What do you think of the recurring characters?

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
Telltale has assembled quite a large cast of recurring characters by now. I'd really like to know what people think of them. Who are the favourites, who are the most annoying? This may also give some feedback to the developers.

I apologize if this thread has been done before, I couldn't find anything on the last few pages.

So, characters I like:

- Sybil. It's like the concept of "tragic relieve" - even in a comedy you need to have a few serious scenes in order to accentuate the humor and to provide a change in pace. I like Sybil because she is relatively normal. In all the crazyness of the world of Sam & Max, it's nice to have someone with whom you can have a regular chat. She also seems to be a nice person and is kind to Sam & Max.
- Bosco. I don't find his paranoia or his disguises very funny on their own, but he did provide many hilarious bits of dialogue.
- Flint Paper. Unbelievable cool, although he was out of form in 203.
- Superball. Even more deadpan than Sam, just great.
- Stinky. I just love it when Sam & Max joke about her having killed the real Stinky. They don't seem to care at all.
- Jimmy Two-Teeth. Cute, and his son was awesome.
- The Bug. Quite funny, and he can provide clever puzzles.
- The C.O.P.S. Especially the arcade machine.

Characters I don't like:

- The Soda Poppers. That they are supposed to be annoying doesn't really make it better.
- Mr. Featherly, Abe Lincoln, Harry Moleman. Just not that funny, and they are often unfriendly towards Sam & Max and by extension the player.
- The Frankenstein Monster. A candidate for a few recurring appearences. Seemed a bit bland.

My favourite character is probably Flint, my least favourite are the Soda Poppers.

What do you think?


  • edited February 2008
    I love most of TellTale's recurring characters, but I must admit I do cringe a little whenever I see Harry Moleman.
    He tried to kill Sam and Max. Why are they engaging in polite conversation? It makes no sense!

    Harry was funny in episode 203, though.
    Maybe his attempts on their lives were so pathetic Sam and Max forgave him?

    Bosco is probably my favourite. He has a nice mix of Mr. T and Barret Wallace, yet still with his only paranoid twist.
    I love Superball too, even if he's only ever in the player's way.
  • edited February 2008
    I love the C.O.P.S., after Sam & Max themselves I think they're the funniest characters in the games.
  • edited February 2008
    I personally don't like all the recurring characters. I know everyone liked seeing Superball, Mr. Featherly and Harry again, but I really wish they were just kept to their own episode. It's really tiring having to meet the same characters over and over again, when I'd much prefer just to have fresh, unique characters for each episode. I'm also slightly bored of Abe and Sybil.

    Never Bosco though. That man is a genius.
  • edited February 2008
    well, there are characters I really love like the C.O.P.s, Flint, Bosco...
    I don't really like Sybil or Abe, not the Soda Poppers and most characters from season 1 (like the chiken).
    Season 2 characters are MUCH better, like Jurgen, ya, Jurgen is much bettar...
    characters with plot importance like Bosco and Stinky are great. Support "old" characters like Sybil and Abe, which are quiet annoying, should take a rest.
  • edited February 2008
    I mainly enjoy the presence of the recurring characters, in particular Sybil, Bosco, Flint, Superball, the C.O.P.S and the Soda Poppers (yes, I like them, mainly because they're fun to mess with :p).

    Stinky and Featherly, however, are a different story. Their somewhat snobbish attitudes make them the only two characters that actually made me grumble in angst during gameplay; I just always get the urge to pull out Sam's gun and shoot at them, even though I well know Sam would just respond with some witty comment of refusal.

    Most favorite: a tie between Bosco, Superball, and Buster Blaster (the arcade machine from the C.O.P.S).

