Can't access My Games and Setting, redirects to Forgot Password page

edited March 2013 in Site Support
as it says in the title I can't access My Games and the Setting page. When trying to load I get redirected to the Forgot Password page as you can see in this screenshot:
(notice the URL)

System info:
  • Win 7 64bit (all new updates)
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
  • Firefox 19.0.2
      Addons that might be relevant:
    • Adblock Plus 2.2.3
    • BetterPrivacy 1.68
    • Ghostery 2.9.3
    • HTTPS-Everywhere 3.1.4

Disabling those addons did nothing and 1st party cookies get accepted.

I don't know what to do, I just want to play Sam & Max again. :(
Is anyone able to help?

Edit: The same happens when completing a purchase and coming back from PayPal. Judging from the URL it's supposed to be some kind of confirmation page, but again I just get greeted by the Forgot Password prompt.


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2013
    Is this username (o03o) the account you purchased your games on? Can you try accessing instead?
  • edited March 2013
    Yes, it is and yes, I now can even through the top right link of the navigation bar.
    The issue seems to be solved, but I can't really tell if it was on my end or not.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2013
    Strange. Glad it works now, thanks for confirming!
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