have to publish a book with a list of all the people who worked on the game and a detailed list of exactly what they did. Nobody would buy that book, and it would give TTG large economical problems, and in the end it all leads to smoking.
  • edited February 2008
    I think a good compromise would be to let you skip the credits on subsequent play throughts, but not the first time.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    the reason i don't like skipping opening credits in games or movies, is because the artist(s) has made something complete and in the order and time they plotted out. its the same reason I like to listen to albums all the way through, instead of a playlist on shuffle. I always watch the credits at least the first time I play through a sam and max episode.

    imagine if you watched the opening credits of "The Others" on youtube, then rented the movie and fast forwarded through to the first thing after. it wouldn't work as well as it does. the people who've seen it know what I'm talking about.
  • edited February 2008
    I sit through and read the credits every single time, for some reason.
  • edited February 2008
    Me too, but I'm also one of those who like watching the whole credit roll on movies :)

    I think a great option would be to be able to speed up the credits, but that might be just as hard to program as the skipping.
  • edited February 2008
    Quuux wrote: »
    I think a good compromise would be to let you skip the credits on subsequent play throughts, but not the first time.

    Good call. It's part of the game to go through the intros and credits. It sort of gets you prepared for the game and winds you out of it. Thinking about what's to come or what just happened.

    But yeah if you could skip it after the first play that'd be nice incase you want to go back and replay fun parts quickly.
  • edited February 2008
    I see a lot of you guys like the credits, and yes i enjoyed them the first time i fired up S1E1, but after that i just want to game.

    I dont see it can hurt anyone if they enabled everyone to skip intro and credits whenever they want to, those who like them dont skip them and those who get bored can skip them and get to playing faster or get to see the end-end movie faster.

    Win/win and noone gets annoyed :)
  • edited February 2008
    There is a reason credits are there. So people will no who worked on it. Why not have the ability to skip the intro and credits, but if you skip the credits, you wont get the extra scene at the end. Usually that extra scene is extra and is pretty much there because you stood through the credits. By skipping the credits, your giving an overly bloat kid you ate a hole buffet and a free liposuction plus another chance to eat at a buffet for free after that. In a film director standpoint, its wrong.

    I say, watch the credits, get a funny scene.

    Skip the credits, miss the scene.
  • edited February 2008
    kadji-kun wrote: »

    I say, watch the credits, get a funny scene.

    Skip the credits, miss the scene.

    Well said my friend. If you made a game you'd want people to at least watch the credits, if not pay attention.
  • edited February 2008
    I only read the credits when I'm in them :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited February 2008
    But we all are....
    ... and our favorite person, You

    I'm puzzled why people keep asking for some sort of button, key combo or whatever, to skip the credits when there is one dirty and simple way to get rid of them: Good old ALT+F4.

    After all, chances are that when you finish the credits and you are prompted with the main menu, you'll hit "Quit" anyway. And if you want to play again, just launch the episode again.
  • edited February 2008
    I don't see why not. it's not THAT long...
    you get to shoot stuff in the op credits, and you get a great song in the ed credits.
    meanwhile, you can rest and think how great you are that you finished it on your own. these quest games arn't just "go and finish", you need to work your brain.
    think of it like a movie, you can't skip the credits there.

    I don't see why telltale should put a skip option on the credits. they worked hard to bring us sam&max, and we should at least know their names.
    Good old ALT+F4
    people wanna see the "last scene". it's worth the credits usually..
    "The president or the USA!"
  • edited February 2008
    In movies you rent or buy you can fast forward to the end-scene.

    And yes they work hard to give us Sam&Max and i work hard to afford to buy the game.

    People who would read the credits will read them anyway, people who wont will eiter be annoyed at having to ALT-F4 to exit the program or they will be annoyed at having to stick around just to see the 10 second end movie.

    I never understood why there was ever a need to needlessly annoy the paying customer. :(
  • edited February 2008
    Because they're out to get you.
  • edited February 2008
    tobar wrote: »
    Because they're out to get you.
    T.H.E.M.?! :eek:

    But yeah, I'm one of the few people who seem to actually want to look at credits, to see who worked on something I enjoy.
  • edited February 2008
    Haggis wrote: »
    T.H.E.M.?! :eek:

    But yeah, I'm one of the few people who seem to actually want to look at credits, to see who worked on something I enjoy.

    its the same with me and i also do it with albums including the thank you sections
  • edited February 2008
    patters wrote: »
    its the same with me and i also do it with albums including the thank you sections

    That I agree with you. I think the issue is we see the same credits every episode so theres nothing much to see..
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    So, just for what it's worth, it has been duly noted that some people would like to skip credit sequences. I don't know if that sort of thing will get introduced this season (since 204 is pretty much on its way out the door, and it would be kind of silly to start that sort fo thing in the season finale), but your input has been noted for future reference! Honest!
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    So, just for what it's worth, it has been duly noted that some people would like to skip credit sequences. I don't know if that sort of thing will get introduced this season (since 204 is pretty much on its way out the door, and it would be kind of silly to start that sort fo thing in the season finale), but your input has been noted for future reference! Honest!

    I will see what i can do about postponing those frothing masses then. Honest! :D
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