    Least favorite: a tie between Stinky and Featherly, though I'll admit Featherly is coming VERY close to having that honor alone, since Stinky, despite her annoyance, is actually helpful at some points.
  • edited February 2008
    personally my favourite are superball, bosco, flint and Leonard (ok he doesn't have lines but I like him)
  • jmmjmm
    edited February 2008
    Hans Moleman, 'nuff said. :D

    Top Ten:
    Support       Current       Old Position
    Character    Ranking       (Episode 202)
    Superball        1              (1)
    Bosco            2              (2)
    Flint              3              (5)
    Bluster B.       4              (3)
    Stinky           5               (8)
    The Bug        6               (4)
    Jimmy           7               (7)
    Sybil             8               (9)
    The Director   9               (-)
    Commisioner 10 (-)
  • edited February 2008
    Flint Paper is really the only character I don't mind seeing more often. I wish he had something more interesting and exiting going on though. Flint hanging around at Stinky's just doesn't seem right imo. :)
    The Bug is decent, but I kind of think of him as an item, not a character. Having him around feels a bit forced.

    Superball is actually quite tolerable, too. So is Jimmy Two-Teeth.
    Bosco is alright, but his jokes and paranoia have gotten old.

    Characters I really, really, really want never to see again are:
    C.O.P.S. - decent jokes, but the voices are way too annoying to be funny.
    Soda Poppers - horrible, horrible voices. Makes me cringe each time I see them.
    Abe - I hate the model ... a talking marble head just appearing in places isn't funny at all. Too off-beat for me.

    Characters that could be alright but are boring:
    Sybil - could use more spunk, something to make the character more colorful (not necessarily off-beat or wacky). She's so bland and uninteresting now.
    Stinky - Never really has had anything interesting to say or do.
  • edited February 2008
    I really like Sybil. I actually kinda felt bad for leading her on like that in 104.
    Superball and Flint Paper are awesome. I wanna see a team-up.
    The Bug needs more screen time. A lot more.
    C.O.P.S *snicker* I give my 8-bit love.
    Hate List:
    The Soda Poppers-I audibly groan every time they show up. I don't suppose I could pay extra for new episodes that don't have them?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    They're in 3 episodes last year and were only in the first episode this year... People think we use them all the time, it's so weird. There are probably other 'secondary' returning characters who have had more episodes than the Poppers. Just goes to show you!
  • edited February 2008
    okay heres my thoughts...

    Sybil - I really liked Sybil last year, one of my favorite characters. I think her character works when she is put in ridiculous situations. This season I think her character has fallen a bit flat.. Just not very interesting

    Bosco - This is one character I think who has improved from season 1 to 2. I really like Bosco and his heightened sense of danger and conspiracy theories. The voice actor who does Bosco is doing a great job too

    Flint Paper - Well I love Flint Paper, I think they have actually nailed the voice of this character and he looks great in 3d. Just waiting fo him to have more to do.

    Superball - Superball is actually one of my fav recurring characters! I don't know what it is, but the deadpan delivery just cracks me up everytime. I always look forward to him blocking an entrance hah

    Stinky - I'm not sure I have an opinion on Stinky just waiting to see where the character goes. She hasn't really done much so far to be honest.

    Jimmy Two-Teeth - They've used this character well, always very funny/

    The Bug - I liked the bug can't say I miss him

    The C.O.P.S. - Ehh I dont hate the cops i dont love the cops

    The Soda Poppers
    - Extreme hate for the soda poppers

    Mr. Featherly - I like character, I like the voice actor who plays him, but I don't think he needs to reappear

    Abe Lincoln - I think he has been really disappointing season 2. Hasn't been funny at all.

    Harry Moleman - I really liked him in 103, but now he's not so evil its not as fun.

    The Frankenstein Monster - Really liked this character!

    Good post by the way
  • edited February 2008
    Superball and Flint are probably my favorite recurring characters. Flint just personifies the loose-cannon cop, and Superball does his job well.

    I seriously spent like 3 minutes clicking on the bouncer's name in 203. XD
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    They're in 3 episodes last year and were only in the first episode this year... People think we use them all the time, it's so weird. There are probably other 'secondary' returning characters who have had more episodes than the Poppers. Just goes to show you!

    They are always in the damned games we may as well just rename it to Soda Poppers & Max!!
  • edited February 2008
    Toast60 wrote: »
    I seriously spent like 3 minutes clicking on the bouncer's name in 203. XD

    I did that too. And I clicked on every button of the turntables at least 2 times, just to hear the cheesy sound effects. I seem to be easily amused.

