Season one credits song

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max

I finished season one a few weeks ago and have been wondering what the lyrics are to the song. My internet search only revealed that it was called "World of Max" Anyone have the lyrics somewhere?


  • edited February 2008
    Here ya go :D
    Jake wrote: »
    World of Max
    lyrics by Dave Grossman
    performed by Jared Emerson-Johnson

    Stick a fork in, open wide
    Everyone is Max inside
    Full of colorful guts and habits
    Cryptic world of cryptic rabbits

    Underutilized impulse control
    Rabid rampant junk food black hole
    Loopy cravings, rigamarole
    Feel his giant feet right in your soul

    Mania, Sloth, Irreverence, Excess
    Gluttony, Revelry, Violence and Selfishness
    Flags of pure unfettered Id brashly unfurled...
    It's a Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max world!

    Everyone's a sandwich of naivety and cynicism
    Everyone's a salad of disint'rested fanaticism
    Everyone's a walking beaker of potential cataclysm
    Everyone's refracted through a protoplasm prism

    Stick a spork in, deep inside
    Everyone is Maxified
    By hypnosis or by nature
    What's the difference? Just nomenclature.

    Shake your friend's adorable paws
    Careful of his powerful biting jaws
    We're a mix of cop and felon
    Wearing heads like ripened watermelons

    Mania, Sloth, Irreverence, Excess
    Gluttony, Revelry, Violence, Selfishness
    Flags of pure unfettered Id brashly unfurled...
    It's a Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max world!

    Reality is tenuously tied up at a sagging wharf
    Morality in motion like a squirmy burlap bag of dwarfs
    Formality's impossible when all of us are lagomorphs
    Lagomorph? Lagomorph. What the heck's a lagomorph?
    It's kind of like a rodent but for minor technicalities

    And so are you and I and every major nationality
    We're garrulously social anti-social personalities
    A conscience is a curiously useless abnormality
    A useless abnormality, a useless abnormality
    A growth, of sorts. A growth of sorts. Of course! Of course! We're lagomorphs!

    Unmitigated unreserved unquestionable excess
    Larkiness, snarkiness, sharkiness, and selfishness
    Flags of pure unfettered Id brashly unfurled...
    It's a Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max world!

    Oh yeah!

    Btw, welcome to the forums Puffie40 :)
  • edited February 2008
    Btw, welcome to the forums Puffie40
    Thanks. I'll be around now and then! :D
    Thanks for the lyrics, too.
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