    And yes, it feels like the Soda Poppers appeared more often than they really did. It's quite telling.
  • edited February 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    They're in 3 episodes last year and were only in the first episode this year... People think we use them all the time, it's so weird. There are probably other 'secondary' returning characters who have had more episodes than the Poppers. Just goes to show you!

    Don't forget 106. :p
  • edited February 2008
    Kedri wrote: »
    Don't forget 106. :p

    Wait, the Poppers were in 106? O.o Were they in the end credits? I don't remember them in the actual game.
  • edited February 2008
    Bosco: He's the man, and the fact that we didn't see him in 203 really amps him up for the next time we see him.

    Flint: Great character, probably my favorite, I was loving life when he came storming through the window into the castle and started shooting up the place. Keep him coming!

    Superball: He's a great guy, works well in scenarios such as the dating game. It was nice seeing him out of a bouncer context. He isn't used every episode so it keeps em somewhat fresh.

    Jimmy Two-Teeth: He's a good character to keep around, he's not my favorite, but he definetely works well when he's played.

    C.O.P.s: These guys are great, everyone loves Blaster, but I also really like the movie phone guy. They're awesome and I'm glad they have their own shop going, but it'll soon be time for a break from them or a switch up in their role (or at least different type of minigame)

    Sybil: I understand Sybil is in for the long haul and she's a nice character and all but she is getting pretty boring. For some reason I just find it a drag (not always) when I need to do things involving her.

    Abe: Everyone hates Abe, but I kinda like him. Appearing in random places in the game doesn't always work, but he reminds me of Murray from Monkey Island. It was great always seeing him in different places in the game. I think if Abe received less attention and tried blending into society as a head he could really work well.

    Featherly: He gets the job done, but he shouldn't show up too often if helped.

    Soda Poppers: These guys are fine, they really aren't played that much and I think when used correctly they work well. It was a little forced maybe in 201 but in 104 they worked well with the Dakota war.

    Bug: He was a cool item, but I agree he doesn't really need to be an actual character.

    Stinky: Stinky is fine because I think she'll start playin a bigger role. I'd almost like to see her replace Sybil as the sort of normal girl on the block. I think having both of them doesn't really do it for me.

    All of the characters worked real well in their episodes and are great when they reappear in others. I think it really helps when they have different roles in the next episode instead of the same old thing (such as Flint having a lot of action in 203 instead of just sitting around or Harry Moleman being on a dating show instead of a Mafia Lord). Just keep that diversity! Love em all though :)
  • edited February 2008
    Toast60 wrote: »
    Wait, the Poppers were in 106? O.o Were they in the end credits? I don't remember them in the actual game.

    Yeah, just the end credits.
  • edited February 2008
    Basically I like them all, except Peeper of the Pops because he was simply too obnoxious when we met him first insisting that he were Sybil. First impression counts.

    I think Abe is the most expressively modeled character (apart from our duo), because he is all head.

    Harry Moleman is underutilized: his behavior in 106 hints that he is gay and roots for Sam.

    Apart from Flint and Stinky, there isn't many characters in the 2nd season that have carry-over potential: Santa and his elves won't be back until Telltale makes another Christmas Special; the babies and sea-chimps presumably won't leave Easter Island; the Moais are god-knows where; Jurgan's monster prefers the sleep of unlife than the dark night of existential loneliness.
  • MelMel
    edited February 2008
    I love Jimmy Two Teeth. I never get tired of him. :)
  • edited February 2008
    Here's my thoughts (so far I just finished S2E1):
    * Bosco - initially wasn't the funniest, but now I don't know what I'd do without him. He just got funnier and funnier as S1 went along, with his ripoff prices and ridiculously bad disguises.
    * Superball. - His monotone voice and over-the-top secret service attitude make for some funny dialogue. I'd find him annoying if he weren't so damn funny. I'd definitely LOL if I saw him guarding another door in the future.
    * Jimmy - Definitely an asset, as the stereotypical deadbeat rat. Great chemistry with sam and max.
    * Sybil. - The most "normal" of the bunch, except for her addiction to changing careers and romantic preferences, good to have around for conversation.
    * Soda Poppers. - Actually don't mind them, as long as I get to beat up on them for fun i.e. throwing bad snowballs, making whizzer have to go AGAIN for personal gain. Definitely annoying though.
    * C.O.P.S. - Not bad, their "super advanced" game in S1E6 was pure jokes, fun to have here and there but Reality 2.0 I got enough of them as main characters.
    * The Bug. - When I got used to him talking like a drill sergeant he was alright. Good to have for spying on others, but I find his voice annoying so shouldn't be overused.
    * Lincoln's head - OK enough of him already, he was perfect for his one episode but tough to stretch too far.
    * Myra - Meh, I didn't find her all that funny. Still bland in Reality 2.0. So-So character, should not be used again.
    * Hugh bliss - Interesting and hatable, got better later but not that funny. Could do worse, but will he be back?
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Angultra wrote: »
    * Hugh bliss - Interesting and hatable, got better later but not that funny. Could do worse, but will he be back?

    did you beat season 1?
  • edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    did you beat season 1?

    Yeah, but we saw Myra come back in Reality 2.0. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Hugh Bliss make a cameo, perhaps in an old TV recording or something...this could actually be pretty funny in the right situation (partly because Sam and Max hate him so much!)
  • jmmjmm
    edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    did you beat season 1?

    Hey Nick, are we certain that
    all the bacteria was destroyed?. I'm asking because I fell the germs are regrouping (do not confuse with a lame excuse to avoid work)

    I also heard that a certain Hugh Bliss is working for the National Patient Safety Association!

    S&M III, Episode II: The Wrath Of Bliss (I heard Ricardo Moltanban is available and if you carbon date him, he's close to Burnt Sienna)
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    I also heard that a certain Hugh Bliss is working for the National Patient Safety Association! [/spoiler]

    haha where'd you hear that?
  • edited February 2008
  • edited February 2008
    Blehboy wrote: »
    Flint: Great character, probably my favorite, I was loving life when he came storming through the window into the castle and started shooting up the place. Keep him coming!

    I think I have to complete 203 then. :)
  • edited February 2008
    Love most of the characters, top 2 must be Bosco and COPS. They really crack me up (sorely missed Bosco last episode). I even enjoy the Soda Poppers mainly because they are so annoying and you can mess with them - the Dakota war was hilarious.

    Really don't like Sybil (never liked her) and the whole Sybil/Abe thing is getting really tiring. After the breakup I was hoping that's it for Abe (please get rid of him!). I did enjoy Sybil as Canadian Queen and in the last episode looking for a new date though. As shame she and Harry Moleman never got together!

  • edited February 2008
    To me the recurring characters and locations give a feeling of unity throughout the series. It almost gives me the sense of a superstory, tying the seperate episodes together.
    So I think it's damn good to have recurring characters, especially when they pop-up unexpectedly.
    But for a recurring character to be interesting I think several points could apply:
    1. A recurring character should have some good reason for being in the game, plotwise (Flint) or puzzlewise (COPS).
    2. A recurring character has to be very funny, if it's just there for no apparant reason (Superball).
    3. A recurring character has to show interesting developments throughout the episodes (Jimmy Two-Teeth, Bosco)

    I am curious as to where the Stinky plotline is going, as well as Sybil's.
    Are they crucial to the overall story or just sideplots to enrich the world of Sam & Max?

    And what's with the Birthday man?

    Question, questions, and no answers!
    DAMN YOU SAM & MAX!!!!!!!!
  • edited February 2008
    Smollie wrote: »
    2. A recurring character has to be very funny, if it's just there for no apparant reason (Superball).

    What do you mean? He's there go guard the door!

    Bosco – I really like Bosco's paranoia, I always find that some of the lines asking what he has for sale are among the best of an episode! And it's TRUE, that's the best part.
    Superball. - For whatever reason, I'm always happy to see Superball guarding the door. His monotone delivery just cracks me up. I really liked the lightning effect when you said his name in 203, too. Wish he'd do another song, that'd be good.
    Jimmy – Eh, he's ok I guess. Never thought of him as a character I'd want to see again.
    Sybil. - Liked going into her shop in Season 1, “How are things in the world of frequent random career re-assessment?” But not working for me in Season 2 with the whole dating Lincoln's Head thing, just too weird (and I like weird, so that's saying something).
    Soda Poppers. - Really good in Abe Lincoln Must Die, but otherwise I find them kind of annoying.
    C.O.P.S. - My favorite characters. I must've had them do the song in 105 like 10 times even though Max kept getting annoyed. I just wish they'd get Bluster (None of Your Business) Blaster working again.
    The Bug. - More of an item than a character.
    Lincoln's head – Giant Robo-Lincoln was good, his head I haven't found to be so great except when he was mackin on the Moai, that was brilliant.
    Myra – Didn't like her in the first episode she was in, nor any others. Just too obnoxious.
    Hugh Bliss – I always enjoy asking Hugh Bliss to do a magic trick even though I find his voice a bit annoying.
    Stinky – Hasn't seemed like much so far, maybe she's more involved in future episodes? Not enough material there yet for me to get a read.
    Harry Moleman – I really like him since he's left the Toy Mafia. Especially the mystery dating thing in 203 was funny.
    Flint Paper – Am I missing something? I don't see why everyone likes him so much. Maybe I'm too new to Sam & Max to know about him or something?
    Mr. Featherly – Annoying and wouldn't mind not seeing him again.
    The Director – Still up in the air on this character.
  • edited February 2008
    Personally I tend to like the non-human characters more for some reason. The human ones are all a little too normal and don't feel like they entirely belong as recurring characters in the world of Sam & Max. When I first started playing Bosco and Sybil were my least favorite characters because of this and because they appeared as integral parts of every episode. Anyway...

    C.O.P.S. (I hope Bluster Buster is back in form next episode)
    The Bug (only problem with him is you're too tempted to use him on everybody, I liked him as a non-inventory item)
    Jimmy (I wish he was used more often than say Sybil or Bosco)
    Mr. Spatula (the most developed character, from pet to VP to villain to ghost priest to stalactite VP/pet)
    Flint Paper (a human, but he works since he's larger than life)

    Bosco (Started one note, but sometime he delivers the funny)
    Lincoln's head (I liked the relationship with Sybil storyline, but it's spinning its wheels now)
    Superball (Nice name, but that's it.)
    Stinky (started boring but I like the her killing the original Stinky storyline)
    Whizzer (I liked the Soda Poppers theme song...)

    The other two Soda Poppers (...but they're just annoying)
    Sybil (except for the dating Lincoln storyline, I always find her a little flat)

    Other characters I didn't consider because they haven't appeared often enough or had enough screen time when they did. Hugh Bliss doesn't count cause he was the villain, but he'd be in the "acceptable" category.
  • edited February 2008
    Flint, Bosco and Buster Blaster are at the top of my list. Though, Blaster's new voice isn't doing it for me as much. I understand the change was the result of voice causing troubles for the voice actor?

    Sybil I enjoyed for awhile, but I think I'm getting a little tired of her now. Having her as the Queen of Canada was her highest point, in my opinion.

    Superball I never get tired of and never will.

    With all that said, I really, really, REALLY wish I never have to see the Soda Poppers again. I've re-played episode 201 a few times and every time, I just walk right by them without talking to them. Part of me kind of wished they were zombified in episode 203 just so I could shoot them.
  • edited February 2008
    Jared (the wonderful composer) does all of the COPS voices - and I figured Curt and Bluster Blaster were obviously electronically treated after he records them... surely it can't be *too* demanding on his vocal chords...?
  • edited February 2008
    Classic Bluster Blaster is just Jared shouting at the top of his lungs. Try doing that for a while and see what happens :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    Jared (the wonderful composer) does all of the COPS voices - and I figured Curt and Bluster Blaster were obviously electronically treated after he records them... surely it can't be *too* demanding on his vocal chords...?

    Surely. Except, it actually was, since for the Bluster Blaster voice he is actually yelling those lines at the top of his lungs, and had to lay off for a bit because it was screwing up his voice and he frequently does theater and opera and stuff.
  • edited February 2008
    You cruel bastards! Look what you did to Jared :eek: The man should be wrapped in cotton wool the way he keeps churning out music highlight after music highlight
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